My Space Door

Chapter 206: Goddess advent

The demons and royal families smashed through the formations of the elders and monks, but did not continue to attack them, but rushed towards Wu Fan who was releasing magic. They did not want to eat the bitterness just now, so they had to kill it first. Wu Fan, or just interfere with his magic.

It's just that Wu Fan's speed of releasing magic is too fast. When they just passed through the formation of the elders and the monks, countless light in the sky accurately fell on their heads. Wu Fan could easily grasp this when he was a magician. Divine punishment, at this time, the Holy Demon was guided, and it was faster and easier to use. The early demons and royals released magic in one step.

"Ah ..." A painful scream rang out, and several of them were immediately invaded by the Holy Light, and their bodies were motionless.

The people in the Light Camp were terrified to hear the screams of infiltration, and some wondered if this light element was so terrifying? Why haven't you heard of it before? Only a few elders seemed to understand and looked at Wu Fan a bit differently. Of course, their movements were not slow. Several imperial and imperial royal families became dead in their hands.

The first few seem to be more powerful. They can endure the punishment of the Holy Light and can move. The speed rushed to Wu Fan's side. The big sword 'brushed' across Wu Fan's body, and Wu Everyone is so scared that they ca n’t move. Well, even if they can move, they have confidence. After being approached by the sword god, a holy magician has only a dead end. If they understand Mandarin Chinese, they will confidently say 'Near At your fingertips, people are doing their best. '

"Don't!" The elders and monks who came back to God saw Wu Fan being stabbed, and they all felt pain and helplessness, but I just hope that he can be resurrected after the war. Such an excellent young pastor is definitely the pope of light The best candidate! As for the current pope, they were too disappointed. This is the so-called fighting together. It feels deeper. Compared to them, Wu Fan's credit is greater than that of the Pope. The Pope fights with the people of the Dark Church next to him. They don't see it. There was no time to watch, a magic of Wu Fan saved all of them. Er, even if you can't become the next pope, you can become a pillar of the Holy See! They owe a great deal of affection to Wu Fan.

Is this really the case? When the Great Swords of the Demons and Royal Clan split across Wu Fan's body. They felt wrong and had no resistance at all. Although they knew that their sword was very sharp, they still felt when they split people in half, and experience told them that it was bad! No one hacked. It is only the afterimage that can be cut. Is this holy magician or a warrior incapable of success? But even warriors can't just split the shadows behind them. Are they the most powerful god-level strong? This holy magician cannot exceed their melee strength.

At this time, Wu Fan was also startled. The fighting just was too fierce and too close to him. Such a fierce battle directly affected this space. The space was full of light and dark energy, and almost all other elements were driven away. Off, when he just teleported. He almost lost control of the space energy. Fortunately, he did n’t control the laws of space, so he did n’t start the teleportation. At that time, he could feel the dark breath on the other side ’s sword. It was really terrible at that time. Play, you have to kill your life if you are not careful!

Wu Fan was stopping near Mei Lan in mid-air at this time, and did not dare to get too close. The four elders who guarded her almost attacked him when he saw his teleportation appear. It became clear later that although he did not attack him, he was not allowed to approach, for fear that he would disturb the ritual of the goddess of light.

Just then. Wu Fan felt a powerful breath that fell from the sky. Is this the will of the world? what happened? Too late to think, Wu Fan felt that his control of various elements was out of control all of a sudden, fell from space, and suddenly a gentle force supported him, and fell gently to the ground.

"Goddess of Light!" Zhen Tian's voice sounded. With infinite worship in the voice!

Wu Fan looked into the sky. At this moment, the elders who had just guarded fell to the ground. At this moment, they were all kneeling on the ground. There seemed to be only themselves on the ground. Er, and the demons and the dark church were still standing, but None of them dared to move at this time, but just stared at the goddess of light in the sky. They were mad again. In front of the goddess of light, they did not have a little pride.

Wu Fan didn't pay attention to the Demons and the Dark Church at this time, but looked at his own woman Mei Lan in the sky. Wu Fan's thoughts at this time were a little complicated. Is this radiant woman in the sky his own woman? Or the goddess of light?

The goddess of light stood in the void, frowned, feeling the rules of the sky, a little uncomfortable, and asked coldly, "Why am I here? Is it because of these heretics?"

"Yes, goddess!" The elder said respectfully.

The goddess carefully looked at the demons and the dark believers at this time, and snorted, "The demons actually appear in the magic world, so you don't have to go back."

After saying that, with a wave of hands, the demons and royals who were still very powerful turned into flying ash, and there was no chance of asking for mercy. As for the people in the dark church, the goddess didn't bother to look at it. Dozens of dark believers flew out and disappeared into the sky! I don't know what it will be like.

At this moment, Wu Fan was in a mess. Is this God? Her strength is so powerful

There is no trace of resistance, um, she has too strong control over the rules, and it is beyond Wu Fan's imagination.

Wu Fan can feel that she just shot and used only a little magic power, that is, the level of magic power that Wu Fan exerts a standard nine-level magic, but under the use of her powerful rules, this magic power exerts great power Beyond his imagination.

Just two times just now, Wu Fan's feelings are very deep, and the rules he sees in his mind are constantly applied. He used to think that he has learned a lot of rules, whether it is light or space, he is the best among magicians. Or, he hasn't met anyone stronger than his rules, and at this time he knows that he just learned these rules. As for how to apply them and how to control them, he has n’t started yet. Light-level magic, or Mengqiang can be regarded as just getting started.

Just watching the goddess of light performing two magics, Wu Fan entered into the enlightenment. With the enlightenment, his breath also strengthened.

The goddess of light was in control of the entire space at this time. Wu Fan's changes could not escape her induction. She was a little surprised and gave him an admiration. The rule that Wu Fan realized at this time was the light rule that she had just used. She knows why Wu Fan suddenly came to comprehension. She can see people who have been comprehended by the use of two small magics. She is very savvy. Wu Fan wears a bright priest's robe and has a bright breath on her body. A genius emerged from her Holy See. After her appearance, Wu Fan has been standing without kneeling her, and she didn't care, thinking that he had some feelings, and forgot to kneel her goddess. If she knew the true situation of Wu Fan, I would not be so happy Already.

There is a time limit for the arrival of the goddess. The longer the advent, the greater the cost, so at this time, the goddess of light needs to quickly deal with the things that need to be dealt with, and can't waste time. She no longer cares about Wu Fan's affairs.

"Bacques and others blasphemed the gods, and read that they have made great contributions to the Holy See. They punished Bacchus for 100 years in the Baptistry ..." The goddess of light uttered a punishment, and with one stroke, Bacchus' soul was drawn out, and everyone was shocked This soul-washing pool is not in the Holy Mount of Light. It is said that it is in the heaven of the goddess of light. If a believer who has made a serious mistake but is a strong believer will punish the soul by throwing it into the soul-washing pool, and washing away the unclean mind, Let them forget everything in the past, leave only the loyalty to the goddess of light, and then start again. It is said that after coming out of the washing pool, the soul will become the Holy Spirit. This is some people who have great achievements and great achievements in some teachings. Reward and punishment. Some ordinary believers are not qualified to enter the pool.

The goddess of light seemed to find something at this time, looking in the direction of the bright area, with a surprised expression on her face, beckoned again, and hundreds of holy spirits were attracted to her. After confirming that she was right, a satisfied expression appeared on her face, smiling. Say: "My loyal believers, you are now semi-holy spirits, and the spirit bodies are still unstable. I need to take you into the baptismal pool to stabilize your spirit bodies. Will you?"

The shadows that had been kneeling at this time were all excited to straighten their heads and agreed. Most of them were just the Holy Spirit that ordinary people became, and they could not use their spiritual power. At this time, they became the Holy Spirit and could not speak. They could only use this. Ways to express their excitement and their meaning. For a fanatic, becoming the Holy Spirit is their highest pursuit, and it is their greatest honor to follow the goddess.

In addition to brainwashing, the soulwashing pool also has the energy to stabilize the spiritual body. For those believers who want to become the Holy Spirit, it is the best choice ~ ~ In short, they will not care about brainwashing. No more brainwashing!

"Okay, let's do this, you take care of the rest!" The goddess of light finished, the light on her body was full, and it exploded, and then there was a holy light rain from the sky ...

Within the city of the Holy Light, all the injured people were drenched by the light, and the injuries were immediately healed, as well as the dead believers. At this time, the soul was condensed in the light rain, and then the soul was consolidated into the light rain. The real body, this is resurrected!

Of course those who have become the Holy Spirit, their souls have been taken away by the goddess of light, it is impossible to be resurrected.

The dark smoke and various dark breaths left by the demons and the dark church disappeared in the light rain.

At this time, Wu Fan had a deeper understanding of the light laws. Under the light rain, his body was full of breath, and countless light rains began to gather around him. His momentum increased rapidly, and the elders were somewhat envious and jealous of him. Under the circumstances, the breakthrough became the **** of law, which is really a super genius! More comforting, there are some followers of the Holy See! (To be continued.)


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