My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 85: Five Flower Jade Dew Pill

"See Master."

After dinner, Murong Wushuang, Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and others respectfully shouted to Lin Taixu, and then lined up in front of Lin Taixu obediently, looking at Lin with a pair of moving big eyes. Too weak.


Lin Taixu was lying on the soft couch, and was panicked by Murong Wushuang and others. He thought he had accepted five peerless girls as his disciples, and would reach the pinnacle of his life.

But I never expected it.

I treat you as my disciples, but you want my life.

Who did labor and management provoke?

"Can you be sure who the sneak attack was?"

After waiting for a while, Lin Taixu asked as he had nothing to say.

"Disciple doesn't know."

Murong Wushuang replied that according to her guess, those men in black were most likely dead soldiers trained by a certain family. If they wanted to track down the details of the other party, unless they caught him alive, it would be difficult to know who he was and where he came from. where.

Because most of the dead soldiers were raised by their families from an early age and were either orphaned or made to become orphans.

Then, they were placed in an isolated place for training. Except for the people who taught them, the dead soldiers were not allowed to have contact with other people. Except for going out to perform tasks, they had no contact with the outside world at all.

Just imagine, in this case, who knows who they are?

from where?

"The disciples don't know either."

Wang Luoyi replied that when it comes to fighting, she likes it, but it's not that she doesn't use her brain, it's just that she's lazy.

There are masters and senior sisters above, so do I need to use my brain?


I just need to wear it.

have to.

Labor and management asked a nonsense question and got two nonsense words in exchange.

Not a loss.

Let’s get down to business then.

Lin Taixu sat up straight, his eyes slowly passing over the faces of Murong Wushuang and others. The serious look made Murong Wushuang and others feel shuddered, thinking that they had done something wrong, and couldn't help but subconsciously change their original appearance. Standing very straight, he straightened up again.

Suddenly, it looked like ridges from the side and peaks from the side, with different heights near and far.

Before, Lin Taixu's eyes felt like they were shining, but now, sorry, I'm not that kind of person.

"Now I will give you a chance to tell you your true purpose of becoming my master. I will consider your stay as appropriate."

Lin Taixu said lightly.


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, Wang Luoyi and others, led by Murong Wushuang, all trembled slightly.

Although it is slightly invisible, sorry, I saw it.

Lin Taixu suddenly sneered in his heart, there was indeed a problem, a big problem, otherwise, why would they be shaking?


"Say it."

Seeing that no one like Murong Wushuang was willing to speak, Lin Taixu snorted and spoke in a more serious tone.

Is silence with me golden?

I'll squirt in your face.

Now, in his eyes, the stunning looks of Murong Wushuang and others were no longer the most beautiful and beautiful ones.

That's a steel knife, a bone-scraping steel knife.

His body is weak, so he can't bear it.

Murong Wushuang raised her eyes and looked at Lin Taixu silently. Then she saw her biting her lips, struggling for a while, and then knelt in front of Lin Taixu with a "plop".

"Master, forgive me. Although I have other motives, I never thought of hurting my master from the beginning to the end. Heaven and earth can prove this. If even half of it is false, I am willing to die under the thunder and be buried." Amidst all the calamity.”

Murong Wushuang said seriously. After saying that, he put his hands on the ground, his head banged on the ground, and he fell to the ground.

"Master, forgive me. Although I have other motives, I never thought of hurting my master from the beginning to the end. Heaven and earth can prove this. If even half of it is false, I am willing to die under the thunder and be buried." Amidst all the calamity.”

Wang Luoyi's expression changed, and he immediately knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice.

"Master, forgive me."

"Master, forgive me."

"Master, forgive me."

Then, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, and Ouyang Yanran also knelt on the ground and begged Lin Taixu.

When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Well, there is indeed a problem.

If labor and management die, none of you will be innocent.


"Murong Wushuang, tell me your purpose, otherwise, leave here."

Lin Taixu said coldly, since you have a purpose, you have never thought of hurting me?


You have already hurt me if you have a purpose.

Hey, woman.

"Disciple. The reason why I worship Master as my teacher is that I hope Master can reward me with a Five-Flower Jade Dew Pill in the future."

Murong Wushuang said.

"Wuhua Yulu Pills?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked the system, "System, is what she said true?"

"it is true."

The system replied.


Lin Taixu asked a little disbelievingly, if he really worshiped himself as his disciple for a piece of pork belly, uh, a piece of pork belly, then it wouldn't be considered as harming himself.

Well, just because she's so beautiful, or not, because she's so obedient, let's forget it.

From now on, you will still be my good disciple.

However, just to be on the safe side, he still asked further, trying to be as sure as possible.



The system answered immediately.


When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost jumped up. Damn it, I'm not sure what you're talking about.

How about playing?

"You don't believe me, what a stupid question you are asking."

Compared to Lin Taixu's rage, the system exploded directly, and the sharp sound almost pierced Lin Taixu's eardrum.

What a bullshit controller, you don't believe me, why are you asking so hard?

If the previous controller was still alive and knew the current situation, he would definitely sigh to the sky, how cool the system was before, but it was broken by Lin Taixu in just a few days, uh, it was led astray.

"Believe, believe, believe, I believe it, okay."

Lin Taixu was shocked by the system's reaction and hurriedly said to comfort him.


The system hummed twice when it saw this, and I don't know whether it forgave Lin Taixu or wrote it down in a small notebook.

Seeing that the system didn't continue to rage, Lin Taixu didn't struggle on this issue anymore, so he believed you this time.

But he couldn't help feeling very strange in his heart. Shouldn't the system have a fixed logic according to the setting? Why does his system seem to be very humane?

Could it be that my system is a person?

Forget it, never mind.

Lin Taixu couldn't figure out why, so he happily decided not to think about it. Whoever doesn't think about such a troublesome thing is a fool.

Men, you have to take good care of yourself.


I'm not a human, but you are a real dog: system.

"System, what is this Wuhua What Pill?"

"Level 5 detoxification pill, it has a certain effect on clearing level 5 poisons. The clearing effect depends on the poisoning situation. It has a 100% clearing rate for the Sangeng Duanchang Pill. It seems that there must be someone in your disciple's family who is poisoned."

The system replied.

"Level 5 detoxification pill?"

Lin Taixu was dumbfounded. Level 5, damn, I don't have it, what can I give you?

"What did you just say? Wuhua What Pill?"

"To reply to Master, it is Wuhua Yulu Pill."

Murong Wushuang replied.

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