Chapter 539 Grimace Bat

The rumbling sound is endless.

Everyone in the dimensional space has already realized that something is wrong.

The sky was still bright and beautiful, and the clouds were surging.

Large groups of lead clouds enveloped the entire dimensional space, making the awakened feel a strange coercion invisibly.

At this time, some timid people have already rushed towards the entrance of the space, trying to escape this dimensional space before unknown danger comes.

And those…the self-reliant and powerful awakeners, but in groups of two or three, either excited or surprised talking about the dramatic changes in front of them.

These… people who are still in the dimension space are not just driven by curiosity.

But they all want to get more benefits from this dimensional space.

You know, before the news that Thunder-tailed marmots are easy to hunt, the awakeners who dare to come to this new dimensional space, except for… Jiang Xiaobai, are at least in the Star Sea Realm. Level of people.

And now, the awakened who dare to stay in this dimensional space, apart from…

Seeing that the dark clouds above 30’s head became thicker and closer, these…the awakened finally panicked.

Because they finally saw those…what exactly is the lead cloud! “Ghost bat! It’s the grimace bat…”

An awakening from the seventh floor of the Xinghai Realm screamed again and again.

In fact, it is not the first time that the ghost face bat has appeared in front of the world.

Moreover, the realm of the ghost face bat is not very high, only between the first to the third floor of the Xinghai Realm.

But what is scary is that the grimace bat is a group of dimensional creatures.

Thousands of actions were dispatched together.

But at the moment, the group of grimace bats resembling a dark cloud is more than ten million Jiang Xiaobai is also sinking.

I walked too deeply, even if I want to run out of this dimensional space, how can I run past those grimace bats “Ah–”

An endless stream of screams have already sounded around.

Those… the guys who originally wanted to make more profit have been besieged by the grimace bats.

No matter you are in the Star Sea Realm, you can kill ten grimace bats and a hundred grimace bats, but you can’t deal with 1,000 grimace bats! This thing is a real blood-eating creature.

Before an attack, the grimace bat group likes to release a difficult-to-defend sonic attack on the target.

This kind of sound wave is extremely terrifying, and will unknowingly dissolve the awakened will to fight.

What’s more, over time, the awakened person will have hallucinations.

There are rumors that the more you want to resist this kind of sonic attack, the easier it is to be affected by the sonic wave.

But this statement has never been confirmed.

Because everyone who had hallucinations is dead.

For example, at the moment, hiding in the grass barley, watching an awakened person on the ninth floor of the Star Sea Realm not far away attacked the air.

The grimace bat that leaped behind the person struggling to bite the person’s skin.

When Jiang Xiaobai could see the man’s back, the red and white skeleton was already exposed on the man’s back! “Kill, kill, kill–”

After yelling a few more hysterically, the man never stopped and lay directly on the ground.

“Can’t hide like this anymore.”

Jiang Xiaobai secretly said.

In addition to being able to find the target with its eyes, the ghost bat can also use sound waves to probe.

The mere grass can’t hide a person at all.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai bit his head and went straight to the depths of the space.

Although those grimace bats just…come from deeper in space, Jiang Xiaobai has no other choice at the moment.

Through the observations just now, Jiang Xiaobai has discovered that these…the grimace bats are terribly smart! It seems that the IQ of the Thunder-tailed prairie dogs is all given this… ……..Ghost faces are like bats.

Those…the guys who flee outward, the easier it is to be targeted by hordes of grimace bats.

And those… the agility attributes of the awakened ones are not as good as Jiang Xiaobai, how can they escape the flying grimace bats. However, Jiang Xiaobai did not run far, and there was a “Sandsha” behind him. ”

The sound of the sound.

This sound like nails scratching a blackboard is exactly the movement made by the grimace bats when they flock together and fly.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t look back, but he faintly guessed in his heart that all the awakened people who had not had time to escape would have all grimace bats bitten and died.

The grimace bat chased closer and closer, and Jiang Xiaobai knew that sooner or later he would be overtaken if he escaped like this.


With a low drink, Jiang Xiaobai kept under his feet and directly summoned Daha.

As soon as Da Hafu appeared, he immediately revealed his original form.

With a flutter, Jiang Xiaobai came forward.

However, after such a delay, the grimace bat behind him also chased closer.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his body shape, the alloy longbow in his hand condensed the star power, and directly used the Nine Stars Lianzhu skill.

I saw nine sharp long arrows swept out a fan, directly forming a string of more than a hundred grimace bats chasing in the front.

And Daha also shot dozens of wind blades in an extremely strange posture.

Although it can’t kill the grimace bats, it also forced some grimace bats to stagnate.

However, before long, as the grimace bat chased closer and closer, a violent sound wave that made Jiang Xiaobai dizzy suddenly hit.

Daha was also staggered and almost fell on it.

Fortunately, Daha stabilized his figure in time and cast multiple shadow clones at the same time.

Although the grimace bat is much smarter than the stupid Thunder-tailed prairie dog, it was also bewildered by Daha’s dozen clones for a while.

Some of the grimace bats who chased Jiang Xiaobai, began to head towards Daha’s clone.

And Jiang Xiaobai successively cast Nine Stars Lianzhu.

After a burst of fire, finally shot a 330 pieces of the grimace bat that followed.

In normal times, so many star orbs of Xinghai Realm dimensional creatures must make Jiang Xiaobai happy for a while.

Unfortunately, Jiang Xiaobai did not dare to stop at this moment.

Daha and Jiang Xiaobai are connected with each other, and they run like crazy.

It doesn’t care about the direction of identification.

In this whole run, one person and one beast directly broke into a small mountain.

As soon as he turned into a canyon, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly found a cave on the mountain wall in front of him.

At this time, Daha, who had been running wild for a long time, was already a little physically weak.

“Go in!”

Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice, and jumped off Daha.

The opening of this cave is very narrow, Jiang Xiaobai can only drill in half curled up.

Daha had to regain the size of a pet dog, and followed Jiang Xiaobai in.

I don’t know if the grimace bats didn’t find Jiang Xiaobai hiding in the cave, or there were other reasons.In short, Jiang Xiaobai did not hear the sound of grimace bats behind him.

This cave is very strange.

Before long, Jiang Xiaobai was able to straighten up and move forward.

However, in this dark cave, there was a whimper like the sound of wind.

Following this, there was a strong bloody atmosphere!: The community tripped, and the power supply was restored at eleven. There are only two more today. Sorry!

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