Chapter 538 What kind of creature is it? (1/4)

“Jin Zhong[] Yuan, what are you doing!”

Jin Xiuya asked in surprise.

However, Jin Zhong[] Yuan didn’t understand why he suddenly kneeled at this time, and how could he answer Jin Xiuya and others’ questions.

But when I heard Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly: “Want to kill me”

Now, Cui Shixian doesn’t want to act anymore, saying, “It doesn’t matter if you know it, but it’s a pity that you know it too late.”

“I only wanted to teach you a lesson so that you can learn not to trust people easily.

But you just didn’t want to do anything, so we had to change our mind and kill you directly!”

Jiang Xiaobai listened to the corner of his mouth and lightly said, “It just so happens that I also changed my mind.”

Hearing this, Cui Shixian and others couldn’t help but look at each other.

But after listening to Jiang Xiaobai said again: “Originally, I only wanted to take the star beads, but now it seems that it is more appropriate to leave you all here.”

Pick the voice, “One Five Zero”

Jiang Xiaobai condensed star power in his hand, and a stream of light instantly hit Cui Shixian and others in front of him.

This is what these sticks deserve.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, I only saw the first level of the Galaxy Realm.These guys didn’t even bother to surround Jiang Xiaobai before.

In this way, five 55 stickmen stood together, just saving Jiang Xiaobai trouble.

The golden light passed away in a flash and disappeared into Cui Shixian and the others.


Suddenly, several guys screamed screamingly at the same time.

I just felt like a part of myself was stuffed into a thorny stick.

The pain was unbearable, but it was accompanied by an unspeakable pleasure.

Soon, everyone’s crotch was stained with blood, and it flowed down the trouser legs to the upper, and then to the ground.

Including Jin Xiuya’s rattlesnake.

It’s just that the tail of this rattlesnake completely burst open, the whole body was twisted into a ball, and the mouth “hissed”

It made a noise and sprayed venom indiscriminately.

And the blood arrows that Cui Shixian and others sprayed have already penetrated their clothes and sprayed out directly.

The burning tingling sensation became more and more intense, making all the sticks difficult.

However, he is a master of Xinghai Realm.

Although Han Zaixun only has the first level of Xinghai Realm, he is also a ruthless person.

He gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain and wanted to act on Jiang Xiaobai.

However, as soon as the long knife in his hand was raised, Han Zaixun was like Jin Zhong【】yuan before, kneeling directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

On the contrary, it was Cui Shixian who started later, but luckily did not trigger Jiang Xiaobai’s passive skills.

Seeing several wind blades hitting straight, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t evade, star power was condensed on both palms, and the wind blades that hit him were all scattered with his bare hands.

“You–you are not on the first floor of the Galaxy Realm!”

Cui Shixian was terrified, and forced to endure the local pain, staring at Jiang Xiaobai and shouted.

Jin Xiuya also shuddered in fright.

Although Cui Shixian’s wind blade skill is only the most commonly used by Wind Elemental Awakeners, under the premise of hierarchical suppression, how can a Galaxy Realm Awakened take over that… “Jacky Cheung”

Still empty-handed! “You, who are you?”

Jin Xiuya suddenly shouted in a shrill voice.

However, Jiang Xiaobai is not interested in talking to these sticks any more.

With a move of his mind, a star strength longbow suddenly appeared in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

Seeing this, Cui Shixian can no longer care about “caring”

What realm is Jiang Xiaobai?

“Leave us, let us go! I will give you all the star beads…”

As he was talking, a loud shout suddenly came from the side.

But it was Pu Baojian who ignored the local blood spurting, and stood in front of Cui Shixian and the others, and raised the giant axe in his hand at Jiang Xiaobai.

It’s a pity that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t give Pu Baojian a chance to desperately. The star power was condensed, and the Nine Stars Lianzhu skill was activated.

The long arrow formed by the nine star powers shot through Park Bo Gum’s body with a shooting star driving the moon, and then shot Cui Shixian and others one after another.

Jin Xiuya finally let out a horrible cry, and fell unwillingly into the barley.

After glancing at the bodies of Han Zaixun and others, Jiang Xiaobai came to Cui Shixian and took away all the star orbs he had just obtained.

He also took away the star beads of the rattlesnake on the third floor of the Star Sea Realm.

These sticks are self-inflicted and cannot live.

If it hadn’t been for Cui Shixian to bring Jiang Xiaobai to this barley, maybe someone would have heard the movement just now.

In that case, perhaps “killing and overtaking”

Jiang Xiaobai will also be remembered by others.

However, those around now…The team is busy hunting Thunder-tailed marmots.

Everyone is taking advantage of the short time when people are not too many to get as many Thunder-Tailed Marmot’s Star Orbs as possible.

Moreover, no one can predict that the Space Management Committee will not come over tomorrow to take over this new dimensional space… 0 However, Jiang Xiaobai is now more interested in the real overlord of this dimensional space.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t believe that this dimensional space would eventually be named after a thunder-tailed marmot like a silly roe deer.

“There must be a more powerful dimensional creature that feeds on Thunder-tailed Marmots!”

With this thought in mind, Jiang Xiaobai walked along the grass barley to the depths of the space.

However, until the sky was getting dark, Jiang Xiaobai still only saw thunder-tailed prairie dogs everywhere.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai also summoned Daha along the way and hunted down several Thunder-tailed marmots on the ninth floor of the Star Sea Realm.

But, these…stupid creatures, except for…the power of skills are more powerful, they are still “people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people”

At this time, there are more and more awakened people in the depths of this space.

After all, as long as the strength is not too bad, anyone can find a way to hunt the Thunder-tailed marmot on the ninth floor of the Xinghai Realm.

“It’s so cool, I would rather stay here all the time…”

“Don’t be delusional.According to our killing method, within a few days, the Thunder-tailed marmot in this dimensional space will be slaughtered.

“Haha–why then, just what we harvested today…, we can make a fortune!”

Along the way, Jiang Xiaobai has heard similar discussions many times.

Even Jiang Xiaobai felt regretful for a while.

I should bring Jiang Xiaoxin and others with 0.

5 come here.

After all, the star beads of the Star Sea Realm level are no less important to the awakened than the level awakening potions.

However, Jiang Xiaobai still feels something is wrong at this time.

Thunder-tailed prairie dogs cannot be the only dimensional creature here! The thunder-tailed prairie dogs in front of you are like a scented bait.

Let the awakened who came here in the first time want to stop.

Greedy humanity dominates everyone, with a hideous face, rushes to a Thunder-tailed marmot.

Then there is the next one…

It just swallowed one bait after another.

What kind of crisis is brewing for such a sweet bait is just when Jiang Xiaobai’s expression gradually changed: When he became serious, suddenly-“Kacha!”

A huge thunder blasted the entire dimensional space!

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