The top floor of the Master's Hall, the office of the Master.

Diao Butiao took out a palm-sized compass-shaped object and carefully placed it on the table. Then he infused his vitality into the compass. After a moment, the compass emitted a ray of light and projected it onto a wall.

Thousand Mile Projection Array.

It can communicate between two places within a certain distance and realize image communication between each other.

The Thousand Mile Projection Array, as the name suggests, can communicate with each other at any time without obstacles within a thousand miles.

This array requires at least a fourth-level array master to refine, so the price is extremely expensive.

With Diao Butiao's ability, he can definitely not afford it.

The reason why he has this Thousand Mile Projection Array is that the Master's Hall configures it for the masters of all levels of the Master's Hall.

"Master Diao, why do you need to activate the Thousand Mile Projection Array?"

After the Thousand Mile Projection Array was turned on, less than two minutes later, a middle-aged man in a master's robe appeared in the light. The man was awe-inspiring without anger, giving people the illusion of a firm mind.

There are at least three silver stars on the golden book on his chest, shining brightly under the refraction of the magic circle light, which is eye-catching.

This person is none other than the head of the Master Teacher Hall of Qinglin County, the third-level master, Wang Tianlin.

Qinglin County is a big city, at least several times larger than Qingfeng City, and governs ninety-nine cities of similar size to Qingfeng City.

Although Xinyue Country is just a drop in the ocean in Fengyun Continent, there are a total of sixty-six and twelve such county cities.

If Diao Butiao is the king, then Wang Tianlin is the king of kings.

One person is better than a hundred people.

Oh, my god, why is it him?

According to common sense, shouldn’t the person who connects with me be the steward? Why is it Wang Tianlin?

Diao Butiao was immediately confused. Usually, he only needs to report to the steward or deputy head of the Master Teacher Hall of the next level to apply for master promotion. This is also the reason why Diao Butiao thought he could extend the time indefinitely.

As a result, when the matter really came to an end, it turned out to be the head of the Master Teacher Hall of Qinglin County. The length of time could not be decided by himself, but by Wang Tianlin.

This is so damn, is the head of the Master Teacher Hall of Qinglin County also as idle as me?

Diao Butiao was complaining in his heart. If he had not been broken by Lin Taixu, he would definitely close the Thousand Mile Projection Array immediately at this time and talk about it later.

But now, it is also good, at least it can speed up the approval and shorten the time.

In fact, he didn't know that the deputy head of the Thousand Mile Projection Array in Qinglin County had asked for leave for something, and he couldn't find anyone for a while, so Wang Tianlin had to take charge of it himself.

"Greetings, Master Wang."

Diao Butiao hurriedly saluted Wang Tianlin. Wang Tianlin was about the same age as himself, but his level was higher than his, and his strength was stronger than his,

so he hurriedly saluted at the first time and didn't dare to neglect it.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

Wang Tianlin didn't care about these things, and said in a deep voice, even with a hint of impatience on his face. The Thousand Miles Projection Array has a limit on the number of times it can be used. Under normal circumstances, it can only be used 99,999 times. If it exceeds this limit, it will explode into powder with a "bang".

So, if Diao Butiao dares to innocently open the Thousand Miles Projection Array and can't give him a reasonable explanation, sorry, he will never tolerate him.

Even if he is the rebellious son of the Diao family, uh, the identity of the Diao family's bastard, he can't save him.

Because in terms of family power, the Wang family is far ahead of the Diao family.

"Yes, yes, Master."

Diao Butiao knew that Wang Tianlin didn't think he could deal with him, so he quickly told him about Lin Taixu.

"Lin Taixu?"

"He can actually be promoted to a two-star master teacher?"

When Wang Tianlin heard this, he was stunned. If he didn't know that Diao Butiao would never dare to talk nonsense about such things, he would have suspected that Diao Butiao was making fun of him.

Lin Taixu, who inherited his father's order of master five years ago, has never accepted any disciples in the past three years.

A year and a half ago, he recruited Murong Wujiu, a disciple of the fourth level of the first-level martial arts apprentice.

Half a month later, he recruited Wang Luoyi, a disciple of the third level of the first-level martial arts apprentice.

A month later, he recruited Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang, disciples of the third level of the first-level martial arts apprentice.

Two months later, he recruited Ouyang Yanran, a disciple of the third level of the first-level martial arts apprentice.

These materials are recorded and can be checked.

Did I remember it wrong?

Thinking of this, Wang Tianlin immediately stretched out his hand to activate a magic circle, and saw a stream of light flashing, and the news record about Lin Taixu appeared again. At a glance, it was completely consistent with his memory.

"This is strange."

Wang Tianlin dispersed the activated magic circle, and his resolute face had a hint of confusion, a hint of curiosity, and eight points of gossip.

Did he step on dog shit?

Otherwise, how could he teach two second-level warrior disciples in such a short time?

"Three days later, a master teacher promotion ceremony will be held for him. At that time, this hall master will send two deputy hall masters to come for on-site assessment."

As soon as Wang Tianlin finished speaking, his figure disappeared into the magic circle.

Seeing this, Diao Butiao quickly withdrew his vitality and closed the Qianli Projection Magic Circle. Then he let out a long sigh. In just a short time, he felt like he was being drained. He lay on the chair and gasped for air.

Tired, so fucking tired.

And not only tired, but also painful.

Don't think wrongly, the pain was caused by Lin Taixu's beating. If he hadn't been deeply tortured by Lin Taixu, with his strength of the fifth level of the second-level warrior, he could have chatted with Wang Tianlin forever.

Plus passion.

After a rest, Diao Bu Diao felt that he could do it again, and immediately activated the Thousand Mile Projection Array again.

However, this time he was not looking for Wang Tianlin, unless he didn't want to live.

According to Wang Tianlin's old-fashioned personality, he felt that if he really did this, the old stubborn would tear his bones apart and sell them for money, and then compensate for the loss of the Thousand Mile Projection Array.

Wang Tianlin, in fact, in the hearts of all the masters of the famous teachers' halls in Qinglin County, there is another name, the stingy king.

As long as you can use it, you can make do with it.

As long as you don't need it, you can not use it, or you can use it and buy it yourself.

Fortunately, he has never been stingy with the resources needed by each famous teacher hall, and he has issued them according to the actual volume, not more or less.

So, even if everyone has opinions about him, everyone has to endure it.

After the Thousand Mile Projection Array was opened for a few minutes, the light in the array finally shook, and an old man in a gray robe appeared.

The old man had a gloomy face, a pointed face and monkey cheeks. He didn't look like a good guy at first glance.

However, his aura was deep, like a hidden volcano. As long as he moved, he would definitely erupt with shocking power.

"Hello, old man."

Seeing the old man appear, Diao Bu Diao hurriedly shouted flatteringly, as if he had seen his real father.

No, he was closer than his real father.

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