Chapter 491 Study hard with your brother Jiang!

After listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s response, a panic flashed across Liu Rong’s pretty face.

The long eyelashes flicked helplessly, and the star-like eyes looked like a frightened deer.

This pitiful expression of Chu Chu fell in the eyes of Zhao Yan and the young man, and it instantly made them feel incredible.

The goddess in my own eyes, no, it should be the goddess in the eyes of all the boys in Beijing Normal University.She was so humiliated by a soil bun who did not know where it came from, and all the boys around were dumbfounded.

What is the situation in front of everyone is completely unclear.

Even some licking dogs are already glaring at Jiang Xiaobai.

The holy goddess who was unattainable in his own eyes, faced an unknown person, and fell into the altar, becoming a humble little girl.

And that… the guy who was born in the blessing and didn’t know the blessing also put on a look like he was still indifferent, so indifferent that even the few girls present could not stand it.

“Who is that boy who thinks he can do whatever he wants if he is handsome”

“Um…-it seems that it’s not a boy from our school.

If so, I must know each other, after all, he looks so handsome!”

“Uh, it seems that being handsome means you can do whatever you want.”

…A few girls from Beijing Normal University have already started gossiping, and Zhou Jia frowned.

I knew I should listen to Jiang Xiaobai’s words just now, and I went back with Xiaoxin directly! Just as Zhou Jia was still regretting in his heart, a man with a gloomy face suddenly walked over.

There are also several attendants behind him.

“Where did this guy come from? He actually got into the social dance party of Beijing Normal University!”

The male yin bird pointed his finger at Jiang Xiaobai, with a look of indomitable expression.

“In three minutes, go back wherever you came from!”

After beating Jiang Xiaobai, the yin pirate man’s expression changed, and he looked at Liu Rong with a spring breeze, without concealing the fiery covetousness in his eyes.

This boy is also Liu Rong’s suitor.

Just now, seeing Liu Rong showing extraordinary enthusiasm for Jiang Xiaobai from a distance, the male of the yin bird couldn’t help but become angry.

Since seeing Liu Rong for the first time, the male yin bird has been trying all kinds of ways to pester Liu Rong.

In order to be able to embrace the beauty, he even used the friendship between the two elders to create various opportunities for himself to get close to Liu Rong.

“This man is called Wei Tao, the son of Wei Xuehai.”

Just as Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth was twitching to greet the relatives of the male yin bird, Liu Rong suddenly leaned into Jiang Xiaobai’s ear and whispered such a sentence.

Jiang Xiaobai was slightly surprised, raised his brows and asked quietly: “Why did Wei Xuehai’s son come to Beijing Normal University?”

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t seem to be as cold as before, Liu Rong couldn’t help but smile like a flower at this time.

“Our Beijing Normal University also invited participating students from the Capital Military Region.

Wei Tao was originally from the Demon Capital Military Region, and he uninvited him after learning about this.”

After listening to Liu Rong’s words, a hint of playfulness appeared at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

“It turns out that you are the son of Principal Wei, do you know that your father knows that you are so second-year?”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai took out the phone and started calling, but he said to himself: “I have to ask President Wei, how does he discipline the child!”

When Jiang Xiaobai took the posture of an elder to teach himself, Wei Shi’s face went dark, and then he stared at Jiang Xiaobai dumbfounded.

Wei Tao has never seen peers who dared to treat themselves as children. You should know that when he appeared in the past, those around him… his peers would be busy with himself.

But right now, let’s not say that it is in full view, the most important thing is that Liu Rongke is still watching here! At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai’s phone is connected.

“Principal Wei, it’s me!”

Upon hearing the opening sentence, Wei Tao immediately felt relieved.

“Who do you think you are? You almost never got fooled by this little bastard!”

I know who Laozi is.

The phrase “it’s me” from the guy opposite

As soon as he exited, Wei Tao was sure that his father would hang up directly.

The status of the Magic City Military District Academy is very special.

In a sense, the principal of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy is equivalent to the mayor of a city! Dare to say “it’s me” when talking to Wei Xuehai on the phone

There are only a few people with two words in China as a whole.

It must be an exaggeration to say that ten ten fingers can be counted.

But among the few tens of people with this qualification, it is impossible to have a place for the little bastard in front of you! Thinking of this, Wei Tao couldn’t help but sneer again and again: “Boy, you continue to pretend, I won’t beat you to death!”

However, at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai handed the phone to Wei Tao indifferently, and at the same time said casually: “Your dad is looking for you.”

Seeing this, Wei Tao’s face couldn’t help being stunned, but he had already subconsciously answered the phone in his hand.

“Hehe, I want to see, who knows how to live and die dare to pretend to be my dad!”

After recovering, Wei Tao continued to sneer while holding the phone to his ear.

No, Wei Tao just heard a sentence, and the expression on his face immediately became: extremely complicated.

There was a bit of embarrassment in the astonishment, and a little unbelievable dazedness in the embarrassment.

My father’s voice really came from the other end of the phone!”.

Bastard stuff, who do you say does not live or die?”

Wei Xuehai didn’t hide his anger in his voice. He first yelled at Wei Tao, and then continued to reprimand him in a tone of hatred for iron but not steel: “Where are you doing trouble for me? Fate!”

Wei Xuehai’s voice was so loud that the students onlookers around him could almost hear it.

However, Wei Tao only felt that there was no god, and he hadn’t been relieved from the shock.

That kid could actually be able to call his father’s phone, and his father didn’t hang up that kid’s phone directly just now. How could it be possible that Wei Xuehai, who was on the other side of the phone, was still listening: reprimanding.

“You should learn more from your brother Jiang and be less ashamed of Laozi!”

At this time, Wei Tao was a little bit embarrassed.

But for my father’s words, I couldn’t help but respond to the promise, so I followed the conversation and replied: “Which Brother Jiang?”

Over there, Wei Xuehai seemed to be furious, and shouted in a loud voice: “It’s… this person in front of you!”

Wei Tao heard this and couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xiaobai with suspicious eyes, and said in doubt: “What kind of brother Jiang is he…”

Before he finished speaking, Wei Xuehai on the other end of the phone had run out of patience.

“He is… Jiang Xiaobai from Jiangnan University!”

As soon as this remark came out, Wei Tao almost threw Jiang Xiaobai’s mobile phone out.

And the surrounding students…the students who were onlookers also dropped their jaws.

The boy whom the goddess Liu Rong took the initiative to get close to, turned out to be a famous, upright Jiang Xiaobai. No wonder the goddess will be honored back! No wonder even Wei Tao is not in the eyes! No wonder President Wei of the Modu Military University He didn’t protect his son, instead he put Wei Tao down!: I didn’t pay the electricity bill in the afternoon, and the power went out. Sorry

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