Chapter 490 Jingshi Goddess

Zhao Yan obviously regarded Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia as students of Beijing Normal University.

“…I am also from the Student Union…”

However, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia didn’t even look at Zhao Yan.

Even before Zhao Yan finished showing off, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia took Jiang Xiaobai and turned away.

Seeing this, Zhao Yan’s face immediately appeared unconcealed embarrassment, and a trace of anger flashed through his eyes.

It’s just that Zhao Yan is not good at having an attack on the spot.

After all, more than a hundred students have arrived in this banquet room, and many of them have survived the global competition.

And Zhao Yan also knew that in the private meeting room in the hall there were several school leaders from Beijing Normal University.

After being dragged by Zhou Jia and walking around the hall, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that today this luxurious but extravagant banquet room is obviously only for holding a social dance party.

At this time, the people walking in this huge hall were all students.

And dozens of people were scattered on the sofa in the hall, and only students were sitting.

However, at the moment everyone is wearing suits and long skirts, a lively scene of young talents.

While looking at it, Zhou Jia suddenly pinched Jiang Xiaobai.

“Which 16 vixen are you looking at or looking for that… Liu Rong who misses you?”

Jiang Xiaobai’s face turned black: “…”

Jiang Xiaoxin at the side looked at Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaobai again, and smiled lightly: “Don’t be sour, find a place to sit first.”

Zhou Jia pouted, leaving Jiang Xiaobai aside, and only took Jiang Xiaoxin to a sofa to sit down:.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly, and had to follow it.

As soon as I sat down, “Hey Hey” suddenly came from the hall.

Two beeps.

Following the sound, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women appeared on the high platform in the hall.Both of them took the microphones and began to sing and host.

The words are full of “sit down with friends”

“Pengxiu is shining”

The routine rhetoric.

In a short while, the two hosts finally finished speaking all kinds of good idioms.

Then the lights dimmed, and the two hosts announced at the same time that the social dance party had officially begun.

Immediately, a melodious waltz sounded in the hall.

At this moment, Zhao Yan, who was just asking himself for being boring, actually took a young man to Jiang Xiaobai’s three.

“Beautiful lady, can I ask you to dance”

Zhao Yan’s eyes were burning, and his body bowed slightly, putting one hand behind him, and reaching out to Zhou Jia with the other hand.

The young man brought by Zhao Yan put on the same pose and smiled at Jiang Xiaoxin: “Hello beauty, can you dance with me with your face?”

“roll roll roll!”

Zhou Jia seemed to be still angry with Jiang Xiaobai, and waved at Zhao Yan impatiently, as if he was driving a ridiculous dog.

Jiang Xiaoxin didn’t pay attention to the invitation at all.

Although he didn’t say a few words, this attitude of coldness and no one suddenly caused the young man who Zhao Yan brought over to sink.

Zhao Yan and the other two looked at each other, and they both saw embarrassment and shame from each other.

When I was feeling embarrassed, a word of complaint suddenly came from the side.

“It’s so boring! I knew this, I didn’t come”

With that, Jiang Xiaobai put his hands on the shoulders of Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, and suggested: “Why don’t you go back with me to see Daha sleeping is more interesting than staying here.”

Zhao Yan looked at it, but it was the boy who had been with the two beauties just now.

Suddenly, Zhao Yan’s face stretched longer, and the young man’s face was even more gloomy.

Where did that kid come from? A gentleman like himself can’t please these two beauties. That kid dares to act in front of the two beauties, and what makes Zhao Yan and the young man even more embarrassed and angry. , The beauty who had just rejected her seemed to have no disapproval and resistance to the kid’s behavior! Seeing this, Zhao Yan and the young man could no longer contain the nameless fire in their hearts.

However, when he was about to get angry, someone next to him suddenly shouted in a surprise voice: “Look, Liu Rong is here-so beautiful!”

“Wow! Worthy of being the goddess of our Beijing Normal University…”

“The gods are down to earth!”

In “Lick the Dog”

Amidst our exclamations, Liu Rong took the steps of a famous lady and walked over with full momentum.

No wonder those boys became licking dogs in an instant.

The long and slim figure, the beautiful face like a jade, the black hair that is carefully set up, and the delicate and delicate features make Liu Rong a “goddess”.


And that well-cut warm yellow long skirt made Liu Rong a little more charming and sexy in addition to her purity and beauty.

Seeing the goddess walking slowly toward this side without squinting, Zhao Yan couldn’t help his heartbeat speed up.

“Are you here to find me?”

In all fairness, Zhao Yan didn’t think that Liu Rong, who was carefully dressed at this time, would be more beautiful than the two beauties who just shook their faces at him.

But Zhao Yan also knows that Liu Rong is the daughter of the vice president of Beijing Normal University! Moreover, Liu Rong is still: winning the third place in the global individual competition that just ended.

If you only talk about the participating Chinese students, Liu Rong is only the one who won the individual championship… Jiang Xiaobai.

What’s more, Liu Rong’s Beijing Normal University team unexpectedly won the runner-up in the team competition! Although Liu Rong’s… Xiaobai has an undeniable relationship.

But who would study these carefully…Anyway…Zhao Yan knew that he would not care about those…involved.

When it comes to Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Yan, like most people, only hears his name and doesn’t know him.

I don’t even think that Jiang Xiaobai is actually right in front of him.

9 Zhao Yan’s thoughts at this time are all on Liu Rong.

Long before participating in the global competition, Liu Rong was already popular in Beijing Normal University.

On family background, on cultivation base and talent skills, as well as appearance, these…All of them are the best choice for Liu Rong.

Therefore, Liu Rong has always been surrounded by countless high-quality seniors.

Even high-quality suitors off campus.

Zhao Yan claims that his family background is also good, and he looks good, no, it is quite good.

But Zhao Yan also knew very well that, on his own terms, in fact, even the outermost periphery of the goddess’ flower guards could not be squeezed in.

However, this does not affect Zhao Yan’s imagination at this time.

Looking at the goddess Rong who had stopped in front of him, Zhao Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart and took the initiative to greet him: “Student Liu Rong, hello, my name is Zhao Yan, and I am also a sophomore at Beijing Normal University.”

After speaking, Zhao Yan waited expectantly to hear the goddess respond to himself.

However, Liu Rongzhong glanced at Zhao Yan slightly in surprise, and then his gaze passed directly over Zhao Yan, instantly becoming: pleasantly surprised.

“Brother Jiang, you are here!”

Anyone can hear the…uncontrollable joy and excitement in Liu Rong’s words.

There is also a little girl Huaichun ready to move.

“Come on, go ahead and do it first.”

Under the envy, jealousy and hatred eyes of many boys around, Jiang Xiaobai casually said.


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