My Space Door

Chapter 204: Stalemate

The elders and the demons confronted each other, and the pope and others met the people of the dark church. The dark church was all experts. Although the number of the pope was large, they could not take advantage, and temporarily entered a deadlock stage. (Baidu Search Network updates the fastest and most stable) [\\ / \\ / Novel popup update, please search]

The referees have no enemies for the time being, but they are all monks. It is impossible to look at them this way. They decided to help the elders. In any way, the elders need help more than the pope. The elders There are only 20 people participating in the war, but there are 30 demons. Well, there are only 28 people now. Besides, the Pope has a bad relationship with them, so I am afraid to help them.

Indeed, the elders need more help here. The ascetic monks have not yet arrived, and the magic of the ten royal families behind the demons has arrived.

Their magic was very simple. Ten dark **** of light flew over. Although the elders of the Holy See did not know what kind of magic it was, they also knew to be careful not to let it fly over and immediately release the light magic interception.

It was just beyond the expectations of the elders of light. The light beads had strong penetrability, their defensive magic was penetrated, and the ten dark light **** were still flying towards them, but they were a little smaller and became The dark pearls are up.

Someone finally recognized the magic at the tip of their eyes, or this magic is not magic at all, but the dark spirit beads that just exploded. It is just that the demons wrapped the dark spirit beads with a layer of magic. Just their Defense magic only destroys the magical dark element that envelops the dark spirit bead, but the dark spirit bead is not damaged.

When a sword **** saw something wrong, the sword light flickered and was split on a dark spirit bead.

"Touch!", The dark spirit bead was chopped, and it suddenly exploded. Dark smoke formed. The Light Sword God had long been prepared and quickly conceded. It was only his bright sword. Eroded by the breath of darkness, it seemed less holy. There were nine more, no one intercepted, and flew towards the ten elders of the bright law behind. When the ten elders saw the dark spirit beads flying, they didn't know what to do for a while, or they couldn't touch it, otherwise they would be ruined.

Wu Fan has always been behind these elders, and he is now standing on the bright side. But you can't see that the bright side lost too much, otherwise who would help him to block these demons. At this point, he shot. Others were afraid of the erosion of darkness. He wasn't afraid. He came out from behind the elders. His shape was like electricity. Nine unexploded dark light beads disappeared as he passed. He received the **** crystal space, but everything can be transformed, not to mention the dark element of this dark spirit bead. Even the chaos can be transformed, so don't be afraid. Of course, he does n’t know what the dark spirit beads are for now. He wo n’t convert them like this.

Seeing Wu Fan's method, the elders took grateful eyes. They all thought that Wu Fan must have received these dark spirit beads in his space equipment. This is indeed a good idea. Touch it. Since it will not explode, and the space equipment separates the spiritual guidance of those demons, it is impossible to let them detonate with spirit. Just now they were only thinking about interception, but they did not think of this good method. It ’s just a loss of space equipment. Although the space equipment is precious, they can still come out with the Holy See. When the reward is given to the priest, he will be rewarded with an oversized space equipment of at least one hundred cubic meters. .

Fortunately, Wu Fan did not know what these bright elders thought. Otherwise, he will vomit blood, or he will ask if he can change the reward. He has no shortage of space equipment. The worst body is bigger than their ‘super-large’ space equipment.

After receiving these nine dark spirit beads, Wu Fan backed away. Facing the crazy Devil and Royal God-level powerhouse, he didn't dare to think he could beat them, after all, he was a God-level great consummation. He is only a holy class, or the elders of these god-level strongmen to deal with it, he just beat.

At this time, the royal family hated Wu Fan. According to their ideas, the dark elders and bright elders could not intercept it. Then they fell on their heads and detonated, or flew to the bright lady and exploded. That is the best. If they wanted to intercept, they could detonate in time, but did not want Wu Fan to move too fast. They did not respond, they were received in the space equipment, which caused them to lose nine. This dark spirit bead is also a treasure in the demon world. They are only one by one, and they dare not use them any more. They will stay here honestly. When they fight, they will be injured or need to restore the power of darkness. This dark spirit pearl is equivalent to their energy. In addition, the dark spirit beads have a bigger role ...

The Bright Sword God conceded, and a demon royal family came into a piece of flesh and blood. This was the flesh and blood that the two demon families had been chopped into pieces. He lowered his body, picked up two space equipment, and groped for something.

The people of the Holy See despise, this demons are really inhuman, their companions have been chopped into pieces, and now they are still fighting, and they have the mood to collect their relics.

What everyone expected was that this demonic royal family found two dark spirit beads from the space equipment, and then waved their hands, the flesh on the ground condensed into two groups, and a group of dark spirit beads were inserted into the group, facing the one behind them. The dark smoke of the regiment was thrown in. At this time, the talents of the Holy See remembered that it was not that they were inhuman, but that the demons were cunning. They must have done this purpose, and the people in the light camp did not expect that this could increase the strength of the other party. The thing was confiscated.

It's just weird that after the two dark spirit beads and flesh masses were thrown into the dark smoke, it didn't seem to explode. The dark smoke was still so big. What happened? This is not the strangest thing. The strangest thing is that this guy who lost the dark spirit beads throws the space equipment he picked up into the dark smoke. What is he going to do?

Because the matter was quiet on the battlefield for a while, and then the fighting started in the charge of the Demon Royal Family. The people of the Holy See were not anxious, but they were very anxious. Otherwise, they would be finished when the goddess of light came.

Faced with the attack of the Devil and the Royal Family, the Elders of the Bright Group retreated one after another. Who asked the people on their side to distribute the ten guardian rituals of the Bright Goddess.

There are ten bright elders in the guard at this time, and some of them can't sit still. This will not work. They will be captured by the demons. The ten discussed them and left the four elders to guard the bright knights. In addition, The six elders participate in the battle. In this case, the opponent is only two more than them. This is their home field, which is much more beneficial to them. Compared to them, they are stronger than the Devil.

Six **** knights joined in, and the light camp blocked the attacking demons once again, and the battle entered a stalemate phase, but just at this moment, in the dark smoke, suddenly rushed out of the two demons and royals again, standing in front of A bright sword **** was accidentally attacked by the two demons that rushed out, plus his opponent, which was equivalent to a one-on-three, was instantly broken through the defense and hacked to death on the spot.

Suddenly, there were three demons without their opponents. They immediately attacked and killed the nearest bright elder. The elder was so frightened that he could still deal with one demons, plus three. Didn't this kill him? ?

Fortunately, the other elders had rich experience, and three elders immediately came to reinforce them.

The elders changed formation for a while, and temporarily held the line of defense, so everyone thought about it, but where did the two demons come from? Someone exclaimed: "They are the demons who were just killed, they are resurrected!"


The elders were shocked, wasn't resurrection the only housekeeping skill of the Holy See? Although there are not many people who can resurrect, and the conditions for resurrection are also harsh, but this is a fact. How can the demons resurrect?

Wu Fan was also the first to hear that the demons could be resurrected. Although he did n’t understand how they were resurrected, but thinking of the strange action that the dark spirit beads were thrown into the dark smoke just now, he wanted to resurrect the demons with the dark spirit beads.

Wu Fan was also thinking of resurrecting the killed elder at this time, but the place where the elder was cut into pieces has been occupied by the demons at this time, and his flesh was also trampled under his feet, which is his Holy Resurrection ability. A group of minced meat was resurrected, but even when resurrected, it will be chopped into pieces by the demons before it is restored.

At this time, a lot of monks in the tribunal also arrived ~ ~ Although they are not as powerful as the Devil, one to one, two to one will not work, but three to one, or four to one, they still have the ability to contain Those who live with each other do not want to kill the demons, as long as they can restrain them, which gives them a lot of room to play, and the demons let them do such a headache.

These ascetic monks are devout devotees to the goddess of light. They are not afraid of killing one or two of them. It has little effect on the strength of the light camp, but if they catch loopholes and get entangled by them, it is against the demon. The clan was a huge blow, and their entanglement was their failure.

"Ah!" A demon royal crow roared, his blood soared, and his slender body soared into a three-meter monster. Well, how is this so familiar? Isn't this the image of a demon? This is what they really look like.

After a demonic royal family transformed, successive one after another, all the demonic royal families were transformed. Only ten demonic royal families still maintained their original form.

After the transformation, their power was stronger and faster. Several elders were seriously injured and healed by the bright priest behind them, but they also temporarily lost their combat power. It took a while to calm down. The monks were hacked to death. (To be continued.)

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