Chapter 511 Elopement is out of fashion now (4/5)

“Sister Yeon won’t be surprised”

When Jiang Xiaobai heard Xu Yan say this, Wei Wei was a little surprised.

“Why it’s weird, we Chinese people like red wine versus Sprite: It’s nothing, why must we follow the habits of Europeans.”

Xu Yan looked at Jiang Xiaobai with star-like eyes.

“Tell me the truth, are you going to run around again”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and replied, “I am going to visit the dimensional space in southern Yunnan.”

“Southern Yunnan, is it the one stationed by the military?”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Xu Yan’s face changed drastically, and she stared at Jiang Xiaobai closely.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Xu Yan seemed nervous, and he couldn’t help being a little surprised.

“Do you know that the dimensional space I am going to is very unusual”

Xu Yan didn’t speak, but just nodded gently.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly and said: “How did you know that the level of secrecy in Hell Space is very high?

Even Principal Zhang only knows a little bit of fur.”

Xu Yan listened, and he hesitated before repliing: “After the space was discovered ten years ago, my grandfather and a few people with the highest cultivation base in China at that time went in together, and they were still: a space crack was found inside.”

“Space Crack”

Jiang Xiaobai thoughtfully repeated one sentence and motioned to Xu Yan to continue.

Xu Yan hesitated again.

But when Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were burning and he had to know it, Xu Yan bit her lip and said in a low voice, “This space crack is actually a mysterious passage leading to an unknown space, and the creatures that run out of the crack are. .. all kinds of low-level hell creatures!”

At this point, Xu Yan no longer concealed it, and simply told Jiang Xiaobai what happened afterwards.

At the beginning, Xu Yan’s grandfather and several other top masters had joined forces to enter the passage.

But the rules in that channel are very strange, far from comparable to the space in the dimensional space.

Even the dimensional space that has been destroyed by the Voidwalker does not have the profound rules in that passage.

Even though the China scientific research team who was guarding the outside set up special communication and sensing devices, they quickly lost the whereabouts and information of those people like Xu Yan.

It was even suspected that Xu Yan’s grandfather and others had sacrificed in the mysterious passage.

To this end, Xu Yan and other family members were also notified.

It is also because of this that Xu Yan will know these things.

However, before everyone had hoped, Xu Yan’s grandfather suddenly appeared.

But only Xu Yan’s grandfather was able to come back.

But the others have no audio at all.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but say: “Are those people dead or missing, but seeing Xu Yan shook his head: “My parents are not clear about the inside story, and my grandfather has never mentioned it, let alone. We asked.

All I know is that after my grandfather came back, he was picked up directly by the person above.

After that, that dimension space was blocked.”

Having said this… After that, Xu Yan suddenly grasped Jiang Xiaobai’s hand tightly, with a look of concern and tension on her face.

“I don’t allow you to take risks!”

Although Xu Yan didn’t understand what happened in that space, she could guess one or two from her grandfather’s performance after returning…

At least, Xu Yan dared to be sure that the space must be extremely dangerous.

“I order you as a teacher!”

As if afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would refuse her request, Xu Yan added another domineeringly.

However, this time Jiang Xiaobai only smiled faintly.

“Sister Yan, don’t force me to change teachers.”

Although the tone was very light, Xu Yan could hear that Jiang Xiaobai had made up his mind! After realizing this, Xu Yan bit her lip and stared at Jiang Xiaobai a little annoyed, not knowing how to dissuade him for a while.

Jiang Xiaobai has this confidence now.

As the champion of the global competition, don’t talk about changing teachers, just…changing schools, there are also a lot of schools rushing to ask for it.

Zhang Xunkun “cursed” in meetings more than once

After Wei Xuehai, Liu Hanshan, and the school leaders of Beijing Normal University, they said that these people tirelessly wanted to poach Jiang Xiaobai, and Xu Yan and the teachers must be more careful…After hesitating for a moment, Xu Yan flashed a firmness in her eyes. Gaze.

“Jiang Xiaobai, you can go if you want, but I must go with you!”

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this, he couldn’t help but grinned, and refused with a joking tone: “Sister Yan, don’t hurt me! If you let everyone know about this, you can’t scold me to death. Maybe your grandpa and Principal Zhang will think me. Abduct a female teacher from the school.”

However, just like Jiang Xiaobai insisted on going to the hell space, Xu Yan also insisted on going to the hell space.

“There is no discussion on this matter, even if you say that you are breaking the sky, I will go with you!”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly, and had to say again: “Sister Yan, you should be more reserved, elopement is no longer popular now…”

“You’re less stinky and poor!”

Xu Yanqiao blushed, but her mouth was annoyed, “I am your teacher, and I have the responsibility to protect your safety.”

Hearing this kind of overwhelming words, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but warm up, knowing that Xu Yan was worried about herself.

“Well, since sister Yan is so persistent, I will reluctantly agree.”

When Xu Yan saw Jiang Xiaobai finally let go, she couldn’t help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned slightly and said, “Since the king is going to this space, we must make some preparations in advance…”

I didn’t say the following, but Jiang Xiaobai guessed that Xu Yan might want to go back and “ask”

Own grandpa.

After all, Xu Yan’s grandfather was the only criminal who entered the mysterious passage in the hell space and returned safely! After this incident was confirmed, Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan did not talk about the related matters.

Both of them deliberately said some light words, so as to relieve the heaviness that each other hid in their hearts.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t realized that Xu Yan had never asked herself the reason for going to Hell Space from beginning to end.

At the end of the meal, I was very happy to see the daughter of my boss dining. When Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaobai left, Adrian had the courage to confess his mistake.

Xu Yan did not comment, and took Jiang Xiaobai and left the restaurant directly.

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