My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 90: Sending money to your door

"This is impossible."

The cloaked man shouted loudly, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi would be second-level warriors?

How about playing?

Seven days ago, Murong Wushuang was still a seventh-level martial arts disciple.

Wang Luoyi is only a first-level martial artist at the fifth level.

Are you telling me that they can be promoted to level two warriors in seven days?

Why, take the elixir.

Play games and jump around.


"Sir, it's true. I would never dare to lie."

The leader of the men in black said, would he lie about this kind of thing?

Is it possible that they could kill Lin Taixu but didn't?

Are you a fucking stick?

The leader of the men in black cursed in his heart. Of course, he only dared to say it in his heart. If he really wanted to say it out, then he would be a stick.

It's true that he is a dead soldier, but he is not a fool.

"If Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi are already second-level warriors, then why doesn't Lin Taixu advance to the second-star master master level?"

The man in the cloak said, is he stupid? Doesn't he know that although a two-star master teacher seems to have only one star more than a one-star master teacher, in actual status, a one-star master master cannot catch up with him?

Lin Taixu: How did you know I didn’t go?

"This subordinate doesn't know."

The leader of the men in black said.

"It seems that promotion to a famous teacher requires an appointment in advance. Did he go to make an appointment today?"

The man in the cloak thought thoughtfully and said that he had sent people to monitor Lin Taixu's mansion for many days. Today he found that Lin Taixu had gone out, so he immediately transferred the dead soldiers to set up an ambush on Lin Taixu's way back.

As for what Lin Taixu was doing, he really didn't know anything.

If Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were promoted to the second level warriors, then things would be very serious.

As for how big it is.

As big as you can imagine, that's as big as it gets.


The cloaked man whispered, "You all go back and wait for the next order."

With that said, the cloaked man moved and left the cave. He wanted to tell the family this terrible news and let the clan leader make a decision.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Taixu had just finished breakfast when a guest came to his door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Ouyang Yanran, the youngest, went to open the door. When she looked at the dark group of people standing in front of the door, she couldn't help being startled, thinking they were here to cause trouble. She immediately looked at the crowd warily and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is this the residence of famous master Lin Taixu?"

A middle-aged man in the lead asked with a smile on his face. His eyes fell on Ouyang Yanran's face, and he couldn't help but be stunned again. He didn't expect to see another beautiful woman.

When did Qingfeng City have so many beauties?

He was stunned, and the people behind him were also dumbfounded. Ice and snow were their flesh, and autumn water was their bones.

This woman should only be owned by herself, no one else can smell her.

As a result, some daring people feel that they can do it again.

Looking at Ouyang Yanran, her eyes glowed with fire.


Ouyang Yanran nodded and said, if the other party just said Lin Taixu, she might not be sure, but if he added the word "famous teacher", she would be sure.

In Qingfeng City, Lin Taixu, a famous useless teacher.

Only this one, no other semicolon.

The middle-aged man was none other than Du Lengfeng, the steward of Zuixianju. The group of people behind him were the same people who didn't eat well in Zuixianju yesterday but wanted to take advantage of Lin Taixu. .

Today we organized a group to give money to Lin Taixu.

Because they were worried that something might happen to Lin Taixu, these people invited Du Lengfeng here. It was called a witness, but in fact, they wanted to let Du Lengfeng come first if Lin Taixu turned against him and wanted to kill someone. Hold on, so they can take the opportunity to escape.

Du Lengfeng was worried whether his attitude towards Lin Taixu yesterday was a bit inappropriate, and whether he would have to come to apologize or something.

He just happened to see everyone begging for his company, so the two parties hit it off and worked together, well, they cooperated with each other, so there was a scene that Ouyang Yanran saw.

"Oh, that's good, that's good."

Du Lengfeng couldn't help but feel relieved. To be honest, he had only heard that Sanlitun in the eastern suburbs was a slum. He thought that at most the people living here were poorer. However, along the way, he never expected that weeds were everywhere. There are piles of garbage everywhere.

Therefore, he doubted whether Lin Taixu lived here.

Where is this place where people live?

It is no exaggeration to say that his dog lives better than here.

"Please let me know, Miss. Du Lengfeng, the steward of Zuixianju, and many family disciples are here to pay homage to Master Lin."

Du Lengfeng said to Ouyang Yanran.

"OK, just a second."

Ouyang Yanran said, turned around and walked inside.

"Let them in."

Lin Taixu was drinking tea on the pavilion in the small courtyard. When he heard Du Lengfeng's words, he spoke.

"My master, please come in. Everyone, please follow me."

When Ouyang Yanran saw this, she said to Du Lengfeng and others.

"It turns out that he is a famous teacher and a disciple. I am disrespectful."

Du Lengfeng didn't expect that Ouyang Yanran was actually Lin Taixu's disciple, so he couldn't help but handed over his hand again and said politely, he thought Ouyang Yanran was a maid.

Just now I was regretting the waste.

Now that I heard that he was actually a disciple of Lin Taixu, it seemed like a waste.

So far in Fengyun Continent, there has been no precedent of a master marrying a disciple, or a disciple marrying a master.

Therefore, it is a waste of time to understand naturally.


Ouyang Yanran smiled faintly and led Du Lengfeng and others towards the pavilion.

I go.

Hearing that Ouyang Yanran claimed to be Lin Taixu's disciple, those who coveted Ouyang Yanran's beauty behind Du Lengfeng immediately felt that it was not good.

Damn, a disciple of a famous master.

I can't afford to offend, I can't afford to offend.

"Master, guests are here."

Arriving at the pavilion, Ouyang Yanran left Du Lengfeng and others outside the pavilion, walked up and said to Lin Taixu, and then stepped aside and stood with Murong Wushuang and others.


Lin Taixu nodded, his eyes fell on Du Lengfeng and others outside the pavilion, yeah, one more, one less, just right.

Uh, it seems that there is one more Du Lengfeng, what is this guy doing here?

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be a little confused.

I go, one, two, three, four, five?

Outside the pavilion, Du Lengfeng and others looked at Murong Wushuang and others standing in the pavilion, and they couldn't help feeling dizzy.

One Ouyang Yanran was enough to amaze them, but they didn't expect that there were actually four of them here.

And each one was more beautiful than the other, and each one was more elegant and moving than the other.

This. How can they live?

However, when they saw Lin Taixu sitting in the middle, they all lowered their heads and dared not have any evil thoughts about Murong Wushuang and others.

At the same time, everyone was thinking in their hearts, damn, I can't just eat and wait for death like this, I have to take the exam for a famous teacher.


"I am Du Lengfeng, I meet the famous teacher."

Du Lengfeng saw Lin Taixu looking at him, and hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, walked into the pavilion, bowed to Lin Taixu, and smiled.

He found that since he met Lin Taixu, he smiled more in the past two days than in a year.

He was too hard.

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