Chapter 93 Mutated Daha (1/7)

At the door of Dimensional Space, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Thu Hai were all waiting quietly.

There are some awakened people around who have frequently swept their eyes towards the two women.

“Why hasn’t it been a problem for so long?”

Looking at the time, Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help but feel a little worried when he saw that it was almost twenty minutes before Jiang Xiaobai’s figure was seen.

Zhou Jia curled her lips and said, “Is there anything to worry about? As far as that guy’s skills are, it’s okay to run rampant in this dimensional space.”

Speaking of this, Zhou Jia is… a burst of pantothenic acid.

Also an awakened person, Jiang Xiaobai’s skills are completely ordinary.

It is not only cruel, but also unreasonable.

Even if it is for… the sixth-level or even the seventh-level astral mechanics apprentices, they dare not say that they are unimpeded in this dimensional space, but Jiang Xiaobai is able to do it unscrupulously.

I simply can’t let it: people let it be treated with ordinary eyes.

After waiting for a few minutes, Jiang Xiaobai’s figure finally appeared in the eyes of Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

And behind him, there is no such thing as… the bloodthirsty wolves that followed closely before.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoxin and others were relieved.

After stepping into the dimensional space gate one by one, when the momentary weightlessness dissipated, several people had already returned to the real world.

It is different from leaving directly after returning from the dimensional space twice before….

Because this time Jiang Xiaobai brought Daha out of the dimensional space.

Therefore, in accordance with relevant regulations, registration and basic testing must be carried out, and only after it is determined that the dimensional creatures brought out can indeed be manipulated before they can leave.

Fortunately, before Daha, Jiang Xiaobai had just thrown away those… when the bloodthirsty wolf had already woke up.

Coupled with the previous several hours of training in the dimensional space, so it is very simple to pass the test.

It’s just that Daha’s appearance at this moment is quite different from those in the dimension space…The appearance of the bloodthirsty wolf is quite different, so the person in charge of the test couldn’t help but ask a few more questions.

But it turned out to be one question and three questions.

This left the person in charge speechless and chose to let him go.

After the star beads were divided, and after returning home from Thu Hai, Zhou Jia just closed the door and asked, “Let’s talk about it! What the hell is it?”

After Jiang Xiaobai returned alone before, he looked faintly in a hurry along the way.

Others can’t tell, how could Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin get along with Jiang Xiaobao day and night without any problems.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, “Oh, come here…very fast.”

Zhou Jia “hum”

With a sound, his face looked like Tsundere.

Then, in front of the two women, Jiang kicked Daha who was curiously hitting the surrounding situation and said, “Hurry up, change yourself.”

Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia: “Transform, what do you think of Jiang Xiaolang?”

Zhou Jia looked at Jiang Xiaobai blankly.

But the problem just came down, and it was not waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to explain.In the sight of the two women, Daha, who had just been kicked by Jiang Xiaobai, let out a low growl, and his figure turned out to be good at facing the wind.

In less than three seconds3, it is… from the original… the size of a newborn baby to the size of an adult cow.

Moreover, the whole body’s hair and eyes are blood red, and it looks majestic.

And when the two women were shocked, the Daha at the moment, except for… looking at Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes were still flattering, it was completely… and before in the dimensional space canyon. The blood wolf king he saw was exactly the same.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaoxin had a thought in her heart, as if she was thinking of something, she couldn’t help but said: “Could it be that Daha swallowed the blood wolf king’s star orb and the wolf king’s heart, and he was also promoted to the blood wolf king”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, “Yes, this guy has indeed been promoted to the blood wolf king, and even the blood wolf king’s blood blade is mastered. The reason why he was delayed for so long before was also because this guy woke up halfway. I suddenly turned into a body.”

After speaking, after a pause, Jiang Xiaobai patted Daha on the head again.

Then, in the sight of the two women, Daha’s body quickly retracted as if it had shrunk, turning into a baby husky the same size as before.

Faced with this situation, both women were silent.

Then, after a slight pause, Jiang Xiaobai continued: “In the process of returning before, I also checked the information on the Internet and found that the blood wolf king is indeed a dimensional creature belonging to the ninth-level astrological mechanic, but it does not possess the kind of Daha. The ability to control one’s body arbitrarily.”

Hearing this, Zhou Jia suddenly stared in shock and said, “Could it be that Daha has not only integrated the blood wolf king’s abilities, but also has mutations”

“If there are no accidents, this possibility is the greatest.”

Jiang Xiaobai responded.

“I, Cao, have you made a mistake? Your luck is a bit against the sky!”

Mutant dimensional creatures can be said to be a type of alien species among dimensional creatures.

Ordinary dimensional creatures, such as bloodthirsty wolves, are limited by their own creatures. biology.

…Otherwise, in the past few hundred years, all dimensional spaces have long been turned into gold, even diamond-level dimensional spaces, where are humans jumping? share.

But nothing is absolute.

The dimensional space has a special dimensional space where the level of the abyss dimensional space will continue to increase, and the dimensional creatures naturally have some individual ones, and they will not be limited by their own blood.

And this dimensional creature is a mutant dimensional creature.

After the mutation, the original dimensional creatures, just like humans, can continuously improve with the swallowed star orbs and break through their own limits to become more advanced dimensional creatures.

But for such a mutated dimensional creature, there will not necessarily be one among a million dimensional creatures.

Once it appears, it is bound to be snatched by all awakened awakened beast-taming talents.

And Jiang Xiaobai only entered the dimensional space once, and then took a pet at will, that is… became a mutant dimensional creature.

This luck is simply speechless.

The key is that this mutant creature was not conquered by Jiang Xiaobai through talent skills, but through his own talent skills and strength.

This makes no sense.

Therefore, even if Jiang Xiaoxin knew about this…After that, she stared at the Daha on the edge of Jiang Xiaobai’s trousers, and suddenly felt a little jealous.

: It is expected that at least seven chapters will be updated today, please subscribe, ask for support!

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