Chapter 509 Slightly spicy France (2/5)

After coming out of the mall, Jiang Xiaobai was always asking Xu Yan who he wanted to meet.

But until Xu Yan was taken to the door of a French restaurant, Xu Yan didn’t say anything, but gently took Jiang Xiaobai into this luxuriously decorated restaurant.

I have to say that Xu Yan’s taste is quite high.

Although this French restaurant is located in China, it is entirely in European style.

As soon as you enter, you see a huge relief.

The waves on the reliefs, the coconut groves are vivid, and they are masterpieces at first glance.

Passing by, there is a fountain of suitable size in the center of the restaurant, reflecting the exquisite and luxurious European crystal lamp in the center.

The sound of gurgling water matches the sound of a melodious violin.

Next to the fountain, a slender middle-aged European is playing gentle music for the dining guests.

Xu Yan took Jiang Xiaobai directly to a dining table near the window “Four Zero Three”

, And then sat down on his own.

Since you enjoy the wonderful music here, you will not be disturbed by the sound of water and music.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly at Xu Yan and sat down opposite Xu Yan.

The arrival of the two caused a small commotion in the restaurant.

Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan, the handsome and handsome male, and the natural beauty of the female, are like a pair of beautiful people, and the people who are dining can’t help but cast their eyes.

The only difference is that some people are generous and some are sneaky.

However, Jiang Xiaobai turned a blind eye to these.

“Sister Yan, can you tell me who the person you want to meet is now?”

Xu Yan smiled softly.

“I just want to have a meal with you, there are no other guests at all.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but look down at his new clothes, curl his lips and said: “Just the two of us, why are you so tossing?”

“I look comfortable, can’t I”

Xu Yanchong Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

Jiang Xiaobai blinked at Xu Yan and smirked: “Sister Yan, have you ever heard of beautiful food, you dress me so beautifully, you will soon be full, and you can still eat something in a while,”

Xu Yan: “…”

As he was talking, a middle-aged foreigner foreman came over and said a few words to the two in pure French.

Jiang Xiaobai listened and shook his head.The people dining in this restaurant are all Chinese, and the foreman still speaks French.

But Jiang Xiaobai knows that this is a problem peculiar to the French.

Any French restaurant, no matter…

Which country are you coming from, the French waiter who greets you will always greet you in French first.

Later, while appreciating the guests’ incomprehensible panic and embarrassment, they will change their mother tongue and greet them again.

To put it bluntly, this is actually…those…the self-righteous Fa Yao’s sense of superiority that doesn’t exist at all.

Therefore, at the moment this middle-aged Frenchman is only doing business routinely.

After finishing a French session, I was ready to speak Chinese and greet Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan.

When the clinker was cooked, Xu Yan’s face was suddenly cold, and she uttered a bird’s language that Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t understand.

However, judging from Xu Yan’s tone when speaking, Jiang Xiaobai heard what the former French foreman said just now, and he should have come in French.

However, as soon as Xu Yan’s voice fell, the French foreman stunned abruptly, and at the same time, his complexion sank, and he was “squeaky.”

The ground screamed at Xu Yan.

Jiang Xiaobai, with his cleverness and understanding of Xu Yan, had already guessed it at this moment.The French foreman in front of him was definitely not a good thing, and he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

At this time, Xu Yan’s pretty face was cold and a few words in French.

And that… the French foreman has begun to lose his temper.

Jiang Xiaobai guessed right.

The Frenchman just now is indeed cursing in French.

It turns out that those in this restaurant…The French service staff found that among the Chinese who came to dine, few actually understood French.

As a result, some French people began to be unscrupulous, and directly replaced the original greetings with cursing words.

And the people who come to eat here will probably only rush to these…The inferior and dark Frenchman nodded and smiled.

But just now, this…French foreman happened to hit the gun.

Xu Yan heard those… curse words immediately, and immediately pointed out the shamelessness of the French foreman and ordered the foreman to apologize.

Clinker, this middle-aged French man even scolded Xu Yan.

Seeing Xu Yan getting more and more excited, Jiang Xiaobai’s face couldn’t help but he was ready to teach that…French foreman to be a man.

However, Xu Yan pulled Jiang Xiaobai a bit, and then no longer cared about the Frenchman who was still there, but said loudly in French to the European man dressed in a white suit standing next to the violinist. Sentence… Usually the front office manager of a French restaurant wears a white suit, and the young Frenchman Xu Yan is talking to at this time is the restaurant’s manager-Adrian.

In fact, Adrian had already noticed the conflict on Jiang Xiaobai’s side, but he never came to persuade him.

But at this time, Xu Yan went to Adrian directly, and Adrian had to come over and perfunctorily…

However, after Adrian came over, he looked impatient and kept pointing out the door, and he kept repeating two sentences of French.

Although Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t understand Adrian’s words, Adrian’s actions were obvious, and it was clearly…

Jiang Xiaobai finally couldn’t bear it, his eyes froze, and the star power had already condensed.

But Xu Yan gently shook her head at Jiang Xiaobai, and motioned not to move her hands.

Then, Xu Yan suddenly took out a silver-white card from her bag, and no longer used French to communicate with the two French people in front of him, but directly replaced it with the authentic Chinese.

“Mr. Adrian, if you refuse to explain what happened just now, you are at your own risk.”

Xu Yan looked calmly and lightly, and her tone couldn’t hear the slightest fierceness.

At this time, the movement here has long caused the guests in the restaurant to wait and see, and at the same time they are whispering and whispering.

But Adrian stared at the silver-white card, eyes full of incredible color, and 0 gradually appeared on his face.

5 is a dead gray.

And the…French foreman next to Adrian was still yelling in French endlessly, more than scribbling fingers.

At this moment, Adrian “brushed”

Raised his arms, and slapped the French foreman’s nose with a precise and precise slap.

Just listen to “pop”

There was a loud noise, and the French foreman fell down.

But Adrian didn’t give up, but rushed forward and gave another meal to the fallen French foreman: a slam kick.

Adrian didn’t stop until he kicked the French foreman into a coma.

Then, in the horrified eyes of all the diners, Adrian began to bow to Xu Yan one by one.

After more than a dozen kicks in a row, Adrian turned out to “puff” again

She knelt down to Xu Yan.

Jiang Xiaobai watched with joy: “As expected of the slightly spicy Francis!”

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