Chapter 92 It’s so good to be alive (5/5, please subscribe)

However, the levels of these awakened people are not high, even if compared to the bloodthirsty wolf, the speed is much worse, let alone Jiang Xiaobai.

Almost three minutes later, Jiang Xiaobai, who was running wild all the way, had already caught up with these awakened ones.

But while continuing to run wild, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and grinned at these awakened ones, raised a hand and said hello: “Hi!”

“I’m hi, you are paralyzed! Are you sick! Bring so many bloodthirsty wolves over here”

Facing Jiang Xiaobai, who looked indifferent at this moment and even smiled all over his face, these awakened persons stared one by one, swearing in their hearts.

Originally, these few people were so good, and they were all ready to leave this dimensional space with a full heart, and there was such a place in the middle.

A scourge came for no reason, with hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves following behind the ass.

Even with that, several people were also affected, and they had to run desperately under fear in their hearts.

As the initiator, Jiang Xiaobai still greeted these people with a smile on his face.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai’s handsome face, the team of the Awakened Squad couldn’t wait to directly use 493 hands to smash this face into a peach blossom.

But now the few people are sprinting, running at full capacity, they don’t dare to speak suddenly, otherwise, if they lose their breath, they might cause lung spasms.

Naturally, even if it was a scolding mother in her heart, she didn’t say a word, and her faces flushed red.

Seeing that he didn’t respond when he said hello, Jiang Xiaobai could only shrug his shoulders and beckon his hands again, “Go ahead, take your time.”

After saying a word as if it were commonplace, Jiang Xiaobai had already left.

However, a few seconds have already rushed in front of a few people.

Even the distance between the few people is quickly opened, leaving a chic back.

“Fuck, it’s too cheap.”

In the eyes of a few people, Jiang Xiaobai brought a group of bloodthirsty wolves over, and then after a few people fell behind, they said this lightly.

You know, there are hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves behind! Once you slow down and are caught up, it will definitely be the end of a corpse wolf.

As the spearhead, Jiang Xiaobai Yiqi Juechen lied and ran to the front, but left them behind.

Plus such a light sentence.

At this moment, a few people have never imagined that they have pressed a person to the ground and beaten violently.

But Jiang Xiaobai ran to the front and the others and even those behind…the bloodthirsty wolves were getting farther and farther away.

But they… they didn’t have the original level.

In terms of speed, how could it be comparable to bloodthirsty wolves…Dimensional creatures.

Naturally, after a minute, Jiang Xiaobai in front was almost gone.

Those behind… the bloodthirsty wolves are already there, already leaning behind them.

Maybe in the next moment there will be a few or even a dozen that will directly pounce on them and bite them.

Thinking of this, the faces of a few people can’t see the slightest blood.

Sometimes, the more nervous people are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Just like now, the eyes of several people have been focused on the large group of bloodthirsty wolves behind them, and one of them has not noticed that there is a stone almost ten centimeters high in front of him.

While rushing, he directly kicked one foot on the stone, and his body immediately became unbalanced before rushing for a certain distance and then fell directly to the ground.

“It’s over, it’s dead.”

The moment he fell to the ground, only this thought was left in the mind of the awakened person.

With this kind of despair in mind, when the awakened man turned his head like death, what he saw was the claws of a bloodthirsty wolf.

In the line of sight, he could clearly see the fleshy palms on the bloodthirsty wolf’s claws.

However, just when the awakened person was ready to be bitten by the bloodthirsty wolf in front of him, the bloodthirsty wolf’s paw that was constantly enlarged in his original line of sight did not aim at the awakened person’s throat at all.


He stepped directly on the face of the awakened person.

And after a wolf’s palm stepped on the face of the awakened person, the body jumped up as if stepping on a springboard.

And when this bloodthirsty wolf was in the air, he turned his head and glanced at the…springboard on the ground, and a trace of human impatientness flashed across the wolf’s face.

It seems to be disgusting that this awakened one has blocked his way.

After tracing a trajectory in the air and landing, the bloodthirsty wolf has been continuously looking at it and rushing forward.

During the whole process, I didn’t even look at this awakened one.

At the same time, bloodthirsty wolves quickly drowned the awakened.

At this moment, every time the awakened one wants to raise his head, a wolf’s palm is oncoming him.

At the same time, within a few seconds, the awakened ones in the front were also swallowed by the bloodthirsty wolves that caught up quickly.

A full ten seconds or so: After time, with the figures of many bloodthirsty wolves, they left.

The dust in the sky dispersed, revealing those… several figures lying on the ground.

It’s just that compared to the previous ones, each of these awakened people has several wolf footprints on their faces.

And there are also many footprints on his clothes.

One can imagine how many… bloodthirsty wolves stepped on these people before.

Several people sat up from the ground with grinning teeth, and then quickly checked their whole body.

I found that there were no other injuries except for some pain after being trampled before.

After that, his eyes were all staring at the bloodthirsty wolf that quickly left.

I waited until the group of… bloodthirsty wolves disappeared from sight with the dust in the sky, as several awakened people stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while, only one of the awakened people asked in amazement: ” Well, those… bloodthirsty wolves, just leave like that.”

“Okay, it seems so.”

Another awakened person next to him also responded with an unreal feeling on his face.

After waiting for a few minutes, everyone was finally determined that they had survived.

Survived from hundreds of large bloodthirsty wolves.

All of a sudden, a feeling of aftermath was flooded with these people.

Even under this kind of great sadness and joy, a younger awakened person still shed tears of joy.

It feels good to be alive.

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