Chapter 510 Is there Sprite? (3/5)

Jiang Xiaobai is very curious, what exactly is the silver-white card in Xu Yan’s hand.

It could make an Adrian who was full of arrogance and arrogance just kneel down.

“Are you calm?”

Xu Yanchong Jiang Xiaobai asked, but she dismissed Adrian who was kneeling on the ground.

Adrian, on the other hand, was trembling, speaking bad Chinese, apologizing to Xu Yan, and begging Xu Yan to let him go.

Looking at the arrogant Adrian, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled to Xu Yan and said, “You can just get rid of your anger. I don’t generally like to care about this slightly spicy Francis.”

In fact, what Jiang Xiaobai really means is to try to avoid making noises.

Some people are like dogs.If you ignore them, they will bark and yell at you.

But as soon as you lift your foot, it will immediately pick up its tail and become a dog.

After Xu Yanchong Jiang Xiaobai smiled, she waved to Adrian with a look of disgust, and signaled to get out.

Seeing this, Adrian couldn’t help being overjoyed, got up and bowed deeply to Xu Yan before leaving hurriedly.

Xu Yan turned her pretty face and asked Jiang Xiaobai with a smile: “Why did you keep saying’Long live France’ just now”

Just now Jiang Xiaobai said “Slightly Spicy Francis” twice

Although Xu Yan didn’t understand the meaning of these words, she could hear that it was “Long live France” in French.

the meaning of.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and replied: “This sentence represents the pride, pride and unyielding spirit of French men. At the beginning, they were… shouting this sentence and raising the white flag to other countries…”

Xu Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood.

“You are so wicked, how can you use this sentence to complain about the lack of spine of a French man”

Jiang Xiaobai joked: “It’s not that I lack great virtues, but that Europe lacks great virtues.

Because Europe is now the truly spineless Europe.”

This sentence, Xu Yan is…I understand.

“Great Virtue” as Jiang Xiaobai said

, In fact… is referring to Germany.

Xu Yan couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Europe, where only the U.S. is from now.

But he still groaned: “When did you become a straight steel man in such a romantic restaurant, do you just want to talk about this with a beautiful lady… only Do boys only like military and history?”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and scratched his head and smiled: “I really want to tell you something about it, I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat it.”

Xu Yan’s face turned red, and she glared at Jiang Xiaobai in shame.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai smirk again, he immediately reached out to Xu Yan’s hand.

“You–what do you want to do”

Xu Yan’s heart throbbed inexplicably, her eyes seemed to be condensed.

But that…the little jade-white hand moved only slightly, and then it calmed down again, as if waiting for Jiang Xiaobai’s big hand to cover it.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was just a handful of silver-white cards in Yan’s hand, and then jokingly said: “Sister Yan, what did you say? I’m just curious about your card.”

Hearing this, Xu Yan immediately understood that Jiang Xiaobai was teasing herself like this on purpose.

“This restaurant was opened by the Xu family.”

A trace of unspeakable flashed in Xu Yan’s heart, and a pair of wonderful eyes stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

“This card is a card given to me by my parents. The talents of my Xu family will have it.”

No wonder Adrian was so scared that he knelt on the ground just now, knowing that he had offended the boss’ daughter.

Jiang Xiaobai played with the silver-white card, and saw that there was a circle of small silver-white flowers on it, but in the middle there was a “Xu” inlaid with light blue crystals.


“Your grandfather is not the president of Jiangnan University, why does he open a restaurant?”

With that said, he must hand the card back to Xu Yan.

But Xu Yan waved her hand and smiled: “This is what my parents drove, and it has nothing to do with my grandfather.

Hold this card, and count it as a gift from this young lady. Aren’t you very dissatisfied with the surprise I gave you last time.”

He blinked meaningfully.

When it comes to “surprise”

, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but think of Camille…and those big long legs.

“In other words, when did you mix with Camille and bring her to Jiangnan University”

Xu Yan smiled mysteriously, and answered the wrong question: “Is this not what you want, you have a chance in the future, you can take my cassette and Camille to come here for a romantic time.”

At this time, a beautiful French waiter came over, carefully put down a bottle of red wine, and poured it into the decanter for the two people.

“This is the red wine that our manager specially confessed to me to give two distinguished guests, please use them slowly.”

This French beauty speaks fluent Chinese, and it is obvious that Adrian can figure out Xu Yan’s mind.

After speaking, the French beauty wants to leave.

“and many more….”

Jiang Xiaobai said aloud, “Why does your wine have a vinegar smell?”

While talking, she blinked at Xu Yan with a smirk.

The French beauty doesn’t know that this is Jiang Xiaobai flirting with Xu Yan, thinking that there is a problem with the wine she brought.

“No-impossible, this is a 194-year-old White Horse Castle wine, which has always been treasured in our wine cellar, and has always been responsible for it…”

The French beauty said in a panic, her slender waist has been bent down, ready to sniff the wine in the decanter.

“Nothing! You go down first.”

Xu Yan sent the French beauty away, but subconsciously looked down at her chest.

Is it because the shirt I am wearing today is too conservative or do I say… Mine is not as good as that… French beauty’s big “Sister Yan, don’t look at me, yours is not worse than hers, but the underwear is too tight, don’t believe me Help you untie it and see…”

The corners of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth rose slightly, and he said with a chuckle.

Xu Yan was suddenly embarrassed again and kicked Jiang Xiaobai violently under the table with high heels.


Jiang Xiaobai gave a painful cry.

The French beauty who had just brought the red wine immediately appeared next to Jiang Xiaobai and asked nervously: “This guest, what can I do with you?”

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, looked at the nervous French beauty, then looked at Xu Yan who was smiling, and said with a smile.

“There is Sprite: what?”

Waiter: …this French waitress almost roared in her heart.

God Him Sprite: What is the Baimabao wine you should be 194.

It’s no wonder that the waiter’s expression is so embarrassing.The biggest advantage of Baimabao wine is that it is both young and young and long-term.It will have a sweet and attractive flavor when it is young, and the wine is very weak.

But after ten years, Baimabao can exude a strong, multi-layered, soft and dense personality.

The White Horse Castle in 1947 won the “Most Perfect Work of the Century” in Bordeaux.


This bottle of wine is almost the treasure of this restaurant. Someone actually wants to use it against Sprite: Seeing the embarrassment of this French waiter, Xu Yan chuckled: “Listen to him, take a listen to Sprite: Come here.”


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