Chapter 537 Captain, Jacky Cheung is gone (4/4)

However, the reason why Cui Shixian wants to form a team is not entirely because of the Thunder-tailed Marmot.

As I said when I first entered this dimensional space, the most dangerous thing here is not the dimensional creatures, but the humans! No matter how cunning and powerful, the dimensional creatures will not form a battle to kill.

But humans can.

Therefore, the main purpose of forming a complete team is to prevent any accidents.

“Zhang… Jacky Cheung, your realm is too low. For a while, don’t hunt Thunder-tailed marmots by yourself, just follow us and go up to help whoever needs it.”

Cui Shixian groaned.

Seeing that the team leader didn’t drive Jiang Xiaobai away, Jin Zhong【】Yuan suddenly looked down.

However, when she was about to persuade Cui Shixian, Jin Xiuya suddenly pulled Jin Zhong[] Yuan a hand, and said with a sullen smile: “Little handsome guy, see how nice our captain is to you.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai just smiled faintly.

Jin Xiuya seemed to be boring, but only a look of disgust appeared on her face again.

“Don’t worry, when we leave, find a hidden place where no one is, and just kill this kid directly.”

At the moment Jiang Xiaobai turned his head, Jin Xiuyamei said to Jin Zhong【】Yuan softly.

Jin Zhong【】Yuan Yi frowned slightly and looked at Cui Shixian.

Cui Shixian is the captain after all, and Jin Zhong[] is afraid that the captain will disagree with this approach.

Jin Xiuya understood immediately and whispered: “Don’t worry, I’ll talk later.”

Soon, the five 55 stickmen began to gather seven or eight thunder-tailed marmots to cooperate with each other and start the formal hunting.

With the previous temptation and experience, Cui Shixian’s five people and 5 cooperate very tacitly.

After touching it for more than ten minutes, all the Thunder-tailed prairie dogs that were surrounded died on the hands of five 55 stickmen.

Jin Xiuya’s rattlesnake is very powerful, and its saliva venom is very intense.

Thunder-tailed marmots that have been bitten by the attack will stumble and move slowly within a few seconds.

Cui Shixian didn’t expect that the speed of hunting Thundertail groundhogs would be so fast this time, and he couldn’t help but praised Jin Xiuya: “It seems that you will have more star beads for a while!”

Jin Soo Ah suddenly smiled like a dog’s tail flower.

Next, five 55 sticks were made in the same way.

This time there were three more Thunder-tailed prairie dogs.

However, under Cui Shixian’s deliberate confession, Jin Zhong[] Yuan and others did not provoke Thunder-tailed marmots above the fifth floor of Xinghai Realm.

Although the higher the level of the dimensional creature, the more powerful the star power contained in the star orb.

But when hunting, the efficiency will be reduced.

Cui Shixian’s plan is to first take advantage of the time when the awakened people here are not too many, and get as many star orbs as possible.

After some time, after everyone’s strength has increased, they will hunt down those…Thunder-tailed marmots above the fifth floor of the Xinghai Realm.

Five 55 stick people were busy and full of energy, Jiang Xiao leisurely followed, playing mobile games boringly.

After hunting another wave of thunder-tailed marmots, Jin Xiuya suddenly rushed to Jin Zhong【】Yuan Se, and pointed to Jiang Xiaobai beside her.

Jin Zhong[] After thinking about it, Yuan realized it, and Cui Shixian whispered beside him: “Captain, that…’Jacky Cheung’ is not doing anything at all. We can’t give that boy Star Orb later.”

Hearing this, Cui Shixian’s eyes flashed and he “hush” to him

Gesture, and then pointed to the grass more than one meter high not far away.

“After our hunt is over, lead that kid over there, and then…”

Speaking of which, Cui Shixian rushed to Jin Zhong[] Yuan to be “you know what to do”


Jin Zhong【】Yuan did not expect that the captain would also mean to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai, and a little joy appeared on his face, and he was still rushing: Jiang Xiaobai, who was playing with his mobile phone, sneered coldly.

At this time, although Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were staring at the phone, his mind was not on the game.

This newly discovered dimensional space is a bit strange.

At present, Thunder-tailed marmots should be herbivores.

But a dimensional creature with such a low attack power should obviously not be the top of the biological chain in this dimensional space.

In particular, Jiang Xiaobai found that Thunder-tailed prairie dogs would not attack each other.

Such dimensional creatures simply cannot support the complete ecology of a dimensional space.

This means that there are still higher-level dimensional creatures hidden in this dimensional space! But now there are many awakened people here, and there are sounds of hunting Thunder-tailed marmots everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai is puzzled why he has not found other dimensional creatures.

“Jacky Cheung, Jacky Cheung”

Just when Jiang Xiaobai wanted to get absorbed, Cui Shixian suddenly called Jiang Xiaobai’s name twice.

Jiang Xiaobai converged his mind, raised his head and raised his eyebrows, and looked at Cui Shixian.

“There seems to be someone who wants to come here to hunt Thunder-tailed marmots. Let’s change the place first to avoid conflicts with them.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai turned around and took a look.

Sure enough, a few awakened people are coming here.

“We just discussed it. The Thunder-tailed marmot here is a bit low. Let’s go and take a look over there.”

While speaking, Cui Shixian raised his finger to a thick grass.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes flashed, but he smiled faintly in his mouth: “Then let’s go, lest we have no return.”

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai actually walked towards the bush first.

Seeing this, the five 55 stick men couldn’t help but exchange glances at each other.

…Humph–you must have come back and forth! Jin Zhong【】Yuan An thought secretly, and then secretly pointed to Jin Xiuya’s rattlesnake, and signaled Jin Xiuya to do it first.

Jin Xiuya gave Jin Zhong a wink, and gently touched the rattlesnake on her arm.

A few minutes later, the group of people had been blocked by the dense grass barley.


Still: Jiang Xiaobai, who was walking forward, suddenly heard a low exclamation from behind him.

At the same time-“Congratulations to the host for achievement points +50.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised the corner of his mouth slightly and turned around slowly.

But Jin Xiuya’s rattlesnake was curled up on the ground in a strange posture.

Cui Shixian glared at Jin Xiuya quickly, and then smiled at Jiang Xiaobai: “Go, why aren’t you leaving?”

But I saw Jiang Xiaobai jokingly: “I think I have hunted enough star beads today.”

“What’s the meaning”

Cui Shixian frowned, and quickly glanced at Jin Zhong[] Yuan while speaking, “We have to hurry up these few days. When there are more people here, we can’t be like…this day is so easy.”

Jin Xiuya didn’t want to conceal it anymore. She bent over to pinch the rattlesnake in her hand, and then sneered at Jiang Xiaobai in a mocking tone: “You haven’t done anything just now, so what qualifications do you have to judge whether the star orbs we got are enough? many”

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Zhong who had quietly walked around Jiang Xiaobai’s side[] Yuan suddenly shouted: “Don’t talk nonsense with him…”

Before he finished speaking, Jin Zhong【】Yuan just “pupu”

With a sound, kneel down in front of Jiang Xiaobai!!

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