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Chapter 66 Rules for Master Teacher Promotion


Diao BuDiao was startled again when he saw Lin Taixu's face change from sunny to sleet.

You were so nice just now, how can you say that you just fall out with each other?

Are you a dog?

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this famous teacher is a good person."

Seeing Diao Butiao looking scared to death, Lin Taixu couldn't bear it. He patted Diao Butiao on the shoulder and said, this kid is too timid. How can he be a famous teacher with such courage? The master of the hall?

By the back door?

"Yes, yes, don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Diao BuDiao was so slapped by Lin Taixu that his hair stood on end, thinking that he wanted to kill him. Seeing that Lin Taixu just slapped him, he quickly apologized with a smile.

not afraid? Damn it, labor and management are scared to death.

But will I tell you the truth?


"Is this still our previous hall master?"

The maid looked dumbfounded. The current situation between Lin Taixu and Diao Budiao gave her the illusion that Lin Taixu was the master of the Hall of Masters, and the master was the one where the mouse met the cat. mouse.

Sure enough, the world of men is so simple.

There's nothing a meal can't fix.

If so, it means the blow wasn't hard enough.

If her thoughts were known to Diao Butiao, Diao Butiao would definitely reply to her that the world of a maid is also very simple.

There's nothing that can't be solved quickly, and if there is, it's because you're not fast enough.

Hurry up.

Diao or Diao, haggard!

"This famous teacher came back this time thinking that it would be better to hit the sun than to choose another day, so let's take care of the promotion today."

"After all, the sky is high and the road is far away. It is not easy for this famous teacher to come here."

Lin Taixu said.


Diao BuDiao was fooled by Lin Taixu's words. How important is it for a famous teacher to be promoted? How important is it? What a sacred thing?

It needs to be reported and approved at all levels.

By then, at least one or two hall masters will have passed the invigilation of the magic circle.

Do you think you can advance anytime you want?

What if someone engages in malpractice and allows famous teachers to advance at will?

Is it better to choose a day than hit it?

I'll go, will you be the bride's bride?

"Now I want to be promoted to a two-star master teacher, so be quick."

Lin Taixu didn't know the twists and turns involved. Seeing Diao Budiao's slow reaction, he immediately said displeasedly.

"This... really doesn't work."

Diao Budiao said with a sad face, in Fengyun Continent, famous teachers are divided into levels, and the Famous Master Hall is also divided into levels.

They are also divided into first-level famous master halls, second-level famous master halls, third-level famous master halls and up to ninth-level famous master halls.

The first-level famous teacher hall can only accept the promotion certification of one-star famous teachers. Usually, the hall leader needs a minimum of two-star famous teachers to be able to serve.

Normally, if someone is promoted to a one-star famous teacher, he will report it to the master of the famous master hall, and he will review it and report it to the second-level famous master hall for registration, which is considered a success.

This will usually be done for you on the same day.

However, if someone is promoted to a two-star master teacher in the first-level famous master hall, because the master of the first-level famous master hall does not have this right, then he needs to report to the second-level famous master hall. After the designated time, the second-level famous master hall will send several two-star famous teachers to come for the on-site assessment. , or supervise through the magic circle mirror.

The promotion is successful only after passing.

Of course, if you go to the second-level famous master hall when you are promoted to a second-star master teacher, that’s fine. Basically, as long as you meet the requirements for promotion, it will be done for you on the same day.

The second-level famous teacher hall can only accept the promotion certification of two-star or below famous teachers. When the certification authority is exceeded, it also needs to be reported to the third-level famous teacher hall. After the specified time, the third-level famous teacher hall will send several three-star famous teachers to come for on-site assessment, or Supervision through the magic circle mirror.

The third-level famous master hall, the fourth-level famous master hall, and so on.

Although the Famous Master Hall has been established for hundreds of years, and its purpose may have changed, this rule has always been strictly enforced, and no one dares to reach out to this place.

In other words, whether it is Fengyun Continent or Crescent Moon Kingdom, they are very sure about the rules.

Anyone who dares to break this rule will be killed or buried by the famous teacher guard.

Qingfeng City is a small city, and Diao Budiao is just the master of the first-level famous master hall. According to normal circumstances, he has no right to promote Lin Taixu. He can only report to the second-level famous master hall, and the master of the second-level famous master hall will be promoted. Sure.

However, when he reports to the second-level famous master hall and confirms the time for Lin Taixu's promotion to the second-level famous master hall, it will take three days at the fastest.

Based on his face, it would take at least three days to intercede and go through the back door.

But Lin Taixu wants to advance now, damn, you are so beautiful?

Not even good looks.

"Why not?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but get angry. This was something he needed to deal with.

Although he didn't know why Murong Wushuang was so concerned about his advancement, but since the beauty cared about him, of course he had to try his best to be satisfied.

Otherwise, wouldn't it make you look useless?

Sorry, Diao Budiao, if you want to disappoint me, this famous teacher will let you know what despair is.

"It's really not possible. This is the rule of the Famed Master Hall."

Diao BuDiao almost knelt down to Lin Taixu, Dad, just go around the labor force. Even if you kill me, I can't do it.


"Haha, rules are meant to be broken."

Lin Taixu sneered, what are the rules? Is that formulated by the strong for the weak, and you are the weak?

It's obviously not good.

In Qingfeng City, who dares to touch Lin Taixu?

"This... can't be broken."

Diao Budiao said, and immediately told the story of the famous master's promotion. After speaking, he seemed to be worried that Lin Taixu would not believe it. He pointed to the pillar in the middle of the hall and said, "This is the Tongtian method certified by the famous master." Formation, without the authorization of the high-level famous master hall, the low-level famous master hall cannot activate it at all. "

"If it cannot be activated, you cannot communicate with the Master Master Hall. If you cannot communicate with the Master Master Hall, your Master Master Token star rating will not increase."

"So, even if you kill me now, you won't be able to activate this magic circle."

Lin Taixu stared at Diao Budiao coldly, and seeing that his expression didn't look like he was lying, he immediately couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

If it was true as Diao Butiao said that he needed the authorization from the Senior Masters Hall, then it would be of no use even if he killed Diao Butiao now.

How about giving it a beating to vent your anger?

It’s also good to practice your hands.

"Master, how about we come back another day?"

Murong Wushuang said with a bit of embarrassment on her face. She didn't know there were so many ways to advance to become a famous teacher. So, since she really can't advance now, she should wait a few more days. Besides, she has been waiting for more than a year. , no less than these days.

"Okay, let's give it a few days."

When Lin Taixu heard what Murong Wushuang said, he immediately agreed, "Remember, if you can't do it within three days, just wait."

With that said, he left with Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.


Diao Budiao watched Lin Taixu disappear from sight again, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He thought about scolding Lin Taixu to express the bad anger in his heart, but he was worried that Lin Taixu would leave and come back again. Thinking about it, he still never mind.

Immediately, ignoring the pain all over his body, he ran towards the top floor, his office.

Report it, report it.

Race against time.

If he couldn't do it within three days, he couldn't imagine how Lin Taixu would deal with him.

He no longer thinks about getting rewards from the big shots behind him, he just wants to have nothing to do with Lin Taixu.

At the same time, I couldn't help but fear and hate the big man behind me.

He agreed at the beginning just to deal with a loser.

Look, look.

Is this Lin Taixu a waste?

Have you ever seen a loser who can almost kill a second-level samurai with one punch?

Anyway, he hasn't seen it.

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