Chapter 483 Brother Long, is there anything you can’t think of?

After thinking about it, Brother Long and his party still entered the dark forest.

After all, Long Brother has made such a big battle, and local blood feuds must be reported.

As for the beautiful girl I met just now, Brother Long didn’t want to let it go.

However, along the way, Brother Long and his team were surprised to find that they had not encountered even a shadow leopard in the dark forest! “Brother Long, did you say that the news from the previous… team was wrong?”

In doubt, a big man spoke to Brother Long.

After all, the more you go inside, the more scared these big guys are.

The shadow leopard divides the area according to its strength.The shadow leopard in the dark forest is not something that the people under Long Brother can deal with.

“Who dare to lie to Laozi?

Brother Long suppressed the suspicion in his heart, no…

“Brother Long said that.”

The big man who just spoke cleverly closed his mouth.

“Hey, this dark forest, where does the dog come from”

At this moment, the people walking at the back of the team discovered that a big ha ran past.

“Brother Long, I know the thing just now, it is… the dog held by the boy at the entrance of the space before!”

A big man who had been following Brother Long before looked back and blurted out a word.

“Since I saw that kid’s dog, that’s right!”

Brother Long listened and sneered, “Let’s lighten up everyone’s eyes. When the lady stays, the kid will cut off his hands and feet first!”

Just when Brother Long was mobilizing, there was a faint running sound behind him. When Brother Long and the others looked back, their faces turned pale! More than a dozen dark shadow leopards rushed towards Brother Long and others. Come, judging from the fluctuations of the star power radiating from his body, these more than ten shadow leopards are all of the elite level! “Brother Long, what should I do…”

A big man whispered like a quail and shivered towards Brother Long, and there was already a water stain under his legs.

This big guy has already scared to pee…If it weren’t for the crowds on his side and seeing so many shadow leopards, this big guy would have turned around and ran away! “Fuck me!”

Brother Long was obviously a little trembling in his legs, and at this moment, the big ha who had just ran over, but turned his head back and ran over.

I saw this big ha ran to the shadow leopard, raised his hind legs, and then a stream of bright liquid flowed out from a smooth position.

Brother Long had raised a dog, and his face changed a lot when he saw this Daha’s actions.This Daha was clearly provoking this group of elite shadow leopards.

It’s just that this big ha doesn’t actually have a small Dingding.Is it a bitch that didn’t happen? This idea just flashed in Long Ge’s mind, and suddenly his face changed.

This big ha is obviously scratching the ground! Long Ge’s expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted at everyone beside him, “Get out of the way if you don’t want to die!”

Everyone: At this moment, more than a dozen shadow leopards also moved!

The shadow leopards immediately roared and barked, revealing dagger-like long teeth.

As soon as the Shadow Leopard roared, Daha turned and ran, but this time, he did not avoid Brother Long and the others, and his small body suddenly plunged into the crowd.

“Damn beast!”

Brother Long only had time to scream, and he turned white and avoided it.In the next second, more than a dozen shadow leopards rushed over to the group of Brother Long completely ignored.

A few sturdy guys who didn’t move so fast had only time to scream, and then the shadow leopard who rushed over stepped on the ground. Don’t look, chase Daha away.

… “Brother Long, what should I do”

A sturdy man recalled the scene just now, and spoke to Brother Long with lingering fears, “So many elite shadow leopards, it’s so terrible.”

“Fear of a ball, chase Laozi!”

After thinking for a while, Long Ge sneered and ran after him.

I have to say that the traces left by more than a dozen elite shadow leopards are still very obvious, and Long Ge quickly saw the purpose of this time.

It’s just that the corner of Brother Long’s mouth started to twitch suddenly.

I saw Jiang Xiaobai punching an adult shadow leopard flying, while the other hand was casually pressing on the head of a shadow leopard.

And this shadow leopard has no resistance, no matter how hard it struggles, it will not be able to get rid of the suppression of that hand! Seeing this, Long Brother’s heart is already extremely shocked.

Brother Long himself is a physique awakened person, and his current power attribute is also above fifty.

But Long Ge knew very well in his heart that even if he used his hands to do it with all his strength, it would be difficult to predict the victory or defeat against the previous…Shadow Leopard.

But I just saw the opposite student when these shadow leopards are cats and puppies, and while dealing with the shadow leopards that are constantly attacking, they also talked and laughed with the beautiful girl, seemingly very relaxed! This student f* ck is a…Human-shaped Tyrannosaurus, thinking of this, Long Ge can’t help but feel a sense of horror in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Long suddenly remembered that he seemed to have trouble finding such a strong man… “Gudong!”

Brother Long couldn’t help but swallowed a spit, and he felt a lingering fear.He even involuntarily stepped back two steps, and distanced himself from Jiang Xiaobai again.

It seems that only this way, Long Ge can feel at ease in his heart.

And the group of…the big guys who followed Long Ge were all straightened out.

What is this…Is Brother Long wanting revenge? Brother Long, if you have anything you can’t think about, just tell your brothers, why do you want to die? Said: “Brother Long, do you have any misunderstandings about the brothers? The boy on the other side can’t be dealt with by the brothers…”

The words were not finished yet, Jiang Xiaobai over there had already packed up all more than ten adult shadow leopards half alive, and handed them to Yuan Xiaoning to deal with.

…And Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at Brother Long with a playful look.

“I’m still talking about looking for you, you will bring it to the door first.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly in the leisurely courtyard.

Seeing this, Long Ge licked his face to make a smile, and explained in a hurry: “Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! You are busy, I will go now.”

And the group of…the big guys also retreated in a panic, fearing that they would retreat slowly and be “preferred” by their brothers.

Become an early bird.

The boy in front of him is so relaxed when he picks up a dozen adult shadow leopards. If he becomes a bird, he will be plucked by that boy in the blink of an eye! Seeing that Long and the group seem to want to escape, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth lightly clicks. Pick, and said lightly: “Since I’m here, I have to leave something.”

As soon as the voice fell, a part of the star power in Jiang Xiaobai’s body dissipated out of thin air.

In an instant, Long Ge, who was full of regrets, suddenly felt that the part he had just stitched up had exploded again! “Puff!”

Just like a pounded medicine pestle stabs in without warning, Long Ge’s part violently spews out a magnificent blood column.

The strength is so great that it even directly sprayed the face of the younger brother behind Long Ge.


When Brother Long was screaming miserably, he was finally sure that he had been bleeding locally before… being touched by the boy in front of him! And the two followers who had been following Brother Long also understood at this time.

From beginning to end, Yuan Xiaoning didn’t even look at Brother Long.

The star beads of more than ten shadow leopards are also very laborious to take, and Yuan Xiaoning has no time to pay attention to such a person as Long.

It seems that as long as Jiang Xiaobai is there, Yuan Xiaoning will not worry about any danger.

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