Chapter 506 Mysterious Space in Southern Yunnan (4/5)

After a long time, the middleman on the dark web finally sent another message, telling the “venomous wasp” everything.

It turns out that Carlisle and others are indeed…the dark web sent to assist the “venomous wasp”

The man who assassinated Jiang Xiaobai.

But the whole thing was actually only known to Carlisle.

After all, as a staff member of a university, Carlisle cannot disclose his collusion with the dark web to others.

Even the notorious mercenaries.

The reason Carlisle used to encourage others to kill Jiang Xiaobai was also very clever.

Before Jiang Xiaobai’s performance in global competitions, many Westerners have been greatly jealous.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai is a freshman, which means that in the next few years, all Western universities will likely have to face Jiang Xiaobai in a global competition.

Therefore, when Carlisle urged him casually at the time, Modris agreed to get rid of Jiang Xiaobai without even thinking about it.

However, by mistake, Jiang Xiaobai angered the members of the El family when he entered the dimensional space.

This led to a series of chain events that followed.

“Well, is this dark web a dark organization or a charitable organization? I just wanted a window, but directly gave me three doors.”

After trying to understand the whole story, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed.

“Coincidence” on the dark web

With the help of, not only did he easily get the reward, but he also got three top star orbs in a row.

One of them is still from a mysterious Hell creature! At this moment, the middleman of the dark web suddenly sent another message.

“Have you checked the dead dog’s body”

Jiang Xiaobai saw it and knew what the middleman of the dark web really wanted to ask, and couldn’t help but smile while replying to the message.

“The star orb has been taken away, and the star orb of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle is also gone. Someone must have made it before me!”

“It must be Jiang Xiaobai!”

Across the phone, Jiang Xiaobai could feel the middleman on the dark web gritted his teeth when he wrote a message. “After Carlisle met Jiang Xiaobai, he had already contacted me quietly – even let him run away again!”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but laugh again, and then deliberately asked: “Is this kid so tricky that even more than a dozen masters of the Star Sea Realm can’t deal with him, so how can I do this task?”

The middle man on the dark web sees the “venomous wasp”

As if retreating, he immediately replied: “You dormant for a while, I will make another arrangement.

There was news just now that the kid has returned to China!”

…Early the next morning, Zhang Xunkun blocked the door without waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to go out.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai directly took the initiative and took out the Star Orb of Hellhound.

“Lao Zhang, you are here just right! Help me on the staff, can this stuff be eaten by Daha”

Zhang Xunkun originally wanted to reprimand Jiang Xiao for letting this kid always cut first and play later, and even dared to hang up the phone! But when he glanced over the star in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but lose his color.

“This-this is, this is the star orb of hell creatures”

While exclaiming, Zhang Xunkun grabbed the Star Orb in his hand, and asked Jiang Xiaobai as he felt it carefully, “Where did you find it, it turned out to be a creature of the Star Sea Realm!”

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Zhang Xunkun was so misbehaving, so he recounted the things in the dimensional space of the scale turtle.

After hearing the whole story, Zhang Xunkun’s face was extremely gloomy.

“The star beads of hell creatures contain an endless atmosphere of hell.

If you don’t want Daha to become a ferocious hell creature, it’s best not to feed Daha!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being a little disappointed.

Daha is still sleeping, but he should be able to break through to the Galaxy Realm soon.

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to use this star bead to raise Daha’s realm to the next level.

“In that case, the star beads that Daha can’t even eat, shouldn’t be used by the awakened.

Isn’t this stuff worthless?”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xunkun shook his head and said: “This kind of star orb with the power of hell is a priceless treasure in the black market, especially in Europe! Some awakened people who secretly practice dark spells want to obtain the power of hell in their dreams. …..”

Speaking of this, Zhang Xunkun spoke again: “Actually, a very strange thing happened in China ten years ago.

A dimensional space that was originally only a gold level suddenly became extremely barren, and some people also discovered that there are hell creatures in that dimensional space!”

Jiang Xiaobai heard a move in his heart.

Zhang Xunkun suddenly stopped talking and stared at Jiang Xiaobai with strange eyes.

“You kid won’t be interested in these things again, I can warn you, that dimensional space is far in southern Yunnan, and it is now sealed, and there is an army guarding it outside. Don’t mess with it.”

However, Jiang Xiaobai had no intention of quarreling with Zhang Xunkun at this time, and went straight out to find Jiang Xiaoxin.

Zhang Xunkun, who was hanging out in the dormitory, was confused and wondered if his tone was too strong just now.

… “Brother, Mom and Dad are… weirdly dying in this dimensional space!”

Jiang Xiaoxin looked at Jiang Xiaobai solemnly and said.

Just now, Jiang Xiaobai told Jiang Xiaoxin about the hell creatures and the dimensional space in southern Yunnan.

In fact, when Zhang Xunkun said those things, Jiang Xiaobai vaguely felt that the dimensional space in southern Yunnan was very familiar.

At this time, hearing Jiang Xiaoxin’s affirmative words again, Jiang Xiaobai’s mood suddenly became a little heavy.

“Brother, let’s go to southern Yunnan! My parents died in that space…”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s silence, Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help but gently pull Jiang Xiaobai’s hand.

However, Jiang Xiaobai listened but looked at Jiang Xiaoxin fixedly.

When hiding in the dense forest of the scale turtle dimension space, Jiang Xiaobai once witnessed how terrifying the hell dog was.

The Hellhound is only on the seventh floor of the Star Sea Realm, but it does not lose the wind on the ninth floor of the Star Sea Realm, but has a slight advantage.

What is particularly scary is that the Shire was still beastly at the time, and his strength has been greatly improved! Moreover, when the Hellhound of the Empress Nuo Zhao fights with the red flame scale turtle of the starry sky level, Jiang Xiaobai has even seen the hell creatures. The system suppresses advantages.

If the dimensional space in southern Yunnan is full of hell creatures, it would be too dangerous.

Even if he was going to investigate, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t want Jiang Xiaoxin to take risks with him.

“I will consider it carefully.”

After a long time, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jiang Xiaoxin and said softly.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaoxin didn’t speak any more, just nodded slightly and left Zhu.

Jiang Xiaobai took out his mobile phone and dialed a number until he couldn’t see Jiang Xiaoxin’s back.

“Principal Wei, I want to meet you.”

Since the dimensional space is guarded by the army, Jiang Xiaobai wants to find out about the situation with Wei Xuehai, who is in contact with the army.

The opposite Wei Xuehai was obviously a little surprised. After thinking about it for a while, he replied: “Tomorrow you come to the Magic Capital Military Region Academy. I will wait for you in a cafe at the entrance of the school.”


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