My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 68: Old and Withered

"What's the matter?"

Kulao looked at Diao Budiao with a cold face and asked with a smile on his face.

With that look on his face, he knew without asking that Diao Butiao was just an ant in his eyes. If he hadn't been useful, he would have been disgusted by even looking at Diao Butiao.

"That's right, Ku Lao."

"Junior wants to meet the young master."

Diao BuDiao said with a smile.

"Humph, you can see the young master whenever you want?"

When Ku Lao heard this, his face suddenly turned cold and he said displeasedly, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

His young master is the Nine-Heaven Divine Dragon, high above the world.

Are you an ant like you who can see you whenever you want?



When Diao Bidian heard this, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly, but there was a burst of anger in his heart. Damn it, you old man, you are asking for labor to do something, okay?

You have to get your position right.

"Young Master is now at a critical juncture for promotion, so it is inconvenient to see guests."

"If you have anything to do, tell me first. If it's important, I'll report it to you."

"As for whether the young master sees you or not, it's not up to me to decide."


Ku Lao also seemed to feel that he was too tough and was not good.

Then he started to say, after all, although Diao Budiao is an ant, his identity can still be of some use.

Just think of it as humiliating yourself for the sake of the young master.

"I understand, I understand."

Diao BuDiao nodded like a chicken slurping rice. Although Ku Lao's words were a bit unpleasant, they made him feel more comfortable than before.

It seems that this hall master still has a certain weight in the young master's heart. You see, the most popular person around the young master knows that this hall master is unhappy. Isn't this soft?

"Hurry up, I'm very busy."

Ku Lao said impatiently, although he didn't care about the longevity of the Thousand Miles Projection Array, he was really busy.

Who is as idle as Diao BuDiao?

A small broken city with only two famous teachers actually set up a famous teacher hall. He conservatively estimated that what Diao Budiao could do in a year was not as much as what he had to do in a day.

This teacher's headquarters really has money and nowhere to spend it.

If I had known earlier, I would have applied to become the master of the Famous Master Hall, wouldn't it have been a pleasure?

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Master, didn't you send me to Qingfeng City five years ago to suppress the news of Lin Yuanshan's disappearance?"

Diao BuDiao quickly got to the point and said, feeling that he was a little weak and couldn't support it anymore.

However, in order to prevent himself from being beaten to death by Ku Lao, he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Men have to be tougher on themselves.

Lin Taixu: Plagiarizing my lines?

Besides, men, you can't say no.

Lin Taixu: Twice.

"What happened? Did someone find out?"

Ku Lao frowned and asked coldly, "If someone discovers it, then it won't be a big deal."

"No no."

Diao BuDiao quickly shook his head.

Gan! How many times would you say it without you?

Ku Lao immediately became angry, and a chill flashed in his eyes. If the magic circle hadn't shown his shadow, he would have taken action.

You are used to it.

"But, his son Lin Taixu came to the Master Master Hall today to be promoted to a two-star master teacher."

Diao Budiao was frightened by Ku Lao's fierce eyes and said immediately. After speaking, he seemed worried that Ku Lao wouldn't understand, and continued, "If he is promoted to a two-star master teacher, his level will be the same as mine. According to the famous teacher According to the church's regulations, he can become the deputy church leader immediately."

"When the time comes, if he wants to track down the news of Lin Yuanshan's disappearance, I won't be able to hold him back."


Ku Lao pondered for a moment and nodded. This is indeed very important news. If Lin Taixu is to be promoted to a two-star master teacher, then Diao Budiao will definitely not be able to control him. Even if he can, he will not be able to do whatever he wants like before. .

However, do you want to be promoted to a famous teacher?

Dream on.

"Isn't there a rule in the Famous Master Hall? Make a reservation first, and then advance on a chosen date. Then change the chosen date to an unlimited extension."

Ku Lao said coldly, Xianyu still wants to stand up?

Sorry, you have no hope in this life.

"But after I reported it, Hall Master Wang Tianlin already nodded in agreement and said that Lin Taixu would be promoted in three days."

Diao BuDiao said.


"How did Wang Tianlin know?"

Ku Lao was suddenly startled and asked angrily.

"I don't know either. I opened the thousand-mile projection circle for communication, and he was the one who appeared."

Diao Budiao said with a sad face, "So, I thought the situation was serious and quickly reported it to the young master."

"Trash, more success than failure."

Ku Lao cursed angrily, and the cold and harsh aura on his body became more and more serious, showing the anger in his heart.

"Yes Yes Yes."

When Diao BuDiao was scolded, he didn't have any temper at all. Instead, he kept saying yes. If the aura on Ku Lao's body wasn't too strong, he might have even licked him and said, "You should calm down. You don't look like the little prince when you are so angry."

"Then what state is Lin Taixu in now?"

After thinking for a moment, Ku Lao asked Diao Budiao.

"Trash, still the same trash."

Diao BuDiao quickly replied, it's still the same recipe, still the same taste, without any change.

I originally wanted to tell Ku Lao Lin that Taixu had super gloves, but when he mentioned the gloves, he had to say that he had been beaten.

Uh. Forget it. Don’t worry about the details.

If young people don't practice martial ethics, what's there to say, right?

This hall master feels ashamed for him.

"That's good."

Ku Lao nodded and said, looking relieved, making Diao Bu Diao a little confused.

What do you mean?

Why do you feel this way?

Have you also been beaten by Lin Taixu?

He asked three questions in succession, rolling up and down in Diao BuDiao's throat, and rolling up again after falling.

Very much like myself who loves sports.

"What's good?"

Diao BuDiao asked. Although he didn't dare to ask, he still had to answer the question and not embarrass others.



When Ku Lao heard this, he almost got angry to death from Diao Bu Diao. He didn't know how this pig could become the master of the Famed Master Hall. Well, it seemed like it was done by the young master.

Forget it, don't worry about this.

"Doesn't it take two disciples of a second-level warrior to advance to a famous master?"


"Then what if Lin Taixu wakes up tomorrow morning and finds that two second-level warrior disciples are missing?"


Diao BuDiao couldn't help but be stunned, then smiled and flattered, "Ku Lao, Gao, you have thought of such a wonderful strategy, I really admire you."

But he said in his heart that he really deserves to be the old Yinbi beside the young master.

"That's because you're stupid."

Ku Lao sneered and cursed, without showing any mercy to Diao Bu Diao, "Go and do it."

With that said, he turned around and left.

"Go and do it?"



Damn it, Diao Bu Diao was about to jump up. Seeing that Ku Lao seemed to be leaving, he hurriedly shouted, "Wait a minute."

"Wait a moment."

Mamma Mia, let me do it, you want me to do it too.

I'm afraid I'll be hammered to death by that loser Lin Taixu before I even take action.

Moreover, it is still the kind that only cares about killing and not burying.

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