Chapter 502 Soul Contract and Hellhound

“It was his people who killed more than a dozen Dongying people!”

While Shire was still wondering about the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and those…Europeans, Jiang Xiaobai directly pointed to Shire and shouted out indignantly.

Hearing this, Shire, who was already suspicious, immediately regarded Carlisle and others as Jiang Xiaobai’s companions.

“Whoever wants to stop me from killing this kid, don’t blame my ruthless men.”

After an angry grunt, Shire condensed star power in his hand, directly gathering a ball of flames, and hitting Jiang Xiaobai directly.

Jiang Xiaobai had expected that he dodged his figure, and pretended to be sad and angry: “Everyone do it together, otherwise when his comrades arrive, we will definitely die here!”

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai moved again and came to Modris’s side.

“You can raise your wife, so don’t worry about it.”

Hearing this whisper, Modris immediately turned around and nodded at Jiang Xiaobai. At the same time, he replied: “My wife is pleased to you!”

After speaking, he roared again, and Modris rushed directly to Shire.

Carlisle: When did Modris have such a strong relationship with Jiang Xiaobai, but when he asked Modris to find a chance to kill Jiang Xiaobai, Modris did not react abnormally.

And after walking for so long, I haven’t seen any communication between Jiang Xiaobai and Modris! When he was wondering, Modris had already ran to Shire 363, and just raised his hand, he was pounced by the Soul Eater wolf. He fell to the ground and bit his head in one bite.

Charles felt relieved, and the man suddenly got into trouble just now, and he was still a little worried.

I thought it was a king, but I didn’t expect it to be bronze… “Asshole!”

With Carlisle’s dazed skill, Modris in front of him has become a headless corpse, pointing towards Shire.

“kill him!”

As soon as the voice fell, Elsace and others had already taken action.

Several weird flames and faintly blue ice swords directly hit the soul-eater who was still biting Morris’ body.

The Soul Eater Wolf was also extremely alert, grabbed Modris’ corpse and jumped back.

Seeing this, Charles was even more furious.

“Sure enough, you are in the same group!”

After shouting angrily, Charles’s eyes instantly turned blood red.

The already majestic body also began to swell.

At the same time, the soul-eater wolf also had red eyes, dropped Modris’ corpse, threw directly at Shire, and disappeared into Shire’s body.

In the next second, Charles let out a howl like a beast, and then his huge palms turned into sharp wolf claws, and the body exposed after splitting his clothes also grew spiky black wolf hairs.

On the huge head, long fangs were pierced from the mouth of a blood basin.

Looks extremely fierce and terrifying! “Beastization!”

Carlisle, who saw Shire’s trick, couldn’t help being shocked.

Elsace couldn’t help muttering, “Soul Contract Beast-that Soul Eater Wolf is a Soul Contract Beast!”

Contract spells are different from summoning spells.

Although they are all dimensional creatures, the former is far more advanced than the latter.

And it is more dangerous when used.

If you don’t pay attention, it is easy for the contract beast to swallow the soul of the awakened.

But correspondingly, the soul contract beast is much stronger than normal.

The most obvious is the intellectual difference between the two.

The soul contract beast will increase its wit and become more cunning under the nourishment of the Lord’s soul.

And the average summoned beast, no matter how smart it is, only obeys orders.

At best, he can be more familiar with human nature.

But the soul contract beast has its own thinking and opinions, and it is connected with the mind of the Lord.

Therefore, once it senses that the ability to serve the Lord is not as good as its own, the soul contract beast may backfire the awakened! And the beastization skills that Shire uses at this time are even more advanced skills in the soul contract art.

Although this trick will make the awakened person fall into madness after using it, it can also greatly strengthen the user’s physical fitness.

And it can also absorb the strengths of the soul contract beast to fight the enemy.

At this moment, looking at the taller and taller Shire, Carlisle and the others were all full of sullen faces.

From the very beginning, these Europeans had discovered that the realm of the Charles was even higher than Carlisle, the highest realm among them.

Now there are…the blessings after the beastization, no one on his side can stop the other party! As for Carlisle, it is clear that the beastized Charles will not tear the enemy in front of him, and will definitely not restore his sanity.


With a roar that screamed through the dense forest, the beastly turned Charles had already launched an offensive.

When the fierce claws swung, they even shredded Alsace’s head.

At the same time, he hit the two mercenaries in front of Carlisle.

“His speed is too fast-Casepin, Luke, quickly cast ice spells!”

When Carlisle saw that the other party had just shot, not only did he kill his three companions, but also forced his own formation into chaos, and hurriedly shouted.

However, just as Kesibin and Luke released ice spells and wanted to slow Shire’s attack speed, a burst of red flames ignited on Shire! “The soul eater actually practiced fire spells. …..”

Kesibin saw a moment of loss, and couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Seeing this, Carlisle and the others could no longer maintain their formation, and they spread out so as not to be hit by Charles’s two flaming wolf claws again.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai’s figure flashed, and the star power gathered together, and at an extremely swift speed, he hit the Shire with a full-scale nine-fold strength.

A wave of strength that beats a wave hit Shire, forcing Shire to step back several steps, and a faint blood stain appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Charles immediately let out a scream of pain.

However, after stabilizing his figure, Charles was even more frenzied.

He even swallowed one of Carlisle’s companions in one bite! Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered that the beastly turned Charles could surpass himself in strength attributes! Fortunately, in agility attributes, he was slightly better.

This was able to quickly exit the battle after launching the attack.

Otherwise, the person who was killed by the wolf kiss just now is likely to be Jiang Xiaobai himself.

“Carlisle, I can only wound him.

If you don’t…make a trick, everyone will die here.”

While speaking, Jiang Xiaobai had already flashed to Carlisle.

Hearing this, Carlisle’s face flashed with tears without tears.

How crazy is this guy from the El family? How can he directly use the perverted skill of beastization from the beginning to make it clear that he is going to kill! “Malfoy, Willis, you two will take them for a while. ”

Carlisle suddenly yelled at the two companions in front of him, then gritted his teeth and pulled out an antique parchment roll.

As soon as it was unfolded, the sheepskin scroll suddenly showed a six-pointed star emitting a faint light.

“The ancient and deep lord of hell, I am your pious servant, please listen to my prayer…”

With Carlisle’s deep and solemn singing, the six-pointed star on the sheepskin scroll suddenly shined.

Soon, in the enchanting blue light group, a hell dog with a seven-layer cultivation base of the Star Sea Realm appeared! As soon as he appeared, the biting chill from the hell dog made the wolf-shaped Shire. Chi Yan is one of the weak.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was also surprised.

When he looked intently, he saw that the hellhound was blue and almost transparent, and it was full of chills.

There is only a pair of pupils, with a penetrating white halo!!

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