Chapter 507 Level 5 alert! (5/5)

When Wei Xuehai saw Jiang Xiaobai, a trace of surprise appeared in his heart again.

Jiang Xiaobai always looks like a light cloud and breeze, but now his face is solemn.

“Student Jiang, it seems that you have encountered some trouble in this way”

Wei Xuehai laughed and joked before sitting opposite Jiang Xiaobai.

However, Jiang Xiaobai still looked terrified and spoke slowly.

“Principal Wei, I’m going to southern Yunnan.”

“Go and go, why are you telling me about this?”

Wei Xuehai obviously did not understand Jiang Xiaobai’s words, “Just ask Lao Zhang for a leave.”

Jiang Xiaobai listened, staring straight into Wei Xuehai’s eyes, and said again and again: “I’m going to southern Yunnan and enter that… the dimensional space you guard.”

Upon hearing this, Wei Xuehai suddenly said in shock: “You are going to hell space”

After speaking, he hurriedly looked around again.

Wei Xuehai was shocked just now, and he spoke too loudly.

Fortunately, it is still school time at this time.Except for the staff, there are basically no guests in this cafe.

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows: “Hell Space-this is the name of that dimensional space”

Wei Xuehai hesitated and replied in a low voice, “In fact, that dimensional space was originally just an ordinary gold-level dimensional space.

For some reason, this space suddenly appeared ten years ago 433 years ago with Hell-type creatures, and it was slowly called the Hell Space by us.”

Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth twitched softly: “You guys you are talking about should be the army guarding over there.”


At this point, Wei Xuehai has heard that Jiang Xiaobai has inquired about something from other places, so he directly said, “Xiaobai, if it’s other things, I can help you privately, but this matter–”

Having said that, Wei Xuehai was already solemn.


In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai had already been mentally prepared.

Yesterday, when I heard Zhang Xunkun mentioned this matter, I found that Zhang Xunkun had been ignorant, and he didn’t even say the name of the dimensional space.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai guessed that either Zhang Xunkun only knows that this is the case, and it is not clear how much it is.

Either Zhang Xunkun couldn’t reveal too much to Jiang Xiaobai for some reason.

But no matter what the situation is, it shows that the dimensional space is related to a certain state secret.

“Principal Wei, look at what this is”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai took out the Star Orb of Hellhound.

When Wei Xuehai saw it, he was shocked again.

However, before he could ask, Jiang Xiaobai briefly talked about Versailles.

Finally, he said: “The sheepskin scroll that summoned the Hellhound came from the dark web. This is what the middleman of the dark web told me.”

Wei Xuehai frowned.

This matter is too complicated.

If things are really like what Jiang Xiaobai said, at least it means that the dark web has already crossed China in the research of hell creatures.

As the principal of the Demon Capital Military Region, Wei Xuedao has more secrets.

That is, behind the dark web, there are actually some countries that are secretly giving support! Follow this line of thinking, “certain countries”

It is possible that you have already obtained more information on Hell-type creatures than China…After thinking about it, Wei Xuehai suddenly smiled meaningfully: “So you want to make an intelligence transaction with me.”

When Jiang Xiaobai heard the words, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I didn’t mean it at all.

I told Wei Xuehai about those things just now, but I just told Wei Xuehai about it incidentally.

The reason I wanted to convince Wei Xuehai was actually the death of his parents in the hell space.

But how could Wei Xuehai misunderstand himself…As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Xiaobai reacted, chuckled and nodded.

Wei Xuehai wanted to use this reason to tell himself about the dimensional space of hell! It turned out that a huge dimensional space was discovered in southern Yunnan ten years ago, and it was mostly filled with poisonous insects from the Stardust Realm and the Galaxy Realm.

According to the division of strength, this dimensional space is positioned as a gold level.

However, because there are many special plants in them, which are of high value, the state sent several investigation teams and scientific research teams in.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, the state has also specially dispatched special forces from the military region to accompany them for protection.

It was okay at the beginning, except for the accidental poisoning of a team member, everything else was normal.

Scientific investigators send back information and safety confirmations at the specified time every day.

But it didn’t take long for the scientific research team to be attacked by unknown sources.

Even several members of the special forces were seriously injured and were urgently sent out of the dimension space.However, three days later, the scientific research team and the special forces sent an alarm to the outside at the same time, and there was no more news.

The local military area and the academy of the scientific research team that noticed that the situation is not good, at the same time sent a master into that dimensional space.

However, only one corpse was found.

The scientific research team and the special forces that accompanied them were more than two hundred people, and the entire army was wiped out! “So, the country finally decided to seal this dimensional space.

Because the last alarm that came out was the highest level five alarm.”

Wei Xuehai’s eyes flashed with memories, his face was extremely heavy.

“Since then, the entrance of the hell space has become a military forbidden area in southern Yunnan, and the alert level is even higher than that of certain types of agencies!”

“Five Level Alarm”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t understand, so he raised his eyebrows and asked lightly.

Hearing this, Wei Xuehai condensed his face after a trance, and explained in a pensive manner: “The alarm level, the lowest is level 1, but the level 2 alert for regional conflicts involves conflicts between small-scale countries. The level of world war and level four are only triggered when something threatens the world.”

Having said this, Wei Xuehai looked directly at Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, and said with a wink: “As for the level 5 alarm, it is… a major event directly related to the survival and extinction of all mankind!”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai finally understood why Wei Xuehai was so cautious just now.

But-why did Old Wei change the law to disclose this secret to himself? When Jiang Xiaobai was in doubt, Wei Xuehai continued with a gentle voice: “Actually, after the hell space was sealed, We in China have always been doing external investigations.

It’s a pity that because of the previous incident, those people can only go as deep as two kilometers at most, and further in, it is…the real restricted area.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai could no longer think about the doubt just now, and squinted his eyes and asked, “Is there a Hell creature in there, right? The Charles was tied.

What is it that made it a forbidden zone and also caused the previous scientific research team to issue a five-level alert”

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