Chapter 95 Proficiency makes people feel bad (3/7, please subscribe)

“Jiang Xiaolang!”

The next day, just after waking up and booing to restore his little brother to his ready state, he opened the bathroom door and saw Zhou Jia blocking the door.

To be honest, although it is really pleasant to see two beautiful young girls just after waking up every day.

But Zhou Jia, who couldn’t stand it, was stuck in the door at every turn, which was really scary.

With his unwashed hands, he directly pushed away the face of Zhou Jia who couldn’t help but swept his gaze on his loose pants.

Then, as he walked out of the bathroom, Jiang Xiaobai asked, “I said, there are three 3 bathrooms in my house. Why are you here to stop me every day?”

Zhou Jia snorted softly and folded her hands in her chest and said, “Say, did you take my Star Orb?”

“What does Xingzhu mean?”

Jiang Xiaobai’s sleepy face was a little confused.

“But the ones that you gave me just now………the silver-level star beads in the star beads are missing one.”

Zhou Jia said with a small black bag in her hand.

Jiang Xiaobai rolled his eyes, “Neurotic! What am I doing with your star beads”

“Mine is also missing one 1.”

At this time, Jiang Xiaoxin, who also held the slap big bag 07 from the room, also spoke.

“Well, you are also missing a star ball”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was really surprised.

Just forget what Zhou Jia said, this Nizi was originally a stupor.

Yesterday, when I was in the dimension space, the bag containing the star beads was returned.

Had it not been for Jiang Xiaobai, this Nizi would have nowhere to cry.

But Jiang Xiaoxin has always been more careful, and she remembers everything clearly.

However, the silver-level star beads were originally given to them by Jiang Xiaobai.

In addition, Jiang Xiaobai did not use star orbs for cultivation in the past two days, and his own…none of them were useful yet, so it was naturally impossible to get the two women’s star orbs.

Besides, if there was a thief in the house last night, not to mention the current strength of a few people would definitely be detected in the first time, even if it is stolen, it is impossible to steal only two star beads! Jiang Xiaobai can’t get it, and does the family have it? …Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia are naturally unable to enter the thief.

So, the answer is already ready.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai’s line of sight is already on Daha who is lying on the sofa at this moment.

Noting Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, the two women seemed to have thought of something and turned their heads to Daha quickly.

Feeling the sight of three people 3, a picture of Daha who was not sleeping on the sofa slowly raised his head and turned his head and glanced at several people.

After looking at the black bag in Zhou Jia’s hand, Da Hat, who was lying on the sofa, stood up slowly and turned his head to Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

When treating several people, they were all wondering what Daha would do next.

Facing the sight of Jiang Xiaobai and the three of them3, with only one hind leg, they already jumped half a meter from the sofa.

After being in the air for a second or two, it was already slowly falling.

It’s just that this time Daha was on all fours when he landed.

But the legs bend, “puff through”

With a sound, he knelt in front of three people 3.

After kneeling down, Daha still “oooo”

After a second sound, the small eyes dodge a little.

That movement is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed.

Seeing Daha’s movements at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai and the other two women twitched the corners of their mouths.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai did not receive the system or achievement point prompt.

Naturally, now Daha knelt spontaneously, and there is no need to say more about the reason.

Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia’s star beads were all stolen by this dog thief.

But steal it, do you mean to kneel so skillfully, or is it because Jiang Xiaobai’s training in the dimensional space before makes Daha already take kneeling directly after making a mistake as the standard for admitting mistakes. The dog thief who had already voluntarily admitted his mistake, Jiang Xiaobai groaned for a while before turning around and returning to the room.

Ten seconds later, Jiang Xiaobai already took out a keyboard in his hand, and then placed it on the rest of Daha.

Daha: Jiang Xiaoxin:…… Zhou Jia:…… “You are poisonous!”

Looking at the…keyboard under Daha’s front legs, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but suffocate a word.

Kneel the keyboard to the dog, you really are a person who is cold, and can come up with this method.

After some enquiries and gestures, several people knew that the two 2 star orbs stolen by Daha yesterday were all eaten by Daha.

And Daha is actually smart enough to know that only one place is stolen to prevent it from being detected earlier.

It’s a pity that Daha didn’t expect that Zhou Jia, a typical financial fan, would check his star orb count every morning.

The next day, it will be directly exposed.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai was not surprised.

Yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai had already discovered that Daha’s intelligence had risen sharply after he was promoted to a mutant dimensional creature.

It is no longer inferior to those…Silver-level dimensional creatures.

Daha can distinguish some simple gestures and commands and react in the first time.

Knowing that everything was done by the dog thief Daha, Jiang Xiaoxin was okay, and Zhou Jia was heartbroken.

After all, Da Ha Tun is a silver-level 493 star bead! Even Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin have not used it for the time being.

Now that he has been in trouble, Zhou Jia’s distress can be imagined.

But facing the reduced version, the adorable Daha, Zhou Jia hugged it in her arms in despair, and then carried out a brutal and inhumane ravages for half an hour.

After eating breakfast and going out, Jiang Xiaobai did not go to the school directly with Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin today, but went to the Dimensional Biology Report Office to go to the throne.

As more and more awakeners have awakened the taming talent skills, many awakeners have brought the tamed dimensional creatures back to the real world from the dimensional space.

Taking into account the danger of dimensional creatures, after leaving from the dimensional space, the awakeners carrying the dimensional creatures except… need to do a basic test at the military base and ascend to the throne, but also need to report on the dimensional creatures. Go to the throne and conduct a second test.

After the second evaluation is confirmed and passed, a special collar unique to the dimensional creature will be issued to indicate that those who can be awakened can bring this dimensional creature to exist in various cities.

So, now that Daha is brought out, Jiang Xiaobai must report it.

Otherwise, one day something happens, Jiang Xiaobai is bound to be in some trouble.


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