Chapter 512 The world of genius is not understandable by ordinary people (5/5)

On the way back, Xu Yan suggested that she wanted to take a walk, and Jiang Xiaobai walked with him in the night.

The sky is already full of stars at this time.

The gentle breeze is very pleasant.

For a while, neither of them wanted to talk, so they walked at will.

After a long time, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered something.

“Sister Yan, why don’t you care about the managers of these hotels, it’s your own property anyway.”

Under the cover of the night, a strange look flashed across Xu Yanqiao’s face, but Jiang Xiaobai didn’t see it.

“Actually, I have very little contact with my parents… Let’s go back to school.”

Xu Yan seemed to lose her previous interest.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Xu Yan strangely, but did not object.

… “Zhou Jia, where are you going to class today”

Early in the morning, Jiang Xiaobai called Zhou Jia.

Zhou Jia over there didn’t seem to get up yet, and she replied in a daze, “I didn’t go to class today, you should ask others yourself.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai deliberately squeezed his voice and taught him: “You are worthy…Do your parents work so hard to send you to college?”

After being ridiculed by Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia immediately woke up sober and shouted, “Jiang Xiaobai, the old lady has provoke you to provoke you-I don’t want to talk about it early in the morning, and dare to teach the old lady as a senior Warn you, the old lady is uncomfortable today, relatives are here, don’t provoke the old lady!”

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but happily said: “Is your dad here or your mother here”

Zhou Jia: Soon there was no movement on the other side.

Jiang Xiaobai had to call Wang Ningxiang again.

Fortunately, Wang Ningxiang has always been gentle and watery, not as irritable as Zhou Jia.

“Xiaobai, today we are in the public class in the second teaching building, do you want to come, I will take a seat for you.”

This little Nizi is also smart. She doesn’t directly say that she wants to sit with Jiang Xiaobai, but she says that she wants to help Jiang Xiaobai occupy a seat.

In fact, public classes have always been the favorite of skippers, and they have almost never been full.

After a few minutes, Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the second teaching building.

After entering the classroom from the back door, I realized that the teacher hadn’t come yet and everyone was studying on their own.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced around without anyone, and saw Wang Ningxiang beckoning to himself, so he walked over.

Wang Ningxiang picked up the book that occupied the seat, smiled at Jiang Xiaobai, and motioned Jiang Xiaobai to take his seat.

Seeing this, Zhou Sheng, who had been staring here a long time ago, couldn’t help being surprised, and even the eyes he looked at Jiang Xiaobai were full of murderous intent.

Among the girls of Jiangnan University, Wang Ningxiang, Zhou Jia, and Jiang Xiao have always had the “freshman goddess”.


Before Jiang Xiaobai came, I didn’t know how many wanted to sit next to Wang Ningxiang.

But whenever someone came to ask if he could sit, Wang Ningxiang pointed to the book that occupied the seat without talking, indicating that there was already someone here.

Originally, those boys thought that Wang Ningxiang was the life of a girlfriend, but they did not expect that there was already someone in Wang Ningxiang’s heart.

It was not until everyone saw that Jiang Xiaobai came, and Wang Ningxiang gave up his seat to Jiang Xiaobai.

“Who is that kid?”

Some people didn’t know Jiang Xiaobai and said with jealousy.

Immediately someone replied in an angry voice: “Well, you don’t even know him. Are you still a student of Jiangnan University?”

The man was confused when he heard it, and then asked other people with his eyes.

“He is… Jiang Xiaobai, the genius of our Jiangnan University!”

Upon hearing this answer, the boy who was full of jealousy before suddenly said: “He is…the champion of the global individual competition Jiang Xiaobai!!”

As soon as the voice fell, someone immediately urged someone maliciously: “Brother, come on-as long as Jiang Xiaobai is driven away, maybe Wang Ningxiang will secretly promise you.”


After the boy was speechless for a while, he pressed his voice angrily and said, “Well, why don’t you just let Laozi go shit”

As he was talking, someone suddenly said with envy: “Sitting next to the goddess, he didn’t even strike up a conversation, but started playing with his mobile phone–the world of genius is really beyond the comprehension of mortals like me!”

Upon hearing this, the other boys also looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiaobai was immersed in pointing at the phone.

But Wang Ningxiang on the side tilted her head slightly, looking at Jiang Xiaobai from time to time with watery eyes.

The meaning contained in the pair of cut water autumn pupils can be understood by any male creature.

The boys couldn’t help but envy again.

The goddess he was thinking of, there was only one male god in his eyes.

And the evil male god is not himself… “Jiang Tiancai, if you don’t understand the principle of getting the moon first, you might as well consider giving seats to us.”

During the discussion, a young man also walked in through the back door and went directly to Jiang Xiaobai.

But I saw Jiang Xiaobai playing on his mobile phone.

The young man frowned and said sternly, “This classmate, why are you still playing with your mobile phone in class?”

Jiang Xiaobai had actually noticed a strange guy standing next to him, but he just ignored it all the time.

At this time, when he heard someone take the initiative to ask questions, Jiang Xiaobai glanced lightly and said faintly: “Who are you?”

The young man turned dark, and said anxiously: “I am Zhao Xuyang, the teacher who is leading the class today!”


Jiang Xiaobai responded indifferently, “I’m just passing by, not a student in this class.”

Hearing that, Zhao Xuyang couldn’t help being covered with black lines, and said in an aura: “Jiang Xiaobai, do you think I didn’t know you if you didn’t come to the class? Class, don’t you want to pass this public class!”

When Wang Ningxiang heard this, he suddenly became a little nervous and said, “Ms. Zhao, Jiang Xiaobai…”

Before he finished speaking, Wang Ningxiang felt that his hand was slapped.

Looking down, it was Jiang Xiaobai’s hand pressing on his own.

Wang Ningxiang’s heart jumped, two red clouds flew on her cheeks, and immediately she couldn’t say anything.

This scene just fell into Zhao Xuyang’s eyes, and he suddenly stretched his face longer.

“Jiang Xiaobai, you don’t have to come to my class.

It’s not easy to come here once, you pay it back, also…”

Didn’t wait for the young teacher to “pay”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai said unhurriedly: “Principal Zhang arranged for me not to come to class.

This teacher, if you have any comments, it is better to ask Principal Zhang directly.”

As soon as he said this, Zhao Xuyang couldn’t help but anger, his eyebrows and eyes jumped together.

“Why, if you want to use the principal to suppress me today, I will tell you clearly, it’s useless if you lift the principal out!”

But when Jiang Xiaobai suddenly raised his brows, he smiled faintly: “Teacher Zhao, right? What you said just now, I didn’t hear it, or you say it again.”

Zhao Xuyang thought that Jiang Xiaobai was deliberately provoking himself, and couldn’t help but angrily said: “If you think I dare not, I just say it, what’s the matter – even if you carry Principal Zhang out, I won’t take him seriously!”


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