"Yes, Master."

"Three hundred years ago, the emperor came out of seclusion and accidentally discovered that the master's family's famous teacher order still maintained the record of a one-star famous teacher, and the number remained unchanged."

"Perhaps in order to motivate the elders and masters, the emperor issued an imperial edict and promised privileges."

"One of them is that as long as the senior master can be promoted to a two-star master teacher, he can get a free elixir from the local famous master hall. There is no limit on the level and the variety."

"So, as long as Master is promoted to a two-star master teacher, he can apply for level five elixirs."

Murong Wushuang said, after talking for a long time, she finally explained clearly, which made her feel like a heavy burden was relieved.

Hey, talking to people with low IQs is indeed a bit tiring.


Lin Taixu couldn't help but said in his heart, Damn it, what I like most is privileges, and immediately asked out of curiosity, "What privileges do they have?"

"This is a lot. No one is allowed to deliberately make things difficult for Master or hinder Master's advancement. No one is allowed to use his or her status to bully Master, etc."

"This news caused a sensation throughout the continent and was called the Ninth Five-Year Supreme Order."

"Master, didn't Master tell you this?"

Murong Wushuang said, and then asked curiously.

This shouldn't be the case. The emperor's edicts are known to the world. There is no reason why you, the person involved, should not know about it.

"Didn't say."

Lin Taixu said speechlessly, just to put it bluntly, he threw the Master Teacher Order to himself and left without even farting.

However, this privilege is not very good. It can only prevent oneself from being bullied by others, but cannot allow oneself to bully others at will.

Alas, which emperor is too stingy.

Return the 95th Supreme Order.

Your face is supreme.


Murong Wushuang couldn't help but be stunned, feeling speechless.

"Then why should I apply for level five elixirs instead of directly applying for level nine elixirs?"

Lin Taixu asked, squinting at Murong Wushuang, feeling that she was an idiot.

The fifth-level elixir is worth a lot of money. If you think about it with your toes, you know that the ninth-level elixir must be worth a lot of money.

Can't you figure this out?

What a prodigal bitch.


When Murong Wushuang heard this, he couldn't help but pouted and looked at Lin Taixu with a resentful look.

"Open the system."

Lin Taixu thought silently in his heart. He suddenly remembered that it would be perfect if he could buy Wuhua Jade Dew Pills in the system.


"The system is on."

"Buy Wuhuayulu Pills."

"This does not.."

"Well, you can have this."

"All right."


"Five Flower Gyokuro Pills Found."

"This pill has a certain clearing effect on level five poisons. The clearing effect depends on the poisoning situation. It has a 100% clearing effect on the Midnight Breaking Heart Pill and costs 50 million silver coins."

The system replied.

"Fifty million silver coins?"

Lin Taixu was stunned for a moment. If the system had 50 million silver coins, then in reality it would cost 5 billion silver coins. Damn it, it's so expensive.

"System, you are taking advantage of the situation."

Lin Taixu was furious. This broken system was still the same dog as before.

He can even take advantage of the situation and rob him.

"No, there is no taking advantage of the system, because the system prices are clearly marked and fair."

The system explained.

Prices are clearly marked and no one is fooled.

This sounds a bit familiar.

Lin Taixu thought for a moment and realized that this dog system had stolen Zui Xianju's advertising slogan.

"A first-level elixir only costs 100 silver coins. Your fifth-level elixir is actually sold for 50 million. Are you taking advantage of the situation?"

Lin Taixu sneered.


"The first-level elixir only costs 100 silver coins each, but do you know how much the second-level elixir costs?"

The system asked rhetorically.

"have no idea."

Lin Taixu said, he also wants to know. The key is that you don't open a second-level mall. After so many days, you are still only selling first-level elixirs.

"A second-level elixir costs 1,000 silver coins."

"Third-level elixir costs ten thousand silver coins each."

"One hundred thousand silver coins for a fourth-level elixir."

"A fifth-level elixir costs one million silver coins. Because the items sold in the special mall are ten times that of the ordinary mall, the system sells 50 million silver coins to the controller, which is not expensive."

The system replied.


Learned a lot.

Ten times the system.

Moreover, the special mall will increase tenfold.

You just can’t get along with Ten, right?

"That level 6 pill costs 10 million silver coins?"

"The seventh-level elixir costs 100 million?"

"The eighth-level elixir costs one billion?"

"Ten billion are needed for level nine elixirs?"

Lin Taixu said, feeling like his mentality was about to collapse.

The exchange ratio of silver coins is one to one hundred. So what is one hundred times ten billion?

Moreover, the special mall will increase ten times.

Mommy, come on, kill this dog system.

"Congratulations to the controller for guessing correctly, but there is no reward."

The system replied.

I have a saying in my mind that mom sells batches, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not.

Not to mention: system.

: Lin Taixu.

"Then I will sell you the ninth-level elixir, how much will you give me?"

Lin Taixu asked.

"Since the controller does not have level nine elixirs, this system refuses to answer."

The system replied.

"Ci'ao, from now on, don't call it the system of making something out of nothing. Change it to the system of cheating money."

"Good idea, but this system is worried about the controller, you can't stand it."

"Exit the system, exit the system."

Lin Taixu was almost choked to death by the system, and quickly exited the system. Finally, he had peace of mind. He found that if he stayed with this broken system, he would be pissed off by it sooner or later.

"Is your family rich?"

After exiting the system, Lin Taixu looked at Murong Wushuang and suddenly asked curiously.

"Master, you won't even cheat your disciples' money, right?"

Murong Wushuang looked at Lin Taixu with a wronged look and said that her family was rich, but she couldn't let you cheat her.

Especially after seeing Lin Taixu's money-cheating methods.

In his mind, Lin Taixu had another label, a lustful (this label needs to be repeated, otherwise, it doesn't show the degree of the wretchedness of this lustful master) and a miser who was greedy for money.

He was not good at anything, but he was the best at cheating money.

Yes, it was Lin Taixu.

"Ahem, no, no."

Lin Taixu was almost choked to death by Murong Wushuang's words. He just wanted to cheat her family of some money, but when Murong Wushuang said it so bluntly, he felt embarrassed.


Murong Wushuang's eyes rolled around Lin Taixu's face, as if to see if his words were true or false.

"Go, go, the master wants to rest."

Lin Taixu waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Master, the disciple will leave."

Murong Wushuang immediately saluted Lin Taixu, then turned and walked out.

She didn't know that her unintentional guess had helped the Murong family save hundreds of millions invisibly.

Who dares to say that she is a woman who spends money?

Humph, she is a good moneymaker.

"Hey, five billion."

After Murong Wushuang left, Lin Taixu leaned back in his chair and wailed, with a painful face. He went out to extort so much today, and the total amount was not even one hundred million.

Alas, it is so hard to make money in this world.

Life is not easy.

If outsiders hear what he said, I guarantee that they will beat him to death without saying a word.

Is it hard for you to make money? Is it hard to extort tens of millions a day?

They can't make that much in decades, what should they say?

Please, be a man.

"What did you say? Failed?"

In a cave, a man covered in a black cloak roared angrily, looking at the seven or eight men in black kneeling in front of him, his eyes revealing a fierce light.

In order to assassinate Lin Taixu.

This time he sent out fifteen dead men, but what was the result?

Lin Taixu was still alive and kicking, but more than half of the fifteen dead men were injured or killed.

This wave, a blood loss.

When did a waste become so powerful?


"Sir, it's true that Lin Taixu is a waste, but the two disciples around him are quite powerful, at least the strength of the first level of the second-level warrior."

"The rain of arrows from my subordinates can't break their defense."

The leading man in black reported that they are dead warriors who are proficient in the art of archery.

It's no exaggeration to say that no matter how many people are below the second-level warrior, they will be shot to death on the spot under their attack.

But Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi are safe and sound, and they killed most of their companions.

What does this mean?

It means that the strength of the two has exceeded the scope of the first-level warrior and reached the second-level warrior.

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