My Space Door

Chapter 205: Angel suicide

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Wu Fan was also anxious at this time. When these demons and royals transformed, their strength increased by almost a third. The elders who had just been able to compete with them were now stepped down by them at this time. Then, if you retreat, the other party can attack the bright lady in the sky. Please everyone search () to see the most complete! The fastest novel ◇ ↓,

Wu Fan shot at this time, and a holy light rose from his hand. In this battlefield full of holy light, no one noticed his move. He was just a holy demon, and everyone didn't let him go. In his eyes, if he was a faster holy wizard, there would be no powerful magic.

The magic of "Divine Punishment" Wu Fan was released, and it was a group attack mode. The demons didn't take it at all. They did not fight the Holy See once or twice. An eighth-level magic had not given him the qualification to concede, so The sword-swinging is still the sword-swinging, and the magic-releasing should continue to release the magic. When the "God Punishment" fell on them, the thirty demons and royals roared in unison, and their bodies were thick black. Cigarettes are really painful. How could the punishment be so powerful?

The elders showed surprise expressions, seized the fighters and killed the demons and royals. This was a good opportunity.

This attack made Wu Fan a little disappointed. The divine punishment did not make the demons and royal families have no power to fight back. It only caused them pain and reduced their fighting power. It seemed that the fighting power that had been raised after they were transformed could be reduced. , Restored to the original level, well, it is a good attack magic.

The demons and royals hated Wu Fan at this time. His magical effect is really not as simple as it seems. The demons and royals feel extremely painful body every time they move. If they do n’t have a firm belief, They will surely calm down and expel the Holy Light that has penetrated into their bodies. In their eyes. Wu Fan is the kind of insidious villain hiding in the dark and throwing dark arrows, it really hurts! They may not hate the people of the Holy See so much, they hate such villains as Wu Fan!

Wu Fan didn't know what they thought, uh, just knew that he wouldn't care. His idea is to continue to hide behind the elders and put magic on him. He is positioning himself as a magician, not a paladin who fights brightly, and does not need to fight the demons directly.

The demons and royals are in great pain. It is okay. Wu Fan must be killed without losing his mind. Otherwise, I don't know if these elders will help him to stop him. However, after seeing his magic hurt the demons and royals greatly, Wu Fan no longer used range attacks to magic. Divine punishment or divine punishment, just identify a demon attack, you can kill one is one.

Just let Wu Fan be disappointed again, just now the Demon Royals didn't take precautions. His magic punished them all at once. At this time, the opponent had prepared. His magic punished one person against the other, and they let the other's dark defenses defend. Living. This is the first time that God's punishment has been defended. What kind of defense magic is this?

While Wu Fan was surprised, the other party was also surprised. What he just defended against Wu Fan ’s magical punishment was a defensive treasure he had obtained in the demon world. This treasure possessed the will of the heavens and earth in the magic world. His defense treasure is a little weaker, which is something he has never encountered before.


A demonic royal smashed a dark spirit bead. He couldn't bear the pain, he wanted to recover, but didn't want to retreat into the dark smoke behind him.

Dark spirit beads formed a dark smoke that enveloped the injured Demon Royal Family, allowing them to recover quickly, and the Light Elders opposite them were once again forced to retreat. This time it was not the credit of their offense, but the dark smoke that made the light elders not want to be stained with darkness, and the result brightened their eyes.

The restored demons and royals rushed over again, and the elders had no retreat, but at this time a demonic smashed a dark spirit bead again, and immediately enveloped all the elders.

Wu Fan was standing on the edge of the dark smoke. He knew that the elders could easily withdraw if they retreated, but Meilan was behind them. They could not retreat, even if it was shrouded by the dark smoke, which made him admire they.

He can't do anything about it. He is just a sacred magic guide of the light department, which can't help them too much. If it is really invincible, he will take Mei Lan to teleport away, wanting to come to these demons can't stop him. As for the King Kong robot, he will not take it out when he is not in danger. It is not good for him to help the Holy See. He has no good opinion of the Holy See. If it was not for Merlin, he would not come here. Er, at the most, when you leave, save the Laozhang people together. Besides, this is the old nest of the Holy See. He does not believe that the Holy See only has such strength. I am afraid that these demons and dark churches may not be so easy to destroy the Holy See. Moreover, even if it is not possible, return to the Holy Holy. On the mountain, these demons can only watch, and the countless angels on it can destroy them all.

Seems to know what Wu Fan thought, the elder in the dark smoke sang "Angel Call!"

With the first, there will be the second, the third ...

The angel summoning is only a level nine magic. Wu Fan has also learned this magic. The angels he summoned seem to be futile, and the combat power is much worse than himself.

The angels summoned by the elders came out, and once they came out, they drove the demons back and rescued the elders. The fighting power was very amazing. At least there was the strength after the demons of the royal clan transformed, so powerful? This puzzles Wu Fan a little bit. Is there any secret to summoning the angels?

The elders, angels, and demons fought in the dark smoke. Because there was dark smoke, people outside could not see clearly. Wu Fan suddenly expanded his eyes because he saw that not only the elders summoned the angels, the demons opposite They also called out angels, but the angels summoned by the elders were holy and bright, and the angels summoned by the demons were dark and invisible in the dark smoke, but he was sure that this was definitely an angel, uh, It should be said that it is a dark angel.

The dark smoke dissipated a lot during the war. Wu Fan finally saw the fighting inside, and also saw what the angels on the two sides looked like. Their angels were different from the angels summoned by Wu Fan. Wu Fan summoned them. Angel is only composed of bright energy. It is driven by bright energy. Its combat power is much lower than his own strength. The angels summoned by the elders' demons are made by the intermediate universal manufacturing center he saw on the Holy Mount of Light. Angels are artificial angels, perhaps bound by the rules of heaven and earth. They do not have the full strength of angels on the holy mountain, but because the rules of heaven and earth have weakened in the Holy Spirit array, the strength of angels also has strength that has just entered the level of Yin God. Such strength is quite scary, Zhinao told Wu Fan that he can fight at least three King Kong robots.

"There is such a powerful summoning angel that he doesn't start to take it out? These people's brains are sick!" Now that they are in the stalemate stage, Wu Fan doesn't have to worry about them, just keep watching the fun behind.

Seeing the lively Wu Fan arrived, he also saw the famous hall. The method used by these people to summon angels was different from the angels he summoned. Well, actually, it was not Wu Fan who saw it, but Zhinao told him, and Zhinao told him. These angels summoned are not magically summoned, but artificial angels they bring with them, but now, angels are driven by magic, love the rules of heaven and earth, and are affected by the Holy Spirit and dark smoke. The fighting strength of the angels on both sides was actually the same, and almost they could only play 30% of their strength.

The number of dark and light angels is also equal. Although the elders are less, the ones who reach the level of gods have light angels. They also summoned angels to help.

The elders stood in the dark smoke against the guardian of God, and did not step back. For a short time, the dark smoke had little effect on them. The demons had headaches at this time. These elders actually had angels and could not continue this way. It's been almost ten minutes, and this bright goddess is about to come. I'm really desperate! Otherwise, there is only one death.

I saw a dark angel suddenly hug a bright tomorrow and bumped into the position of the elder bright, and then blasted with a blast, followed by a blast again, and the blast was also detonated.

I have to say that the guardian of God is quite strong. The dark angel and the explosion of the light angel, just killed an elder. With the dark angel of the demons taking the lead, the light elder has also been cleared out, and the light angel and the darkness are holding the darkness The angel rushed to the demons and exploded ...

‘Boom’ followed by ~ ~ The dark smoke formed by the dark spirit beads was blown up, and where they were fighting, a huge hole was blown out.

Five elders were killed, and only two or three of the remaining fifteen had combat effectiveness. The others fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness. The demons did not know if they were more powerful. Only one died, and three They are all disabled, the others are scarred, but they have the ability to continue fighting.

Fortunately, the monks stood a little behind and were not injured. At this time, they were helping to heal the injured elders. The healing method in the light law was famous, and they could restore their combat power in a short time. However, the demons knew this situation, and did not wait for their healing to be performed before launching an attack again.

Wu Fan shot at this time. Just now the demons have not been damaged and can easily block his divine light punishment. Now that they have been fighting for so long, I wonder if they can block his divine punishment again?

Wu Fan didn't stand far. He had been standing in a relatively safe area just now. No one noticed him. At this moment, his magic immediately caught the attention of both parties. The demons and royal families just ate his saint. The suffering of light **** punishment, at this time in their state, if they eat this light magic, they don't know if they can resist it. (To be continued ...)

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