Chapter 501 Why do you feel stupid…

After Jiang Xiaobai agreed to join, Carlisle and his party did not rush to leave.

And some of the Europeans still gathered around and whispered something.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Carlisle gave a bitter smile, then spread his hands at Jiang Xiaobai and said: “We have been stranded here for a long time. This forest seems to have some magic power and can’t go out at all.”

After speaking, he pointed to the few people who were discussing together.

“They are all mercenaries who have entered the scale turtle dimension space before. Unfortunately, after discussing for so long, there is still no clue.”

As soon as the voice fell, a man with a scarred face was suddenly dissatisfied among the people surrounding him: “Carlisle, you tell him this…What do you think he is better than us? Do you still need to understand this dimensional space?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai looked around, then smiled faintly at the person who spoke, and then said, “Why don’t you find someone to climb to the top of the tree and see?”

Carlisle: Scarface Man:!!! Why did Jiang Xiaobai say this, everyone thinks he is stupid…A group of people looked at each other, and all saw a trace of embarrassment on the faces of their companions.

Fortunately, these people discovered that Jiang Xiaobai did not take the opportunity to mock himself, but was turning his back and watching something.

“Let me do it.”

A European broke the awkward silence by volunteering, and after speaking, he jumped onto a tree branch.

“Elsace, be careful of the silver-armored python on the tree.”

Seeing this, Carlisle and others reminded one after another.

It seems that an auxiliary shadow swallowed by the silver-armored python is still in the hearts of these people.

After Elsace climbed up the tree, he realized that these people were now in the middle of a vast forest, with no end in sight.

However, in a certain direction… there is a large area of ​​trees without long trees, and there is still a faint light.

“I saw a big lake!”

Elsas yelled at the bottom, then noted the direction and began to climb down.

“It seems that we didn’t go wrong! According to intelligence, the Starry Sky Realm-level Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle Starry Sky Realm is in the depths of a lake.”

Carlisle, the leader of Canol Academy, said in surprise.

Hearing that, other Europeans are also happy.

At this moment, Carlisle glanced at Jiang Xiaobai quietly, then lowered his voice, and said to a burly man beside him: “That… Jiang Xiaobai broke all the good things of European and American colleges in the global competition. Wait: Certainly. Find a suitable opportunity to kill him!”

The burly man listened, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then nodded.

Just about to find someone else to confess this matter, the big man suddenly slipped his feet, “Puffing”

Kneeled to the ground with a bang.

“Congratulations to Su Yan for gaining achievement points +10.”

“Mordris, what’s wrong with you”

Listening to Europeans asking questions about the burly man, a sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

Since you are in the first year of junior high school, don’t blame me for doing ten. Jiang Xiaobai calmly came to Elsas who had just jumped from the tree, and smiled faintly: “Have you found a way out?”

Elsace did not rush to answer, but looked at Carlisle and saw Carlisle nodding secretly at himself. Then he replied, “This forest is too big. Let’s take a look at the tree when we go to the lake.”

After speaking, he pointed to the right side of everyone.

“The lake is over there.”

At this time, the burly man Modris had also stood up, but his face was foggy, and he couldn’t figure out why he suddenly fell just now.

“Elsace, you lead the way.

Morris, you and the others are on guard, and be careful if you are attacked by the dimensional creatures on the road.”

After Carlisle arranged these…………, he smiled and came to Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

“You and I walk in the middle of the team, after all, you are a support.”

Speaking of this, Carlisle didn’t give Jiang Xiaobai a chance to oppose, and just changed the front line again.

“By the way, what are you doing in this dimensional space?”

Jiang Xiaobai knew Carlisle’s real intention to let himself be surrounded by everyone, but he didn’t break it, but pretended to be innocent: “I just wanted to come in and play, but I didn’t expect to see people from the Al family arrogantly here. Murder and robbery.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head regretfully.

“There was a team of more than a dozen Dongying people who were all killed by the El family. It was really cruel… Later, a guy found me and they wanted to kill people. Then I I was forced to flee here.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Carlisle and others couldn’t help but scolded.

“It’s so despicable! Since the Al family members have already charged the entrance fee, why do they come in to kill and looted goods?”

“These…The Sopranos, they are becoming more and more unruly!”

“Huh! The methods of these three underworld families are getting more and more despicable. Sooner or later they will be angry with everyone.”

When Carlisle and the others were cursing while marching towards the lake, a strange noise suddenly rang behind them.

A European who was walking at the back of the team turned around and immediately exclaimed: “.

Be careful-it’s Soul Eater!”

When everyone heard it, they hurriedly formed a formation, with melee and shield battles at the forefront, while others were protected behind.

Looking at Carlisle and the others, who had a tacit understanding and superb execution ability, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but think to himself: “It seems that these guys often act together, otherwise it would be impossible to react so quickly.”

However, Carlisle and the others were surprised by the next move of the Soul Eater wolf.


The Soul Eater wolf raised its head and screamed, but it didn’t even rush forward.

“What’s the matter, are there other soul eating wolves around”

“Impossible, I have inquired carefully before, there is no Soul Eater Wolf in this dimensional space!”

“This–this shouldn’t be Zhao’s summoned beast of other awakened ones, right”

Suddenly, Carlisle rushed to Jiang Xiaobai nervously and asked, “Have you seen the El family summon the Soul Eater?”

If the soul-eater wolf in front of us is not summoning other soul-eater wolves, then there is only one explanation-this soul-eater wolf is summoning its own master! Hearing this, everyone immediately reacted and watched together. To Jiang Xiaobai.

However, before Jiang Xiaobai could reply, a figure appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes condensed, and he has recognized that the man is the eagle-nosed spear that has been chasing him just now.

At this time, Yinggoubi Xiaer had also spotted Jiang Xiaobai hiding behind a group of people.

It’s just that the cultivation base of that group of… Europeans is obviously much higher than that of the group of… Dongying people just now.

Everyone is at least the level three of the Xinghai Realm.

Even one of them is on the eighth floor of the Xinghai Realm, which is only a short distance from him!

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