Chapter 503 Starland! (1/5)

Hellhound is the trump card of Carlisle and others in hunting the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle.

But the situation is critical at this time, no longer…Sacrifice the Hellhound, I am afraid that everyone will have to be buried in the hands of the beastly Shire.

Therefore, Carlisle can only save everyone’s lives.

In an instant, the Hellhound pounced on him, fighting with the beastly Shire.

As soon as the battle started, it went straight into the heat.

The Shire after beastization is five or six meters tall, but the Hellhound is not too much.

When fluttering, his body shape is close to Shire.

Moreover, hellhounds are dimensional creatures of the hell type.Although the realm is slightly lower than that of the beastized Shire, the hell creatures are born with an invisible pressure on ordinary dimensional creatures.

The violent Charles was quickly forced to retreat a little bit of animalism by the breath of the hellhound.

After regaining his sanity a little bit, Shire realized that he was actually fighting a Hell-type dimensional creature that almost only exists in the legend, and he was shocked! You know, hell creatures are extremely rare.

At present, in the hell dimension space discovered by countries around the world, there are only some low-level hell creatures such as petty demons.

And for a hell creature as powerful as the hell dog, many awakened people have not even heard of it.

Including Carlisle’s companions.

“Carlisle, this is your summoned creature”

“Why have I never seen such a dimensional creature”

“Why don’t you summon it earlier, Elsace and the others won’t have to die!”

After seeing that the Hellhound had stopped the wolf-shaped Shire with his own power, Kesibin and others couldn’t help but start to question Carlisle.

It seems that these people are not aware of the existence of that parchment scroll.

However, Carlisle did not make peace at all: Casebin and others explained, but pointed to Shire and shouted: “Kill him first!”

As soon as the voice fell, Carlisle suddenly discovered that Jiang Xiaobai had disappeared! At this time, Kai Si Bin and others had already obeyed the call and rushed into the battle.

Therefore, Carlisle has no time to think about other things, and can only deal with the Shire first.

Originally, Shire was already struggling to deal with the Hellhound.

At this moment, people like Carlisle suddenly rushed up, and Shire immediately retreated and was forced to take the defensive…

Seeing this, Carlisle and the others were overjoyed, thinking that they would take the Shire soon.

It’s a pity that the sky does not fulfill everyone’s wish.

Just as Carlisle and his group stormed the Shire, another group appeared in the dense forest.

But it was the Beard and others who had chased the Dongying people before. After discovering that Charles and Paul had not been seen, they were attracted by the movement in the dense forest.

Seeing that Shire was being suppressed and beaten by a group of people and a…vicious dog, Bearded and the others were immediately unhappy.

The Dignified El family, how could they be so bullied in their own territory, the people like Beard also rushed into the war.

And with the arrival of Beard and others, the situation has become a mess with dozens of star-sea level masters again, and the momentum is naturally very spectacular.

Countless flames of red flames illuminate the surrounding area:.

And many giant trees in the forest, ivy, are also summoned by the wood element, and get mixed into the battle from time to time.

Countless ice swords and ice cones suddenly appeared in the air, but they were shattered by the earth shield and stone barrier that suddenly rose from the ground.

With such a fierce battle, the melee awakeners in the two camps can’t even get close to each other to fight in close quarters.

Because if you don’t pay attention, you will die miserably under the long-range spells of your own people or your opponents.

Only the wolf-shaped Charles and the Hellhound are still fighting together.

The realm and strength of these two are far superior to other awakened ones.

Moreover, one had its own red flames, and the other had a biting cold air.

The skills cast by some lower-level awakeners can’t cause damage to the Shire and Hellhound at all.

On the contrary, it is the awakened of the melee system, which can rely on its own strength to affect the battle between the Shire and the Hellhound.

However, no one is willing to risk their lives to break in right now.

Both Carlisle and Beard are eager to resolve each other’s “Luo” first

, So as to besiege the two people over there “”

Even the silver armor pythons and other dimensional creatures hiding in the dense forest have fled wherever the Shire and the Hellhound went, for fear of being affected.

The battle between the two sides is getting fiercer.

Soon, more than ten awakened people have died tragically under dazzling skills.

Just as the fierce battle between Charles and Carlisle was tight, a tremor of shaking and shaking suddenly came from the depths of the ground! The towering giant trees around them were overturned.

An unfathomable crack was also broken in the ground.

The thick and terrifying voice seemed to come from the depths of the earth, causing everyone to stop the offensive.

I saw that huge deep gully became wider and wider, as if it was split by the gods with unpredictable power, and it quickly extended to the distance.

Charles also had to jump out of the battle first, staring at the crack in horror.

The Hellhound suddenly lowered his body and made a terrifying whimper at the crack on the ground.


After a loud noise that resembled a thunderbolt on a sunny day, a three-headed giant tortoise appeared in the crack of the ground! The size of the body was so huge that the burly wolf-shaped Shire and the Hellhound were beyond the dust.

The giant tortoise’s limbs are as thick as a stone pillar, and the front end has two large toes like a sharp knife.

The red flames soared on the tortoise shell, and countless dense black scale armors could be vaguely seen.

………….. “It turned out to be a Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle at the Starry Sky Realm level!”

Carlisle screamed, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

When the scale turtle was young, it was only at the third level of the Xinghai Realm.

When the scales grow on the tortoise shell, the realm will also rise to the fifth level of the star sea realm.

If it can grow to the lord level of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle, it will break through to the ninth level of the Star Sea Realm.

And only the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle at the level of the elite lord can break into the starry sky! This kind of elite lord, not to mention that Carlisle and others have never seen it before, even the El family, which has always occupied the entrance of the scale turtle dimension space, also from No one has seen it with their own eyes.

At this time, this scarlet flame scale turtle has completely emerged from the cracks in the ground.

The whole body is even bigger than a heavy truck.

Even the wolf-shaped Shire, who is more than three meters tall, can only look up at the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle to see the three skulls of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle! For a time, Carlisle and Shire were both at the same time. Realizing that the timing of the appearance of this red flame scale turtle is really not the time.

At the moment, the outcome of the two sides is unclear, how can there be spare energy to deal with this red flame scale turtle. After all, no one will sit and watch the other side get this red flame scale turtle under their own eyes.

What’s more, the Starry Sky Realm-level Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle can obviously not be taken by anyone present.

However, the people on both sides of Carlisle and Shire soon stopped worrying about this issue.

Because the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle in front of me launched an indiscriminate attack on everyone Ten!

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