"Good apprentice."

Lin Taixu said in his heart, secretly giving Murong Wushuang a thumbs up and posing a problem to his master before he even became a disciple.

Well, no, even before he became a disciple, he set goals for his master to strive for in the next few decades.

Where can I find such a disciple?

If you don’t like it, who do you like?


"Does your aunt's poison matter?"

Lin Taixu thought for a while and asked.

Does it matter?

What does it mean?

It must be important.

Murong Wushuang blinked and looked at Lin Taixu, not knowing how to answer.

"Just how long it can last."

Seeing that Murong Wushuang didn't understand, Lin Taixu had no choice but to speak frankly.

"Three years, at most three years."

Murong Wushuang understood now and quickly answered.

"Three years?"

Lin Taixu almost bit his tongue. Do you expect a one-star master teacher to be promoted to a five-star master master within three years?

What are you thinking?

The system doesn't even dare to think so.

System: I dare.

"Yes, three years, now only a year and a half left."

Murong Wushuang sighed softly, with a sad look on her face. It could be seen that she and her aunt had a deep relationship.

"Only a year and a half left?"

Lin Taixu really bit his tongue this time and grinned in pain.

Do you expect a one-star famous teacher to be promoted to a five-star famous teacher within a year and a half?

What are you thinking?

The author dare not think so.

I Dare: Author.


Murong Wushuang nodded and responded.

"You, who gave you the confidence to think that I can advance to a five-star master teacher within a year?"

Lin Taixu didn't know what to say, so he reached out and pointed at Murong Wushuang and asked, even if he took Yuan Ning Dan non-stop for forty-eight hours a day, he still couldn't teach five disciples of a fifth-level martial master.

Don't say five.

Just can't do any of them.

You must know that famous teachers must register to accept disciples, and they cannot exceed their own level.

Otherwise, if you spend money to hire a few fifth-level martial masters to come over, let them advance with you, and then terminate the master-disciple relationship, then there will be famous teachers all over the New Moon Kingdom.

And all of them are five-star famous teachers and six-star famous teachers.

Even seven-star famous teachers.

The reason why Lin Taixu was able to accept disciples was because his Master Teacher Order was the first-generation Master Master Order. At that time, there was no such rule in the Master Master Hall.

Otherwise, he is nothing but useless, how can he accept a disciple?

Sorry, you don't deserve it.

"Why are you promoted to a five-star master teacher?"

Murong Wushuang couldn't help but asked in surprise, is Master's goal to be promoted to a five-star famous teacher?

Well, not bad, I have pursuit.

But why a year and a half?

So cruel?

"Why are you promoted to a five-star master teacher?"

"If you don't advance to five-star master teacher, how can you get the fifth-level elixir, Wuhua Jade Dew Pill?"

Lin Taixu felt like he was going crazy. This fool wouldn't think that I could apply for fifth-level elixirs from the Master Hall just because I am a one-star famous teacher.

You can apply, but the Famous Teachers Hall will not grant it.

He is not my father and will not spoil me.

"Who said that master needs to be promoted to a five-star famous teacher before he can apply for fifth-level elixirs from the famous master hall?"

Murong Wushuang asked, feeling that what she and Lin Taixu were talking about were not on the same channel.

It feels like a chicken-and-duck talk.

"Is not it?"

Lin Taixu almost choked to death on his own saliva. He looked at Murong Wushuang as if he were a fool. Please, your master respects me. Although I am a waste, I still understand basic common sense.

Don't lie to me.

"of course not."

Murong Wushuang shook his head.

Yes, one of us is a fool.

Lin Taixu was too lazy to say anything. He turned around and walked to the table, intending to pour a glass of water to drink. After talking for a long time, his mouth was dry.

There is nothing he can do about it when he encounters stupid disciples.

"Hee hee hee haha"

Suddenly, Murong Wushuang let out a silver bell-like laughter, as if he knew where the problem came from. The more he thought about it, the more funny he found it, and he couldn't help but smile, which made Lin Taixu look stupid.

What's wrong with this?

Lin Taixu muttered in his heart.

Sure enough, he didn't understand women.

"Master, you are talking about ordinary famous teachers."

Murong Wushuang stopped smiling, looked at Lin Taixu and said, "Ordinary famous teachers, you need a five-star famous teacher to apply for fifth-level elixirs from the famous master hall, but you are not an ordinary famous teacher."

Yes, I am a useless famous teacher, so naturally I am not comparable to ordinary famous teachers.

Lin Taixu complained in his heart, "I'm sorry, since he was a child, he only knew that famous teachers were divided into stars, but he had never heard that famous teachers were divided into ordinary and ordinary."

Today, he has gained some knowledge.

"Master, do you know how many famous teachers there are in the entire Fengyun Continent?"

Murong Wushuang walked up to Lin Taixu and asked.

"I don't know. Do you know?"

Lin Taixu asked curiously. Fengyun Continent has a countless population and countless warriors. Naturally, there are also countless famous teachers.

As for how many famous teachers there are, I'm afraid even the Famous Teacher Hall is not that clear.

"The disciples don't know either."

Murong Wushuang shook his head.


The corner of Lin Taixu's mouth twitched, and he almost wanted to slam the teacup in his hand onto Murong Wushuang's overly beautiful face. Forget it, just be stupid, it can still be used.

Uh, no, it can still be saved.

"But, I know that Master is the last of the first batch of Master Master Tokens, which is 99,999."

Murong Wushuang said.

"What is the last of the first batch? What is 99999?"

Lin Taixu was almost confused by Murong Wushuang's words. Oh, he remembered that there was really 99999 engraved on the back of his Master Master Token.

Could it be that the problem is 99999?

Yes, 5 9s, 5 9s.

95 Supreme.

Damn, it's really not ordinary.

"When Emperor Fengyun founded the Master Master Hall, he made a total of 99,999 Master Master Tokens."

"Each token has one owner, and the number of the first batch of Master Masters is 99,999. These people are respected by the younger generation as the disciples of the Emperor, and they are the same as the Emperor's sons."

"Fuck, the Emperor's son?"

Lin Taixu's eyes lit up. This title is many times more domineering than Master Master.

My son Taixu has the potential to be an emperor.

Quite suddenly, this sentence popped up in Lin Taixu's mind.

When the emperor's son grows up, won't he be the emperor?

No problem.

"Yes, the emperor's son."

Murong Wushuang nodded, and was very envious in his heart, the emperor's son.

The son of the emperor, looking at the entire Fengyun Continent, who dares to despise him?

However, this kind of luck is something that others can't envy.

Because the first batch of famous teacher orders are issued randomly.

"Go on."

Lin Taixu suddenly became interested, and felt that Murong Wushuang was not stupid, and seemed very powerful.

He himself had never heard of these things.

"As time goes by, the owners of 99,999 famous teacher orders have been promoted one after another, except."

Murong Wushuang stopped talking here, looking at Lin Taixu a little embarrassed.

"Go on, I can bear it."

Lin Taixu waved his hand and said, uh, it seems a bit ambiguous.

Forget it, don't care about those details.

"Yes, Master."

"Only Master, uh, no, it should be Master's Grandfather, Master's Grandfather's Grandfather."

"Don't calculate, skip it."

Lin Taixu interrupted Murong Wushuang's calculation. What can you calculate? As long as it's more than 50 years, I don't know who has the Master's Order on me.

If you can calculate it, then hell.

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