Chapter 492 Let me tell classmate Jiang about the rules. . .

At this moment, Wei Tao’s face was as ugly as he had eaten shit.

Even if his father doesn’t make the decision for himself, what else can Wei Tao do? After hanging up the phone, Wei Tao returned the phone to Jiang Xiaobai with both hands, and then respectfully shouted: “Brother Jiang!”

Then, Wei Tao never…stayed here with no face, led the class-like students, and hurriedly fled the hall.

Watching Wei Tao leave, Zhao Yan and others were even more shocked.

Even a ruthless person like Wei Tao can’t provoke Jiang Xiaobai. How can I still have the confidence to compete with Jiang Xiaobai? Can the second generation of officials like Wei Tao, who fled, be able to get rid of his 18th street! That… Jiang Xiaobai is the individual champion of the global competition! Bishuai himself is quite do-it-yourself, but that Jiang Xiaobai is quite handsome… Soon, Zhao Yan also quietly left with the young man.

I slipped away, I can’t afford to offend.

Liu Rong saw that in just a moment, Jiang Xiaobai sent Wei Tao and the boy like Zhao away, and her heart couldn’t help being as sweet as eating honey.

The smile on his face is even more beautiful than the Begonia flowers in Weiming Garden.

The eyes are also shining like stars.

Although Liu Rong knew that Jiang Xiaobai did not do those things for herself.

But loving 890 Ujiwu does not hinder Liu Rong and You Rongyan.

Zhou Jia, who was next to him, saw Liu Rong’s eyes shine brightly, knowing that he had met an idiot opponent this time, and couldn’t help but feel sour in his heart.

“Liu Rong, right? You dropped something!”

Liu Rong was taken aback by these words, and subconsciously said in surprise: “What?”

However, Zhou Jia said with a blank face: “You are fucked up!”

Liu Rong listened to Qiao Hong Feihong, but she couldn’t help but secretly glance at Jiang Xiaobai with her wonderful eyes.

At this moment, Vice President Wang, who had taken the Beijing Normal University team to participate in the global competition, came over.

“Uncle Wang.”

Liu Rong hurriedly stopped her daughter’s careful thoughts and greeted Vice Principal Wang.

And those around…the students from Beijing Normal University also all greeted him one after another.

Vice President Wang smiled and nodded with the students, then looked at Jiang Xiaobai and smiled: “Classmate Xiaobai, are you…interested in coming to Beijing Normal University as an exchange student?”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xunkun walked over.

“Pharaoh, you are not authentic.

If we hadn’t had Jiangnan University before, your school wouldn’t have won the runner-up!”

When Vice President Wang heard this, he also knew that Zhang Xunkun was teasing himself, so he smiled again: “I didn’t dare to grab someone with your old Zhang, just… just casually ask classmate Xiaobai.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun raised his hand at Vice Principal Wang and clicked in the void.

“You old king, ghosts! Don’t stay here, the two old guys, or the students are uncomfortable.”

Vice Principal Wang responded cheerfully: “Since your old Zhang is also here to join in the fun, go and play a few laps together.”

“Okay, I feel itchy hands in the past two days.”

Zhang Xunkun smiled and agreed, and Xiao Bai.

“You also come with us”

Not waiting: Jiang Xiaobai replied, and Vice President Wang said in a bit embarrassed: “Okay, classmate Xiaobai is still a student after all, we can all play with blood.”

Zhang Xunkun “hehe”

Laughed twice.

“This student is a little local tyrant, maybe he is richer than you!”

Vice President Wang: “…”

Zhang Xunkun laughed again when he saw that Old Wang was choked by himself, and then involuntarily pulled Jiang Xiaobai towards a private living room.

Behind him came the exclamation of the students watching.

Everyone is a student, why is the gap so big?

And when people like me usually see the principal, except…

“You go to Yuan Yang and Xiaoning, don’t let other boys hook up!”

In the surprised and envious eyes of these students, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned around and said something to Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, and then Zhang Xunkun and Zhang Xunkun entered the private living room.

Hearing that, Zhou Jia bitterly pointed Jiang Xiaobai with a middle finger, but still obediently pulled Jiang Xiaoxin to find Yuan Xiaoning.

Let a group of boys look straight down their chins again…Private living room.

In addition to the three of Jiang Xiaobai3, there are also several school leaders from Beijing Normal University who are also talking and laughing here.

After a brief introduction, the director of the Academic Affairs Office of Beijing Normal University became a card player.

“Does Xiaobai play mahjong”

After going to the poker table, Vice Principal Wang seemed to be “unscrupulous”

, Change the law and communicate with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head as a response.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun smiled and interjected: “Otherwise, don’t use money for our bet, use the grade potion to convert it.”

Vice President Wang smiled bitterly after hearing this: “Your algorithm is more ruthless than using money as a bargaining chip-it is clear that you want to cheat classmate Xiaobai.”

While speaking, he also looked at Jiang Xiaobai pointedly.

However, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged indifferently.

The one thousand grade potions that the trustee had exchanged for one grade potion had already arrived in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands, and it was nothing to deal with this small scene at the moment.

Besides, the global competition committee also rewarded Jiang Xiaobai with five grades of medicine, which will be sent to Jiangnan University in this day.

“Then let me tell Xiaobai how to play mahjong.”

Vice President Wang really did not miss any opportunity to get close to Jiang Xiaobai, and talked about the rules before Zhang Xunkun.

Soon, the first one started, Jiang Xiaobai was in the village.

Then, as soon as the four people’s cards were a yard, Jiang Xiaobai directly knocked the cards down.

“This should be a fool, right”

Jiang Xiaobai lightly stroked the fourteen cards with his fingers, and said lightly.

“Tsk tusk…, it is Tianhu! No wonder it is said that the novice at the poker table is the most terrible, and luck is so good that it explodes.”

Vice President Wang exaggerated in surprise.

The dean of academic affairs also agreed with a smile: “Don’t say, after playing mahjong for so many years, it is the first time I have seen someone touch Tianhu!”

As for Zhang Xunkun, he smiled bitterly and shook his head again and again, and smoothly pushed the cards into the automatic mahjong table.

The second one.

Jiang Xiaobai is……he didn’t get Tianhu again.

However, after only one turn, Jiang Xiaobai knocked the card down again.

“Vice President Wang, is this the thirteenth unit you taught me just now”

Jiang Xiaobai was playing with a ninety thousand coin in his hand, and seriously asked Vice President Wang for advice.

Vice President Wang: “…”

The third one, Jiang Xiaobai was all the same, and the person who fired the gun was Vice President Wang! In the fourth one, Jiang Xiaobai finally didn’t have any more cards, because the game was lost…The fifth one, Jiang Xiaobai’s next vice-president The principal sits in the village.

And then– Jiang Xiaobai is crazy!…!

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