Chapter 508 The worldview collapsed (1/5)

Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s questioning, Wei Xuehai gave an unexpected answer Jiang Xiaobai did not expect.

“I only know that hell creatures do appear there.

As for no amount of information, at my level, I can’t get to it at all.”

Jiang Xiaobai heard this and frowned slightly.

After thinking for a moment, he asked again: “The next time I send someone to investigate in the hell space, Principal Wei should know the time.”

Hearing this, a subtle expression of appreciation flashed across Wei Xuehai’s face, and then took out his mobile phone and walked aside to start making a call.

Half a minute later, Wei Xuehai hung up the phone and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai and said, “A month later.”

…After bidding farewell to Wei Xuehai, Jiang Xiaobai returned to Jiangnan University.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the school, I met Xu Yan.

“Why, I don’t know if I leave now with the teacher, do you still want to graduate”

Jiang Xiaobai put his thoughts away and chuckled lightly: “I said hello to Principal Zhang.”

“I do not care!”

Xu Yan said domineeringly, “Anyway…you didn’t ask me for leave.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows.

“How will Teacher Xu punish me?”

When Xu Yan saw Jiang Xiaobai look confident and confident, she glared her eyes and said: “To accompany me to meet someone today, I will consider destroying your’document’, otherwise, even if Principal Zhang comes forward to intercede for you, I will also I want to repeat you, anyway… what you did in the past… there are also a lot of extraordinary things.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai nodded helplessly.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai knew that Xu Yan was just joking, not really threatening herself.

However, if Xu Yan could say such a thing, Jiang Xiaobai felt…curiosity in his heart.

Who can “scare” Teacher Xu

Until you have to find someone to accompany you to see Jiang Xiaobai thinking about this…When Xu Yan suddenly frowned her eyebrows, she looked up and down Jiang Xiaobai.

“No! Your clothes are too casual, go to the mall with me to change clothes first.”

Xu Yan said in an indisputable tone, and directly pulled Jiang Xiaobai into her car.

This makes Jiang Xiaobai more curious.

This has to be someone from some origin to make Xu Yan so nervous that she still needs to help herself buy a outfit…The two soon drove to a luxurious shopping mall.

This mall feels very classy, ​​and I heard music as soon as I entered.

Wherever he passed, there were a few good shop assistants standing in every store, with pleasant smiles on their faces.

Xu Yan seemed to be in a hurry, so she directly took Jiang Xiaobai to an international brand store.

“Sir, ma’am, to pick…”

The beautiful female clerk of this famous brand smiled to entertain customers.

But Xu Yan waved her hand and interrupted the female clerk directly.

“We will do it ourselves.”

With that, Jiang Xiaobai was taken to the menswear section by Xu Yan.

Xu Yan began to place expensive clothes in front of Jiang Xiaobai to gesture, and at the same time she muttered: “This one is not good – it’s too old-fashioned.

This one won’t work either, it’s too random…”

Jiang Xiaobai was helplessly pulled over by Xu Yan, and couldn’t help but vomit: “Xu – sister, who are you going to see, it’s so grand.

Besides, don’t you just wear a uniform?”

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Yan, who was still busy choosing clothes, glared at Jiang Xiaobai: “I have a lot of clothes in the closet at home, do I need to come here to pick it?”

“Hey, don’t you still want to take me to your boudoir?”

Jiang Xiaobai was deliberately surprised, “Is this too fast!”

Suddenly, Xu Yan’s face flew red, and she pinched Jiang Xiaobai in embarrassment.

But Jiang Xiaobai said again: “Are you sure that all the clothes in your house are what I like to look at? I know there is a very good shop, which has all kinds of uniforms…”

Before she finished speaking, Xu Yan hurriedly put her hand on Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

However, at this time, the clerk and customers in this famous store had already looked at Xu Yan and Jiang Xiaobai, with meaningful smiles on their faces.

Only one of the men is an exception.

“This world is too special and unfair!”

Looking at Xu Yan, who was infinitely elegant, the man covered his eyes and murmured in pain: “Why is this kid surrounded by all kinds of peerless beauties, but I’m so rich that the second generation can only Find some gaudy goods”

Before Jiang Xiaobai accompanied Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia on a shopping mall, the man was hit by Jiang Xiaobai and almost collapsed.

……..Jiang Xiaobai hugged two peerless beauties on the left and right! At this moment, watching is always there: the girl choosing clothes for Jiang Xiaobai is no longer the two beauties before, this man suddenly It collapsed again.

Especially when I found that Xu Yan in front of me, whether it was a graceful figure or a beautiful face, was not inferior to the two beauties before, this man’s entire worldview collapsed.

Different from Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia before, Xu Yan belongs to the kind…at first glance, it is the high-cold Onee-san that makes people afraid to climb, and the queen-like atmosphere in the bones, but it is such a high-cold Onee-san, only in When Jiang Xiaobai spoke, his eyes were full of petting and helplessness.

In the eyes of this man, the proper thing is… a woman in love! I vaguely remember that Jiang Xiaobai said last time-“White, beautiful, long legs, stupid and rich and still love me”

This sentence.

But this time, the man had already taken his attention.

“My buddy, I will ask you to be a teacher. You teach me how do you make so many beautiful girls upside down”

The man gritted his teeth and came to Jiang Xiaobai.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai was surprised at first, staring at the man for a while before remembering.

After a moment of hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai spoke.

“Actually, I am a layman in terms of chasing girls.”


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