"Lord Hall Master, are you ready to be promoted to a two-star master teacher?"

Lin Taixu glanced at Diao BuDiao and asked.

"Don't worry, Master Lin. We are ready. We will advance on time in three days."

Diao BuDiao said quickly.

"Not bad, the hall master is really fast in doing things. He deserves praise."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but be very happy. He reached out and patted Diao Budiao on the shoulder and said.

You are a teachable boy, you wish you had been like this.

At least you don't have to get beaten.


Therefore, to be a human being, you must be smart and energetic.

"No, no, this is a matter within the scope of this hall master's responsibility, and he does not deserve the praise of Master Lin."

Diao BuDiao said modestly.


Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi couldn't help but look at each other in confusion. If they didn't know better, they would think that their master was the master of the famous master hall, and Diao Budiao was just a useless famous master.

This picture is so joyful.

"See the Hall Master, Master Master."

Ten minutes later, Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing came over.

"Have you ever found out who he is?"

Seeing this, Diao Budiao asked immediately.

"Hall Master Qi, according to careful inspection by my subordinates, there is nothing on the bodies of the dead people that can prove their identities, and judging from the situation at the scene, there are no useful clues."

Cheng Wuwei replied, with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"Then we might start checking the appearance of these people."

Lin Taixu said, with so many people, there must be some who have relatives and friends, and someone must know them.

This is the clue.

"We can only do our best."

Cheng Wuwei said with some lack of confidence, Qingfeng City is not big or small, it is a city with a population of millions. If they want to find people who know them from such a large city, then... they can only say, We will work hard and the rest is up to God.

"Put a reward on it."

Lin Taixu thought about it and said to Diao Budiao.

"Well, that's right. There must be brave men who receive heavy rewards. This hall master doesn't believe it. There are so many people, but no one in the huge Qingfeng City knows them."

Diao BuDiao said that he also thought Lin Taixu's idea was a good one.

In fact, he said it quickly, otherwise, this hall master would also say it.

"Then may I ask, Hall Master, how much reward is appropriate?"

Cheng Wuwei asked.

"How much reward is appropriate?"

Diao Bu Diao couldn't help but feel embarrassed. The bounty was obviously for the Famed Master Hall. If he had to pay for it, the less the better. However, it couldn't be too little, otherwise Lin Taixu wouldn't do it.

How about offering 100,000 silver coins?

Two hundred thousand? The maximum cannot exceed 300,000.

If it exceeds 300,000, you can’t get it.

"Master, I think it's better to pay less."

Lin Taixu said.

"How much does Master Lin think is appropriate?"

Diao Bu Diao was in a dilemma. When he heard Lin Taixu's words, he couldn't help but feel happy. "It's better to be less." He liked to hear Lin Taixu say this.

"Well, then let's offer a reward of 10 million."

Lin Taixu said, 10 million really cannot be less. He originally wanted to ask for 100 million, but he was not so eager to catch the person behind the scenes.

If this assassination fails, they will definitely carry out the second or third time.

It's easy to guess the thoughts of those people, and they won't give up until they risk their own death.

Therefore, if you can help Famous Master Hall, save as much as you can.

Besides, if you are in doubt, ask the system.

He is a cheater, what can be difficult for him?



"Ten million?"

Diao Bu Diao was originally filled with joy, but when he heard Lin Taixu mention the 10 million reward, it was like a bucket of ice water pouring down from his head, making his heart feel cold.

At this moment, he seemed to be grabbing Lin Taixu's collar and spraying saliva all over his face. Why the hell do you call ten million less?


Cheng Wuwei and others couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths, and looked at Lin Taixu silently, "A rich man, one mouth is worth 10 million, and it seems that 10 million is the least in his eyes."

When he thought about his meager salary, he suddenly felt that the glittering career of a famous teacher guard was no longer attractive to him.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Taixu was a little confused when he saw Diao BuDiao looking at him stupidly. He turned to Murong Wushuang and asked, "Is it a lot?"

"not much."

Murong Wushuang said seriously. After speaking, his face turned red. This was because he was angry.

She remembered that the highest reward currently offered by the Crescent Moon Kingdom was that a prince of the Crescent Moon Kingdom was assassinated three years ago. In order to trace the whereabouts of the murderer, the prince offered a reward of one million.

This caused a sensation throughout the Crescent Kingdom.

And that prince is not only a relative of the emperor, but also a three-star famous teacher.

Such a noble person only has a reward of one million, but you actually asked me if the reward of ten million is too much?

How do you want me to answer?

Of course not much, she just likes to blush.

"Then it's settled."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu said decisively.

"No, Master Lin."

Diao BuDiao said quickly.

"Why not?"

Lin Taixu asked in confusion, "Does the hall master think there are too few? Then you can add more, I have no objection."


Add your sister.

Diao BuDiao roared in his heart, but with a smile on his face, he said, "Famous Teacher Lin, actually..."

"To get to the point, don't do this with me."

Lin Taixu directly interrupted Diao Budiao's this and that.

"Okay, let's get to the point."

Diao BuDiao nodded and said, "Resources are in short supply at the top, so we delegate them to the Famous Master Hall."

"Is there a shortage of resources from above?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but chuckle and looked at Diao Budiao quietly.

Your brother Diao Buqi also said this to me, and you are here again?

Do you think I believe it or not?

Ha, man.

"Yes Yes."

Diao BuDiao nodded repeatedly and looked at Lin Taixu as if you understand me very well.

"It's your hall master's business whether to issue a reward or not. All you need to do is catch the murderer as soon as possible."

Lin Taixu said angrily and funny, too lazy to talk nonsense with Diao Budiao, so he turned around and left.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi bowed to Diao BuDiao and followed him.

Master has left, why are they disciples still here?

Of course with Master.

"Lord Hall Master, what should we do now?"

Cheng Wuwei asked cautiously.

"You ask me, who am I asking?"

Diao BuDiao cursed at Cheng Wuwei angrily. After cursing, he angrily walked away, leaving Cheng Wuwei and others messy in the wind.

"Take the body back."

"let's go."

Afterwards, Cheng Wuwei shouted to the famous teacher guard beside him.

"Yes, Lord Deacon."

The famous teacher guards were stunned for a moment after being scolded, but they were still obedient. One of the two men lifted up the body of the man in black on the ground.

"Let's go, let's go back and discuss what to do."

Cheng Wuwei said to Li Yuanxing, his face filled with sorrow.

According to his experience, these men in black are definitely dead soldiers trained by a certain family in Qingfeng City.

Otherwise, who would dare to openly attack and kill a famous teacher in broad daylight?

Don't say they don't dare, even the royal family doesn't dare.

However, since it has been done, it means that they have cut off all the clues.

Therefore, trying to find out their origins is as difficult as going to the sky.

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