My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 65 I'm fine

"Lin Taixu, you must not die well."

"Death without a whole body."

"There are no bones left."

"bad intentions"


When Diao BuDiao saw Lin Taixu and others leaving, he was cursing in the hall while eating healing pills. He cursed and took one pill, and in the blink of an eye he had eaten several.

The maid on the side was frightened and worried whether he would overeat to death.

Diao BuDiao didn't care about this, because he was really angry.

Stealing the chicken but losing the rice is what he is talking about.

He lost his wife and lost his troops, but it was still him he was talking about.

It's him, it's him, it's him.

The Diao family is a super family with great strength. Although his status in the family is not very good, he is still a dog of the Diao family. Uh, I said it wrong.

That is also the concubine of the Diao family.

In terms of status, the direct bloodline of the head of the Diao family is many times stronger than the collateral lineage of the Diao family.

When had you ever been humiliated like this?

Not only was he beaten, but he was also blackmailed, which was simply unbearable.

"Master, please stop talking."

The maid on the side said to Diao Butiao with a mournful face.

"Stop talking about it. Labor and management have said it. What can you do?"

Diao BuDiao happened to be angry and had no place to vent his anger. When he saw the maid's words, he suddenly showed his fierce look, "You bitch, have your wings grown hard? How dare you talk to this hall master like this?"

"Do you want to die?"

Diao BuDiao glared at the maid with his evil eyes, killing her to vent his hatred.

Although I am fast, if I can't do it, I will use my hands, uh, to strangle her to death.

"Master, behind you."

When the maid saw this, she almost cried because of Diao BuDiao's ferocity, but she still abided by her duty and reminded Diao BuDiao.

"What happened next?"

"The back. It seems like I haven't tried it for a long time."

Diao BuDiao suddenly felt a little excited, and looked at the maid with a hidden light in his eyes, "You are really a little goblin, but this hall master likes you."

Why didn't this hall master realize that you are so good at playing before?

The maid remained silent. Although she didn't know what Diao BuDiao was thinking, Lin Taixu had been standing at the door of the hall for a while. She felt that whether or not to remind Diao BuDiao had no direct bearing on the outcome of the matter.

Silence is gold.


Diao BuDiao seemed to feel something was wrong. When he turned around and took a look, he was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

It turned out that he didn't know when Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang, and Wang Luoyi were standing in front of him.

I'm standing in front of you. How much do you think I still look like before?

Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi stood quietly at the door, watching Diao BuDiao's volley of words.

If it weren't for the maid's reminder, Lin Taixu would have been embarrassed to disturb Diao BuDiao's extraordinary performance.

You can't tell, but this wretched and thin man is actually a literary giant. You can see that he speaks well and doesn't even use curse words.

What a special talent.

It seems that being able to become the master of the Famous Master Hall is really something extraordinary, and I am not as good as me.

Therefore, compared to the anger of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, Lin Taixu had a calm expression, and even had a charming smile on his face.

Can you be unhappy?

As soon as I stepped in, I heard Diao Budiao scolding me. As the saying goes, a famous teacher should not be insulted.

Whoever humiliates will pay for it.

There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. If there is, it means you don’t have enough money.

I just don’t know if Diao BuDiao, a literary giant, is as amazed by his wallet as his literary talents.

"Master Lin, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

"I was just talking about this bitch."

Diao BuDiao's expression quickly changed from shock to flattery. As he spoke, he pointed at the maid on the side. He knew clearly that Lin Taixu was back, but he didn't remind the hall master. Who did he scold her for?


Maid: I have a saying in my heart, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not.

"Understand, understand."

Lin Taixu laughed and walked in.

"Famous Master Lin really has a sharp eye, which is incomparable to ordinary people like us."

"I admire you."

Seeing this, Diao Budiao couldn't help laughing and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Lin Taixu knew that he was scolding him, he might have to deal with him again.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Got fooled.

What a fool.

"I didn't hear anything. One hundred thousand silver coins per word. Is that okay with you?"

Lin Taixu walked up to Diao Butiao and said with a smile.

Do you really think you are a fool? Will labor and management believe you if you criticize me by name?


Diao BuDiao was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but shudder. One word, one hundred thousand silver coins?

Why don't you go and grab it?

If I want money, I won’t give it. If I want my life, I won’t give it.

"How about two hundred thousand per word?"

Lin Taixu looked sideways at Diao BuDiao and asked, a chill rising in his eyes.

If you scold someone without paying them, you are acting like a hooligan.

If you dare to play rogue against this famous teacher.

Sorry, this famous teacher is even more rogue than you.

When the time comes, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it.

"One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand is very good, perfect, very meaningful, very auspicious."

Under Lin Taixu's gaze, Diao BuDiao shuddered again and said quickly.

He almost forgot that Lin Taixu was not a good man, and that he had the leverage in his hands.

As long as he tells the story of beating him first to the Famed Master Hall above, even the big shots behind him won't be able to protect him.

Hey, men should still be cowardly.

No, this is called leaving green hills without worrying about having no firewood.

Talk about it later, talk about it later.


Lin Taixu nodded and said in praise, look at what he said, it was perfect.

It has meaning and realm.

This is what a truly famous teacher should say and how he should talk.

Unlike me, who only knows how to take action, what is the difference between this and a reckless man?

What a difference.

Such a big gap.


Diao Bu Diao's heart is full of fragrance, so one hundred thousand words are omitted here.

There were no words to express how fucked he felt at this moment.

If there is any metaphor, it would be that he is now Xiao Hong in Baihua Tower, being put into hundreds of postures by the guests. After several days and nights, in turn, he has to spend all his savings.

Lin Taixu, you simply don’t deserve to be the son of a human being.

"Master Lin, you left and then came back. Is there something important?"

Diao Budiao calmed down his sad mood and asked Lin Taixu. He just wanted to send Lin Taixu, the god of plague, away as soon as possible. After so much effort, he stole so many silver coins.

If he was allowed to stay here for just a moment and a half, he was worried that even if he gave the Famed Master Hall to him, it wouldn't be enough to compensate him.

You cannot suppress the other party based on your identity.

With strength, he can't be defeated.

Don't rely on face, no one is Lin Taixu's opponent.

An all-around complete defeat.

He felt it was too difficult for him.

"It doesn't matter to me."

Lin Taixu said, and then his expression changed. Damn it, why is it so wrong to say this?

Labor and management suspect that you are trying to trick me, so I need to pay more.


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