My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 84: Terrifying Disciple

"I've met Master, I've met Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister."

"I've met Master, I've met Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister."

"I've met Master, I've met Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister."

As soon as Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang, and Wang Luoyi returned to their residence, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, and Ouyang Yanran came up to them immediately and spoke to Lin Taixu and others.

"Well, you guys take a rest first and come to the teacher's room later."

Lin Taixu said to Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi. After speaking, he walked towards his room.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi responded.

"Sister, what's wrong with Master? He seems a little unhappy."

After watching Lin Taixu walk into the room and close the door, Zhao Feixue asked Murong Wushuang softly.

"Master encountered an attack on his way back. He is probably in a bad mood. You don't have to think too much."

"Practice hard."

Murong Wushuang explained, looking leisurely at Lin Taixu's closed door. For some reason, he felt a little flustered in his heart.

Did he know?

It shouldn't be, I hid it so well and he was so stupid, how could he know?


But why am I panicking?

Murong Wushuang couldn't help but frown beautifully, feeling that things were a bit beyond her control.

"What? Master was assassinated on the road?"

Zhao Feixue and others couldn't help but exclaimed with anger on their faces. Lin Taixu's status in their hearts is now different from the past. It can be said that he has become a serf and started singing.

He has sincerely regarded Lin Taixu as his master.

The master was assassinated, how can he still do it?

"Who dares to assassinate Master so boldly?"

"That's right, do they want to kill the Nine Clans?

Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran also said with high anger, a surprising chill appeared on their graceful and delicate bodies.

Once a teacher, always a teacher.

Killing the master is equivalent to killing me.

What is intolerable is unbearable.

"The origins of this group of people are unknown. They have been handed over to the famous master guard for investigation. You should practice the exercises. Only when you are strong can you protect the master."

Wang Luoyi said.

"Yes, Second Senior Sister."

"Yes, Second Senior Sister."

Zhao Feixue and others said softly, and after saying that, they turned around and went to practice.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi nodded to each other one after another, and then walked to their own rooms.

Is Lin Taixu unhappy?


He just thought of something.

However, I can't figure it out clearly.

As for what comes to mind, why do you think so.

Lin Taixu himself felt that it was quite sudden.

Therefore, when I returned to my residence, even if I saw the beautiful Zhao Feixue and others, I couldn't arouse any interest and went straight back to the room.

Hey, as expected, men are all big pigs.

"System, did the owner of Zuixianju travel through time?"

Back in the room, Lin Taixu asked the system.

He didn't ask who assassinated him or the whereabouts of his father, yet he would ask such a weird question.


Author: It was quite sudden, I didn’t even expect it.


The system immediately replied, "There is no second time traveler in the same space as the controller. Please rest assured, controller."

"That's not right. Then how come he has the idea to build a building with a hundred times the size?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but said in confusion, the model of Zuixianju is similar to that of Internet celebrity check-in.

But, since it’s not, forget it.

He also thought about how close he would be to him in the future if the other person was also a time traveler.

After all, he is considered a fellow countryman.

There is a saying that goes well, when a fellow villager meets a fellow villager, tears well up in his eyes.

Fortunately, he was both excited and anxious along the way. Oh, what a waste of time and money.

"System, scan Zhao Feixue."

"Scan Zhao Feishuang."

"Scan Ouyang Yanran."

Lin Taixu added that he had just scanned Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi in the Hall of Famed Masters, and their qualifications simply scared him to death.


"Open the master-disciple system."

Disciple: Zhao Feixue

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Physical strength: 700 pounds

Martial arts level: Level 1 martial artist, seventh level

Body training level: 0

Martial arts talent: 50 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: Fire Spirit Body (not activated) (Fengyun Continent martial arts body is divided into five elements body, spirit body, battle body, king body, holy body, Tao body)

Kung Fu: Zhou Tianxin Technique

Combat Skills: Liuding Sword Technique, Taixu Dragon Grasp (God Level)

Equipment: Stainless steel long sword (ordinary)

Disciple: Zhao Feishang

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Physical strength: 700 pounds

Martial arts level: Level 1 martial artist, seventh level

Body training level: 0

Martial arts talent: 50 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: Moon Flame Spirit Body (not activated) (Fengyun Continent martial arts body is divided into five elements body, spirit body, battle body, king body, holy body, Tao body)

Kung Fu: Zhou Tianxin Technique

Combat Skills: Liuding Sword Technique, Taixu Dragon Grasp (God Level)

Equipment: Stainless steel long sword (ordinary)

Disciple: Ouyang Yanran

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Physical strength: 900 pounds

Martial arts level: Level 1 martial artist, ninth level

Body training level: 0

Martial arts talent: 70 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial Arts Body: Thunderbolt Battle Body (Not Activated) (Martial Arts Body in Fengyun Continent is divided into Five Elements Body, Spirit Body, Battle Body, King Body, Saint Body, Dao Body)

Kung Fu: Tianshui Heart Method

Combat Skill: Wuya Sword Technique Taixu Dragon Grasping Hand (God Level)

Equipment: Fine Steel Long Sword (Ordinary)

Oh, shit.

Good guy.

Lin Taixu looked at the talents of Zhao Feixue and others and cursed.

Two spirit bodies, one battle body, plus Murong Wushuang's Spirit Sword King Body, Wang Luoyi's Barbarian Phoenix Battle Body.

His five disciples are more arrogant and exaggerated than each other.

Think about your own garbage body.

This is so bad, do you still let yourself live?

This. Something is wrong.

Very wrong.

Think about it, if there is one powerful disciple among the five disciples, it is understandable, and if there are two powerful ones, it is also reasonable.

However, it doesn't make sense that all five disciples are geniuses, and they are super geniuses.

If Lin Taixu believes this is normal, then he thinks it is not normal.

Just like buying scratch tickets in the previous life, you won the jackpot after buying it once.

You won the jackpot after buying it twice.

You won the jackpot after buying it five times.

Do you think it is right?

It is definitely not right.

"System, do you know what the reason is?"

If you don't understand, ask, Lin Taixu asked immediately.


The system replied.


Lin Taixu was stunned, and then said viciously, "I don't believe it, you are lying to me."

Do you think I am a child?


I have this luck, will I be electrocuted to death by watching a little pornographic comic?

"The system never lies."

The system replied seriously, there is no money to lie to people, why would he lie to people without any benefit?



Lin Taixu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. If what the system said was true, he would feel bad all of a sudden, because there was such an old saying in his hometown in the previous life.

When a person's luck is overflowing, he is not far from death.


Because his luck has run out.

OMG, am I going to die?


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