My Space Door

Chapter 203: Holy Spirit

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"Om ..."

"Goddess of Light!"

All the believers of the Holy City of Light kneeled on the ground and prayed, praying to their goddess of light, asking to destroy darkness! Eliminate evil! Eliminate fear! They believe that the goddess of light will definitely hear their voice, because their goddess is coming, and they no longer need to be afraid of darkness, evil, fear and death! Their goddess is almighty!

Belief is condensed over the entire Holy City of Light, light elements are gathered, Meilan Holy Light in mid-air is released, and a thick and holy beam of light is shot towards the sky ...

At this moment, the demons are rushing towards the bright area, seeing that all believers are kneeling on the ground, they will not soften their hands, and cruelly shot at the believers kneeling on the ground. The believers were attacked by them into fragments, just to let them Unexpectedly, after the believers were bombed into pieces by them, there was still a holy vain kneeling on the place where the believers were kneeling. It seemed that they had not been affected. This is something they have never encountered before. This is how What happened?

The demons unwillingly attacked the kneeling kneeling on the ground, but whether it was sword air or magic, it had no effect on the kneeling kneeling on it. It seems that this is a kneeling shadow and does not exist. Please everyone search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel ∽↗,

"The faith is immortal, the soul is endless! This is the Holy Spirit!" Exclaimed a dark believer.

"Holy spirit? Impossible, how can there be so many holy spirits here!" A demons heard it, couldn't believe it, and looked at the many ghosts kneeling on the ground. He had some fear in his eyes. The holy spirit is a kind of fanatic There must also be loyalty to God. Crazy believers mainly refer to living beings, while the Holy Spirit refers to those who are infinitely devout to God when they are alive. After death, they are still infinitely devout to God. They have no other than faith in their hearts. Existence is very difficult to form, and it is only possible to form the Holy Spirit when killed by special people in special circumstances and at special times. In a sense, they cannot be killed.

The Holy Spirit is God ’s favorite source of faith. Their belief is the purest. The Holy Spirit can also be said to be the most holy and sacred soul. In the face of this immortal and indestructible Holy Spirit, other gods or their followers are very The headache is what makes them most envious.

Now the demons are terrified. They just killed dozens of believers of the light god, and they have basically become the Holy Spirit. How can this be. Is there such a high rate of success as a Holy Spirit? If such a high rate of success is possible, the gods may have begun to slaughter the city long ago. The faith provided by one Holy Spirit is comparable to ten mad believers and one hundred devout believers ...

"Don't kill these kneeling light believers. We are helping them create the Holy Spirit. Will the dark demon not be angry? We will not be punished by the dark demon?" A dark believer said with a trembling voice.

"How could it be the Holy Spirit that we made, this Holy Spirit must be killed in a special environment, a special time, a special person ..." A demon said and couldn't continue, there was a look of fear on his face, and his voice also Trembling: "When the Holy Spirit array, the time of the coming of God. Killed ... there is a Holy Spirit array here? We are leaving the Holy City of Light, they will not be able to kill when the Light Goddess descends. When the Light Goddess comes, we will die. No burial place! "

"The Holy Spirit has already started. We can't leave. Only by killing the Bright Lady and leaving the Bright Goddess will we be able to survive." The leader of the demons was calm, and his gloomy face was even more gloomy. There is also a fierce force, all eyes are blood-red murderous: "Our strength is not worse than them, even if we can not kill their maiden. As long as interrupting her 'Goddess Advent' ceremony, it is our victory, She will not be able to perform this ritual again in a short time. "

The leader of the Demon Race is indeed a good leader. In a few words, everyone in the panic regained their confidence. They all had a momentum of breaking the boat. The leader was very satisfied with this and yelled, "We kill back, kill the sage of light, The Holy Spirit will automatically dissipate before the coming of the goddess of light. As long as the goddess of light does not come, we do not have to be afraid of the clutter of these holy churches. "

Although the coming of the goddess of light is very strong, it also has weaknesses. That is, after you cast this magic, the goddess of light may not come. After all, the goddess of light may not be free. If you are busy with the goddess of light, maybe the goddess of light will It wo n’t come. Who knows about God, you ca n’t let the goddess be okay and wait for the call of the Nether? What happened to that goddess? Unless you can make an appointment with the goddess a few days in advance.

Another thing is that the advent ceremony of the goddess cannot be interrupted, and there must be guardianship. This is the task of the light knight. If the light goddess is interrupted, the light maiden is likely to fall, and the light knight group will only die collectively.

In addition, if the goddess of light comes, there are also time and environment constraints. She still has to be limited by the rules of this heaven and earth. The goddess of light that comes may not have all her strengths. The holy spirit of the city of light has a large array of gods. Perhaps less suppressed by the rules.

Finally, the biggest weakness is the length and time of the coming of the goddess of light. If there is an appointment, it may take only one minute for the advent of the goddess of light. There is no appointment. The shortest time is ten minutes, long ... or not coming! This is why the demons dare to destroy the advent ceremony of the goddess, because they know that the advent of the goddess is not so easy and fast.

The demons and the light melees are close to each other. The melee of the Holy See has just rushed to kill them, but I did not expect the demons to come back. Although the bright melees are good, they are really good against the demons of the god-level strong. Not enough, a few moments were cut down by the demons.

The Bright Knight saw that Mei Lan started the advent of the Bright Goddess, and most of them came back to guard, so few of them actually killed in the front, so that no manpower was lost. Most of the losses were the staff of the Pope of Light and the monks of the tribunal.

"Let's go!" The elder saw that his side was cut off instantly, his face suddenly changed, and he knew that the enemy was not easy to deal with. The demons were all god-level strong, even those who were dark churches were masters. The manpower on one side is really not an opponent. Only their god-level shots will do.

Ten Sword Gods of the Elder Regiment were in front, and 10 priests were behind. The demons rushed in. There were more people than them. The 20 elders were not afraid. The ten Sword Gods in front of them shined brightly, and the big swords danced. The layers of holy light form swords of qi, rushing towards the dark demons.

When the demons saw this holy light, they just rushed and couldn't help it. This is the magic world, this is the Holy City of Light, and this is still in the Holy Spirit. Now the entire Holy City is covered by countless bright elements. In such an environment, it is very unfavorable to them. These holy sword air masses have gathered the most condensed light elements, and the most hated element of their demons. If they change places, they are not afraid. Here they can only Avoid its sharp edges. Here are all light elements. If they are injured, there is no dark element recovery. This is the benefit of the opponent's home battle.

The royal family of the demons can be regarded as the royal family by the powerful demons. It is not easy. They just avoid the sword air mass, and then rushed through the gap between the sword air mass. Several royal families have not completely avoided it, and have been holy. The sword air masses passed by, and their bodies shrouded in darkness, as if they were scalded by chrome iron, were burnt a large area, and their bodies were painful.

The great swords in the hands of the undead demons and royals have been handed out, pointing directly at the bright sword gods who stand in front of them. The bright sword gods are all old rivers and lakes. They are experienced in battle and are not afraid. The bright sword in their hands also stabbed out. , Both sides are desperately playing, only offense.

At this time, the injured royal family also rushed over. Although they were scalded and their teeth were still burning, their bodies were still smoking, but their movement was not affected. Huge dark sword gas cut through the holy light.

In the back, the Light God did not see his accomplices being bullied by each other, the bright magic waved out, and directly attacked the later royal families, but what they didn't expect was that these royal families had already worked hard and were hurt. It is also necessary to destroy the coming of the goddess of light. The dark rays on their bodies are flourishing, and their hands are stronger in sword. The sword **** of light immediately knew that it was not good at first sight.


The sounds of magic, sword gas, and sword gas interweave, and the two bright sword gods who were too late to fall back were immediately chopped to the ground and could not climb up for a while, unless they had bright defense magic and self-defense magic props on them. I'm afraid they have been cut in half by the Devil and Royals.

The demons and royals are also uncomfortable ~ ~ The magic of the light law is not fake. Seven were hit by the light magic. The body was burned with sulfuric acid, and a large area of ​​the skin on the body was burned. It was still smoky, and the original handsome face was terrible. Of course, the most terrible thing was that two guys were inserted into the body by the light element, which temporarily lost their fighting power and was seized by their opponents and cut directly into pieces. .


With a light sound, a small black ball exploded in the crowd, a black smoke rose, and the light mages immediately released light magic to the dark smoke. This kind of dark-like things, the dark demons like, they are bright The Holy See hates it most, but what disappoints them is that this smoke is very different from the dark sky just now. It does not expand. It only floats on the side of the Demon. The bright magic falls on it, but it will not let it. How much smoke is consumed.

"It's the dark spirit pearl!" The newly injured royal family saw the dark smoke and screamed excitedly and rushed in. Soon, their injured bodies recovered in the dark smoke.

The personnel of the Light Department also saw this situation and could not help frowning. This dark smoke is equivalent to the dark side's blood healing base. As long as it is not killed, it will return to the dark smoke and recover quickly. . (To be continued ...)

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