Chapter 94 Have you ever sent tofu in Qiu Mingshan before (2/7)

But for Jiang Xiaoxin, Jiang Xiaobai was able to conquer a mutant dimensional creature, and it was no different from conquering a mutant dimensional creature himself.

Therefore, after looking at the Daha on the ground, the little bit of feeling in Jiang Xiaoxin’s heart has disappeared, but there is a flash of joy in her eyes.

But Jiang Xiaoxin can be so calm and calm, but Zhou Jia next to him can’t do it.

He stared at the ground firmly, and every move was an adorable Daha, and then thinking about the identity of Daha’s mutant dimensional creature, Zhou Jia had already stepped forward and looked at Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

“One night, afterwards Daha belongs to me.”

Jiang Xiaobai: Zhou Jia suddenly came up with such a sentence.

But very quickly, back to “four nines three”

After passing through, Jiang Xiaobai instantly understood that Zhou Jia was driving to himself.

And it’s not a car to kindergarten, but a fast car to the adult world.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai didn’t speak, Zhou Jia thought that Jiang Xiaobai was not satisfied with his price.

After groaning for a while, he continued: “Two nights, any posture, I can accept it, how about it?”

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai, who had already recovered, took a deep look at the dirty girl in front of him in the skin of the goddess, and said leisurely, “Actually, I have become a family, where do you need to divide so much? You and I.”

It’s okay not to say this, as soon as Zhou Jia said this, Zhou Jia’s eyes instantly stared.

Then he took a step back and stared at Jiang Xiaobai with an extremely guarded expression, “Asshole, you are thinking about the accumulation of days and months.”

“Accumulate every day”

Regarding: Zhou Jia drove this car, Jiang Xiaobai almost didn’t react, and almost didn’t get up in one breath.

What kind of person is this! The jokes are more sophisticated than me.

Jiang Xiaobai would like to ask Zhou Jia, if you ever delivered tofu in Qiu Ming Mountain before. It’s so beautiful because it’s not early. After ordering some food and devouring it, the two women turned back. Go to the room to practice.

After the battle, as the star power is exhausted and then practice, the effect is the best.

It’s just that the result of this is that the requirements for star beads are even greater.

Those students in the school can’t afford such consumption.

Today in the dimensional space, although the two women mostly use star orbs to restore their star power while fighting.

In this way, the growth of star power is also extremely limited.

But it can’t stand up to a large amount! In the battle that lasted for several hours, the two women spent 20 or 30 bronze-level star orbs in front of each other.

Such consumption has also caused the strength of the two women to increase sharply in the course of today’s battle.

However, in just half a day, it was close to a breakthrough level.

Therefore, no matter…

Is it Jiang Xiaoxin or Zhou Jia who wants to strike while the iron is hot, and wants to try to make a breakthrough tonight.

In the process, Jiang Xiaobai sat in the sand after taking a shower while watching TV while touching the head of a pug, which was also forced to wash by Jiang Xiaobai for more than half an hour.

Perhaps what happened in front of me in the dimension space today really shocked Daha.

Even now, whenever Jiang Xiaobai put his hand on Da Ha’s head, Da Ha did not dare to move.

After waiting for almost two hours, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin came out of the room.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the two women, you can know that the two women must have made a breakthrough without thinking about it.

After coming out of the room, the two women did not go directly to wash, instead they went directly to Jiang Xiaobai and sat down:.

Turning his head, glancing at the two women who looked a little serious, Jiang Xiaobai was shocked, not knowing what the two women were doing now.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s doubts, Jiang Xiaoxin said slowly: “I just discussed with Zhou Jia, we want to skip a grade.”

“The skipping high will be over soon after another. Now skipping is unnecessary!”

Jiang Xiaobai calculated the time and asked.

Jiang Xiaoxin shook her head, “If you jump to the second year of high school during this period, then in another month, wait until the end of this semester, and then we will be able to take the college entrance examination next year.”

“Uh, are you sure if you really want to skip a level, will you be a little anxious? After all, your level now seems to be a little lower!”

Jiang Xiaobai said.

Hearing this, Zhou Jia was instantly unhappy.

“What’s wrong with our level? Now Xiao Xin and I are both Level 6 Astral Mechanics apprentices. You are only a Level 5 Astral Mechanics apprentice. You are embarrassed to look down on us.”

Jiang Xiaobai sneered, then grabbed Daha’s neck with one hand and mentioned to Zhou Jia, “Have you ever beaten this stupid dog with a Level 6 star mechanic?”

Zhou Jia: …Zhou Jia felt that she could not continue to talk with Jiang Xiaobai 0… Jiang Xiaoxin sighed, then forcibly turned the topic back and said, “I and Zhou Jia are both I feel that even in the first class, the current courses and training of high school are no longer helpful to us.

And Teacher Xu will not take us to this class in the next semester, but will take the third grade one. I and Xiaojia are used to it, and I don’t want to change to another person to guide us.”

After speaking, after a pause, Jiang Xiaoxin continued: “That’s why Xiaojia and I are here to discuss with you and see if you want to skip the level with us.”

In fact, as long as Jiang Xiaobai wants to, he can now directly pile his level to the Stardust Realm by relying on achievement points.

But I didn’t do this, one is because I just awakened not long ago.

If he jumped directly to the Stardust Realm, it would be a bit shocking.

The second is because once the awakened person enters the Stardust Realm, it is suppressed by the laws of dimensional space and cannot enter the lower-level dimensional space.

Change 1.

1 In other words, once entering the Stardust Realm, the awakened cannot enter the bronze dimensional space, and can only choose the silver-level bronze dimensional space or the higher-level dimensional space.

It is also for this reason that for Jiang Xiaobai, there is actually not much difference between the first grade and the second grade or even the third grade.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked: “It’s just a matter of level skipping, it seems a bit difficult to handle!”

Jiang Xiaoxin obviously knew this too, and immediately responded: “I am going to discuss this with Teacher Xu tomorrow to see if there is any way, mainly because you want to skip a grade.”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “If you skip a level, you can skip a level. I don’t have much opinion.”

After receiving an answer, Jiang Xiaoxin also had a smile on her face, “Then tomorrow morning, I will go directly to Teacher Xu to talk about this matter.”

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