Chapter 482 The size is just right

Hainan Men’s Hospital.

Brother Long was screaming in the spotlight.

After some busy work, the doctor finally stopped Long Ge’s local bleeding, and then said to himself with doubts: “Hemorrhoids bleeding close to a thousand milliliters, such patients are really rare.”

And the doctor who checked Brother Long kept sending out “Tsk Tsk”

The sound is, and from time to time, he glanced at Brother Long’s men with weird eyes.

“Doctor, what is going on with Brother Long”

The two big men asked anxiously.

Hearing that, the doctor took a meaningful look at the two tattooed men, and a look of disgust appeared in his eyes.

“The patient has such severe hemorrhoids, something will happen if you do something more, you two are so careless…”

As he said, the doctor couldn’t help but shook his head straight.

What hemorrhoids? What happened? Is the doctor introducing Long Ge’s condition? The two big men heard the water in their heads swaying.

“Doctor, you mean our Long brother is not saved”

As soon as the voice fell, he was still: The howling Long Brother couldn’t help but curse: “You two are stupid, get out of Laozi!”

…After the blood transfusion, Long Ge obviously improved a lot, and the two big men 870 who were guarding the hospital bed looked at each other, and one of them spoke.

“Brother Long, what’s going on just now? It’s so easy to get hemorrhoids. I haven’t heard you mention it before…”

“You just got hemorrhoids, your whole family is in the late stage of hemorrhoids!”

Brother Long gritted his teeth and said: “It’s definitely the ghost of the little cubs just now, you must hurry up to summon the brothers for Laozi, this one must be retrieved!”

After all, it was the cultivation base of the fifth floor of the Xinghai Realm.After half an hour, Long Ge had already entered the Shadow Leopard dimensional space with more than a dozen sturdy men.

At this time, the awakened in twos and threes were immersed in the corpse of the shadow leopard in front of them.

When Brother Long so many people rushed in mightily, they were immediately alarmed…the awakened.

Seeing this, four words flashed in everyone’s mind: The person who came is not good! These……The leader of the Awakener obviously knows Brother Long, so he hurried forward to greet him, and then cautiously tested when he finished. Said: “Brother Long, is it important for your old man to come here in person?”

When speaking, the eyes of several leaders were full of tension.

After all, any behavior in the dimensional space will not be constrained, and killing behavior is even more common.

“You guys, have you ever seen two young people passing by a man and a woman!”

Brother Long asked towards these awakened people, with a fierce tone in his tone.

Hearing that, these awakened people couldn’t help but think in their hearts, and they don’t know who is so unlucky that they have provoked the evil star Long! “Hey, our Long brother asks you something!”

“No no……”

The leading awakeners hurriedly shook their heads while replying, for fear of angering these…social people.

Brother Long nodded when he heard it, and suddenly his eyes were on the corpses of the shadow leopards again.

“Hand over all the star beads harvested just now, and people can roll.”

When a few awakened people heard this, their faces were bitter, but they could only admit that they were unlucky and did not dare to defy.

He even trot for a while, fearing that Brother Long would think that he was too slow to pay Star Orbs.

There was only one young man with a look of unwillingness on his face.

“Do you want Xingzhu to kill the Shadow Leopard by himself, so many of you…”

However, before the young man had finished speaking, a big man beside Brother Long had already rushed up.

A folding knife has been placed in the young man’s throat.

“Brother Long, what about this kid”

“Stop him!”

After Brother Long finished speaking, a few big guys rushed up, and directly hit the young man with… a punch and kick! In a moment, the young man was beaten to death.

The young man’s companions didn’t even dare to even look at them.

It wasn’t until Long Ge coldly snorted and left with these big guys that the young man’s companion rushed over and hurriedly took the young man out of the dimension space.

Behind him was a helpless sigh: “Hey, it’s not good to fight against someone, against that bastard thing,…”

Before the words fell, another horrified voice came immediately: “Don’t say anything, if you are heard by those people, let Brother Long and the others go to the trouble of the man and the woman.”

Next, Brother Long and his entourage met a few more teams of Awakeners hunting and killing Shadow Leopards, as before, after inquiring, it was… robbery.

It is not without reason that Brother Long can become a tyrant here. Although the viciousness is obvious, Brother Long generally did not kill people in the space robbery. , But there has been no Suffering Lord to come to the door.

Obviously, Brother Long was in a bad mood today.Several teams were beaten by Brother Long because they were a little slow when they handed over the Star Orbs.

Until Long Ge and his team heard Jiang Xiaobai’s trace and whereabouts from one of the teams, these talents stopped looking for trouble with other teams.

At this time, after learning the whereabouts of the enemy, Long Ge fell into hesitation again.

Because the dark forest where Jiang Xiaobai is located is the deepest part of this dimensional space.

It is said that there are elite-level shadow leopards.

And the elite level of the Shadow Leopard realm is above the sixth level of the Xinghai Realm! Plus Shadow Leopard’s “integration into the shadows”

And “Shadow Clone”

The talented skills of, deep in the dark forest, are obviously extremely dangerous.

…At this time, “one man and one woman” in those populations

We are guarding a pool of spring water.

Daha sat in front of the two of them, looking around vigilantly with ears erected.

The dimensional space in which the Shadow Leopard lives is very special.Except for a small plain at the entrance, the entire space is filled with a dark forest.

The Shadow Leopard actually likes to stay in the dark forest most.

Because Shadow Leopard has a magical skill called “Incorporate into the Shadows” in addition to the talent skill of…

! Unlike the chameleon’s ability to change colors, the shadow leopard’s “melting into the shadows”

Skills can really make it disappear in the shadows.

Even if someone accidentally passes by, they can’t touch the existence of the shadow leopard.

Only the awakened can perceive whether there is… a shadow leopard hidden in the shadow.

But this skill also has a flaw, that is… as soon as the shadow leopard starts to attack other creatures, it will appear.

The place where Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning are at this time is exactly the favorite habitat of the shadow leopard.

Because the pool of spring water here is the only source of water in this dimensional space.

The shadow leopard is strictly hierarchical, and only the most powerful shadow leopard can fight for the right to habitat here.

This is also the reason why Jiang Xiaobai brought Yuan Xiaoning and Daha here! “Jiang Xiaobai, can you be honest with your hands.”

Yuan Jianing blushed suddenly and complained at Jiang Xiaobai.

“Who said my hands are not honest anymore”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows lightly and smiled at Yuan Jianing, “The size is just right, and it’s just right to let go.”


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