Chapter 504 Withering (2/5)

As soon as this scarlet flame scale turtle stepped on the ground, it swallowed the beard and Lukesheng directly into its abdomen! Then, a head of the scarlet flame scale turtle spewed fierce flames toward Shire.

When someone who was too late to escape was splashed by the flames, they were immediately burned to ashes.

And the head on the other side sprayed ice cones after Carlisle and the others.

The power is so powerful that even the Hellhound dare not step forward and block it! Immediately, several awakened people were frozen into ice sculptures, and then they were trampled into pieces by the scarlet flame scale turtle.

What made Carlisle and Charles even more horrified was that the head in the middle of the Scarlet Flame Scaled Turtle could spew a poisonous purple miasma.

Wherever the miasma passes, the vegetation will immediately be wiped out.

Even if the Awakened is contaminated, they will vaporize in an instant! Seeing this, Carlisle and the Charles immediately began to join forces.

“Eight Nine, 8 Three”

Although the Hellhound only has the seventh level of the Xinghai Realm, he took the lead in the forefront.

Fight with it by being faster than the red flame scale turtle.

And the wolf-shaped Charles is also looking forward, suddenly behind, relying on agility to get close to the red flame scale turtle attack.

After all, the Red Flame Scale Turtle is huge, and its movements are naturally much slower.

Although there are three heads, they still can’t take care of them.

But even so, the fierce red flame scale turtle still killed several awakened people on both sides in just a few minutes.

However, someone soon discovered that the Hellhound’s attack seemed to be particularly effective on the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle.

You can even use sharp claws to directly tear off the scales of the scarlet flame scale turtle shell! Moreover, the hellhound is not afraid of the scarlet flame on the scarlet flame scale turtle.

What is even more bizarre is that, just like the ghost flame on the wolf-shaped Shire wolf, as soon as the hell dog approaches, the flame on the scarlet flame scale turtle will be weak.

Shire couldn’t help but feel stunned.

Like everyone else, Charles has never seen a dimensional creature like Hellhound.

And only with a few words heard from the legend, Charles couldn’t guess the reason at all.

But Carlisle knew it well.

Hellhounds are hell type creatures, an innate talent that allows hell type creatures to display “withering” when facing other dimensional creatures.


This kind of coercion is like a dimensionality reduction blow, and other dimensional creatures can’t resist it at all.

“You all aimed at one of the heads of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle!”

Carlisle condensed his star power to attack the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle, while shouting at everyone in the El family.

Although everyone has joined forces before, they are like a mob, and there is no cooperation at all.

At this time, as soon as someone took the initiative to give instructions, he subconsciously followed the order.

The Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle was being entangled by the hell dog and the wolf-shaped Shire, and he was immediately hit by the crowd.

After all, it was an attack by more than thirty stars at the Star Sea level.

Just listen to “boom”

There was a loud noise, and the head in the middle of the tortoise was knocked out by everyone! However, before Carlisle and the others could cheer, they suddenly noticed that a thick mist of purple miasma was spreading rapidly.


Carlisle exclaimed and jumped a few meters away.

The others also reacted, and hurriedly fled back.

It is a pity that there are still more than ten people who have not been able to escape from birth, and they are directly corroded into a stream of water vapor by the poisonous mist.


The Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle was blasted with a head, and it was also howling miserably.

At this time, the Hellhound and the wolf-shaped Shire had already retreated tens of meters away.

Without the “Withering” of Hellhound

The skills were suppressed, and the flames on the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle suddenly became more blazing.

Amidst the roars, one of the heads of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle also spewed out a sea of ​​fire at the same time.

There was a blazing fire all around.

The raging flames made the sky above the dense forest red, which made Carlisle and the others feel as if they were in a doomsday volcano.

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do next, the Hellhound suddenly let out a few weird roars.

Immediately afterwards, everyone only felt that there was a sudden icy chill next to them, and they couldn’t help but panic again.

And the trees in the surrounding area suddenly became frosty, and soon became a piece of ice sculpture.

Under the attack of this kind of monster cold, the sea of ​​flames that the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle spewed immediately weakened.

Seeing this, Carlisle hurriedly ordered the crowd to attack the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle again.

The Hellhound and the wolf-shaped Shire also rushed forward at the same time.

This time, the Hellhound fell directly on the tortoise shell of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle, with one claw on the left and the other, tearing off countless black scales directly.

There is “withering”

With the suppression of the skills, the flames on the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle were suddenly much weaker…Taking this opportunity, Shire went directly into the abdomen of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle and attacked the abdomen of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle with his claws.

As a result, the painful Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle couldn’t fight back at all, so it had to cast a anger on Carlisle and others.

In an instant, the chill in the surroundings became more biting.

Countless ice cones and ice swords shot at Carlisle and others who were standing apart.

Everyone was already affected by the cold, and the speed was far slower than before. Suddenly, more than a dozen awakened people were directly smashed.

But at the same time, Carlisle and others’ focused fire attack also hit the second head of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle.


The Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle screamed again.

The moment the head of the icicle jet exploded, even the Hellhound and the Charles were knocked out dozens of meters away by the huge impact.

Suddenly, the surrounding cold became even stronger.

Even the surviving Carlisle people felt that they had been unable to make any progress.

Every step you take, you must break away from the freezing block on your body with great strength.

What shocked Carlisle even more was that the Hellhound he summoned was also seriously injured! He limped while traveling, and his body, which was originally almost transparent, also became chaotic at this time.

Charles was directly beaten back to his original shape, and blood was still spitting out in his mouth.

And the Soul Eater wolf couldn’t even stand up, and was lying next to Shire with its tail sandwiched, making a mournful sob at Shire.

In this situation, Carlisle couldn’t help but think of solving the Shire and others first.

However, four under one 1.

2 Look, Carlisle found out that of the more than a dozen companions he brought, now only Alexander is still alive.

And also seriously injured.

But the members of the El family, except for Shire, who was vomiting blood, there were still three people alive3.

At this time, the three of them also stared at Carlisle with vigilance, and slowly moved their feet to Charles.

“Do they want to kill me and Alexander first”

Kale suddenly became vigilant, and signaled Alexander to join him quickly.

The situation seems to become: very strange.

However, the scarlet flame scale turtle with one head left broke this weirdness.

Amid the screams, the red flame scale turtle’s back and abdomen were dripping with blue blood, but the feet stepped toward Carlisle and others.

At this moment, the Hellhound suddenly roared, ignoring the injury on his leg, and rushed to the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle!!

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