Chapter 460 You, what do you want to do!

Thinking of what Jiang Xiaobai did to the students of Bourne College on the field, Camille is really hard to believe that Jiang Xiaobai will be the auxiliary route! How can there be an awakening of the auxiliary route, if the opponent gets bloody at every turn Such a brutal method can be called an auxiliary. Then, what kind of awakened person of his agile route should be classified. However, Jiang Xiaobai said seriously: “I do have a unique ability, which belongs to recovery. The skill of the department makes it easy to heal your current injury.


Having said this, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Wei Xuehai meaningfully, and then continued: “You must do me a favor.”

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai said so firmly, Camille couldn’t help but believing and saying: “What do you want me to do for you”

Jiang Xiaobai said lightly: “Help me lead the person… who issued the assassination mission into a dimensional space.”

Hearing that, Camille was taken aback for a moment, and then shook his head.

“The dark web will not allow the assassins who take up the mission to have any direct contact with the gold master who issued the 09 cloth mission.

Moreover, the mission to assassinate you has actually stopped.”

Regarding the first half of Camille’s words, Wei Xuehai…has already expected it.

The reason why the dark web is called the dark web is because this dark organization is secretive, and there is almost no possibility that people can touch the deeds and take the opportunity to make things happen.

But the second half of Camille’s sentence was far beyond the expectations of Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Yang.

“Then why do you want to be a maid for Xiaobai?”

Thinking of Camille’s desire to die when she saw a thick pile of test papers in her arms, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask first.

Could it be that Camille has a tendency to be abused, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai tortured Camille so much, why did Camille stay here at Jiang Xiaobai? Or, Camille has been completely confused by Jiang Xiaobai’s beauty. Thought of this, Yuan Yang Immediately stared at Camille.

But seeing a bit of embarrassment on Camille’s face, after hesitating for a while, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai and replied: “I originally wanted to find a chance to teach you a lesson.

Unexpectedly, you were so sad that you actually asked me to help you…help you with your homework!”

When it comes to “homework”

With the word two, Camille couldn’t help but feel itchy with hatred, and subconsciously looked at the test papers piled up like a hill.

Wei Xuehai was thinking about it, but after thinking about his identity, he had to endure it again.

It’s…Yuan Yang has no scruples, and smiles directly.

Jiang Xiaobai kicked Yuan Yang angrily, then he pondered a little, looked at Camille and asked, “If I want to take a mission on the dark web, what are the requirements?”

Since Camille can’t directly contact Drake, she can only let it go first.

But right now it is… a good opportunity to penetrate the dark web.

Even if it’s just the outermost organization that enters the dark circle! Camille understands what Jiang Xiaobai means, not eyebrows, “you want the idea of ​​hitting the dark web”

As soon as he spoke, Camille shook his head again, as if to remind himself of nosy.

“You need to have a referrer who will send you a verification code for you.

Only after the verification code is approved by the dark web, the dark web will send an intermediary to contact you, and then you will have the opportunity to receive tasks on the dark web.”

After hearing Camille’s words, Jiang Xiaobai and others couldn’t help frowning.

It seems that things are a bit tricky! This dark web organization is indeed very strict.

Just wanting to join the periphery of the dark web organization is so troublesome.

“From the perspective of the dark web’s acting style, this organization will definitely have other tests before sending newcomers to tasks for the first time!”

Wei Xuehai looked a little ugly, and said in a deep voice to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and after some thoughts, he asked Camille: “Can you be my recommender? If you can help me pass the dark web review, I will try my best to heal your father’s injury.”

When Jiang Xiaobai mentioned this incident again, Camille couldn’t help but was taken aback, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Jiang Xiaobai saw Camille look hesitant, and winked at Yuan Yang.Yuan Yang immediately hurriedly left the room with Wei Xuehai.

Before leaving, Yuan Yang looked at Camille again with a smirk, and then closed the door tightly.

Seeing this, Camille couldn’t help being shocked.

Although he has awakened from a coma, his injuries have not yet recovered, and he can’t even use the space alien technique now.

If Jiang Xiaobai wants to take advantage of the danger and do something to himself, he has no resistance at all! “You, what do you want to do”

Camille asked suspiciously, while trying to shrink to the head of the bed.

It’s like a bridge in the plot of a dog’s blood.

Jiang Xiaobai saw that Camille was so flustered, he couldn’t help but laugh, and explained: “My auxiliary skills are a bit strange, and some side effects will occur during treatment.

You are a girl again. If there are too many people, it will be inconvenient.”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai did not give Camille time to react, and he was ready to perform “One Shot into the Soul”


With the star power in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai snapped his fingers, and a golden light flashed away, directly submerged in Camille’s body.

Suddenly, Camille felt that all the pores on her body had been opened.

As if falling into the cloud, I was surrounded by a strange feeling.

But within a few seconds, Camille had already felt that the original pain on her body seemed to disappear instantly.

The whole person is as if flying above the clouds.


Feeling this strong and wonderful feeling, Camille couldn’t help closing her eyes, a strange expression appeared on her face, and a soft murmur unconsciously appeared in her mouth.

At the same time, Camille’s body couldn’t help but shake.

The two long legs that were originally laid flat are also slightly bent at this time, and they are gently stretched out.

After doing this a few times, Camille’s face had become flushed red.

After a full ten seconds, Camille came back to her senses.

Opened his eyes and saw that Jiang Xiaobai was standing beside him, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Suddenly, Camille recalled the feeling that Jiang Xiaobai had used his skills on himself.

While speechless, Camille couldn’t help but feel a little bit ashamed.

But the most important thing is that Camille has determined that Jiang Xiaobai’s skill may really heal his father’s injury! “I can be your dark web introducer.”

Camille forcefully resisted the complex emotions in her heart, pretending to be nonchalant, took out her mobile phone.

“This is my tool for connecting with the dark web.”

While talking, Camille turned out one.

Jiang Xiaobai leaned over to take a look, and couldn’t help laughing.

The dark web is still hidden deep enough, even the icon is exactly the same as the icon of the mobile memo!!

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