Chapter 484 Familiar formula, familiar taste

Feeling the severe pain coming from the local area, Long Ge couldn’t help trembling all over, and both hands subconsciously covered his own part, and when he looked at his own hand, it was already full of blood.

It’s still a familiar recipe, or a familiar taste.

A trace of hideousness appeared on Brother Long’s face.Even though this student looked very strong, Brother Long didn’t believe it.The dozen or so brothers who licked blood could not be a rookie.

The level of the realm is not the only factor that determines the victory or defeat.This kid is a rookie at first glance, and may be stunned as soon as he does it.

Thinking of this, Long Ge gritted his teeth.

“Why are you so stupefied to kill Laozi!”

Brother Long screamed at his men.

“Stop this kid.”

I don’t know who shouted first, everyone moved towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Long Ge was injured and weird, in the eyes of these people, “Nine One Zero”

The boy in front of him was just a student on the first floor of the Galaxy Realm.

And there are more than a dozen people on his side.

What’s more, bullying less with more is what people like yourself do best.

Only the two followers who had been following Brother Long stayed in place.

After following Brother Long for a long time, these two people still have a bit of eye-sight, and it is obvious that Brother Long is bothered. This young man, I am afraid it is not that simple! Facing the more than ten people around, Jiang Xiaobai lightly raised his eyebrows. When he raised his hand, more than a dozen star powers were already emitted.

The few sturdy men who walked in the front felt that they were partially tight, and then suddenly there was a sudden burst of pain into the bone marrow.

The sudden change occurred, and these big men couldn’t help but stop.

However, before they could get a firm foothold, the parts of these people sprayed blood arrows at the same time.




Suddenly, there were endless screams from the depths of the dark forest.

The big guys were jumping around in pain.

One after another, turbulent blood arrows ejected from the parts of these big guys, and then shot in all directions with the sway of the body.

Even the companions behind these big guys were affected, and a lot of blood was sprayed on their faces and bodies.

But looking at this weird scene in front of me, those………have missed the “growth pain”

The big man finally realized that something was wrong.

It is said that the rivers and lakes are bloody and bloody, but no one has ever seen that this blood is all exploded from a local area! There are many legends in the rivers and lakes, but there is no such thing as a great man, leaving behind a legend of the explosion!” dammit , How do you fight this!”

A big man grinned, and said to the accomplice who was also covering him, “This kid is so poisonous!”

When Long Brother gathered these big guys before, he was not embarrassed to talk about the embarrassment that he had partially exploded to his men.

Not to mention the suspicion of Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, these things of Brother Long…At the beginning, the little brother only suspected that people like himself had a sudden attack of hemorrhoids.

Just in this daze, the remaining few people also suffered a sudden local pain, and then blood flowed like a shot.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a moment… “It seems that your brother has been a little angry recently.”

Jiang Xiaobai curled his eyebrows, and looked at Brother Long with a mocking tone.

When Jiang Xiaobai glanced at him, Long Ge, who was already terrified, actually “pushed”

With a sound, he knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

This scene is so big that those of Brother Long…The surprise of the younger brother can’t help but be shocked.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the kneeling Brother Long indifferently, twitched the corner of his mouth and spoke.

“Brother Long, are you looking for someone to get revenge?”

Since I didn’t hear the system prompt in my mind, this Long Brother was naturally scared.

Unexpectedly, this Long brother looked fierce, but in fact he was a soft guy who was strong outside.

Just now I felt a little bit interesting, and Long Ge actually admitted it.

But seeing Brother Long waved his hand again and again, he explained to Jiang Xiaobai: “No, no, I brought this group of trash to stroll around…”

Speaking of this, Long Brother suddenly thought of something, and suddenly stared at those who were still covering the part…Little brother.

“You guys don’t hurry to kneel down because you want to see Laozi’s jokes, or you still think you are better than Laozi”

After hearing Brother Long’s words, those… the younger brother couldn’t help but knelt to the ground quickly.

If these… the strength of the younger brother is stronger than that of Brother Long, then Brother Long has been “used to the throne” long ago.

Now, it’s still a round to get Long Ge to always dominate the blessing.

Looking at the respectful Dragon Brother, Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly.

“If the person you meet is not as strong as you, I’m afraid you won’t be so good at talking, haha, you just kneel there first…”

For this kind of bullying and fearful of hardship, Jiang Xiaobai was too lazy to say anything, and turned his attention to Daha instead.

Just killing all the way to the depths of the dark forest, Jiang Xiaobai has already accumulated a lot of Shadow Leopard Star Orbs.

At this moment, when he was free, Jiang Xiaobai took out a few of them and threw them directly to Daha.

When Long Ge and the others saw Jiang Xiaobai actually feeding Daha with Shadow Leopard’s star beads, their faces suddenly became even more ugly.

You know, a star of 1 ordinary Shadow Leopard is worth at least tens of thousands of Chinese coins.

What’s more, Brother Long has already seen it, the few star beads Jiang Xiaobai fed Daha, but they all got it from the elite-level shadow leopard! People who can feed such valuable star beads to dogs , It’s not something people like yourself can fight against.

Daha quickly swallowed the star orbs and happily ran towards the shadows in the forest.

In a short while, more than a dozen shadow leopards were brought over.

In the presence of Brother Long and the others, Jiang Xiaobai once again easily solved the…

At this time, because Long Ge and others had been kneeling for too long, and some parts were still spraying blood, some people could not support it, and they began to sway a little.

Suddenly, one of the great Han Dynasty was taking a few steps with Jiang Xiaobai, who was feeding the dog with star beads, and then begged: “Grandpa, please beg your life, it was Brother Long who forced us to come here.

He has never been a good thing, and we have long been displeased…”

That big man groaned and complained 2.

8 The complaint was added, so that Long Ge heard his face pale and dumbfounded.

“Zhou Biao, do you really want to rebel?”

Don’t care if Jiang Xiaobai is still there: In front of him, Long Ge directly yelled at him and secretly looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

But when Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, he curled his lips and said, “Finally someone is sensible.

Give you two choices, either Long Brother will die, or you will die with Long Brother.”

As soon as the voice fell, Long Ge’s younger brother all looked at Long Ge with complicated eyes.

There is no need to think about it at all.

In front of him stood a man who was not pleasing to the eye and couldn’t get rid of it.

Kneeling, there was someone who was not pleasing to the eye, but everyone was able to get rid of it.

And the parts of these people have been bleeding.

If you wait any longer, I’m afraid that everyone will become a human being.

Therefore, after a few seconds, all of Long Brother’s younger brothers became: their expressions were not good, and their eyes were fierce!!

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