Chapter 461 Heartbroken Game System

“nailed it!”

After Camille made a pass on the dark web, he looked up at Jiang Xiaobai.

“Next, we have to wait for people on the dark web to review it.”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at a loss, thought about it and asked: “How long have you been audited by the dark web at the time?”

Camille made a look of recollection, and said in deep thought, “It seems to be three months or four months.”

Jiang Xiaobai: “……”

If you had waited so long, the global competition would have ended long ago.

“However, not every review takes three or four months.

I heard that someone sent a verification code the first day, and the pass was reviewed the next day.”

Camille finally seized the opportunity and quickly said “comfort”

Jiang Xiaobai: “I think you are lucky, you shouldn’t have to wait that long.

Maybe just wait two months…”

Jiang Xiaobai pursed his lips and pointed at the pile of test papers on the table, “You should help me with my homework!”

Camille: “…”

As night fell, the group stage of the global competition team competition finally came to an end.

However, what surprised all the participating teams was that there was no sixteen to eight, eight to four, and then the final.

This time the competition committee didn’t know what was going crazy, and actually came up with a frenzied and cruel competition system! Of the 16 teams that won the group stage, eight of them were the first in the group.

The competition committee divided these eight teams into two groups by drawing lots, and they had to arrange two big melees at the same time.

The game time is two hours. Once the time is up, the team with the most surviving or combative players will directly advance to the finals.

In the group stage, the eight teams that ranked second in the group were also drawn in the same way and divided into two groups.

It’s just that the way these eight teams play is even more cruel.

Wheel fight knockout! This is almost…death format.

Eight teams passed a lottery and selected one team to defend.

Then the other seven teams took turns attacking.

The loser is eliminated directly, and the winner becomes the defender and accepts the challenges of the rest of the team.

Until there is only one team left on the field, and finally participate in the battle for the runner-up.

As a result, while the schedule has been greatly accelerated, the competition system has also become extremely fierce and cruel! “This is the competition system that an inhuman guy came up with is simply killing people.


“It’s not just a team like our Jiangnan University that has repeatedly displayed the limelight. It will definitely become the target of public criticism in the melee – it’s so wicked!”

“Well, the guys from the competition committee are not against us, right?”

Looking at the new competition system just released, the students of Jiangnan University couldn’t help but complain.

Seeing that everyone was filled with righteous indignation, Zhang Xunkun sighed and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

“Actually, you guessed it right. The promulgation of this new competition system does have something to do with Jiangnan University.”

Hearing what Principal Zhang said, He Weihua and others were immediately shocked.

However, Zhang Xunkun continued to explain: “This time we Jiang has become a dark horse.

From the third place in the challenge to the championship of the points tournament, and now it is in the group stage, it has attracted the attention of interested people.”

The caring person He Weihua and the others looked at each other, and for a moment they didn’t understand the meaning of Zhang Xunkun’s words.

“Do you know how many of our teams are in the top 16”

Zhang Xunkun’s conversation turned, his expression became a little dignified.

“In addition to… our Jiangnan University, there are five teams! Including Hanhai Academy and Modu Military District Academy.”

After hearing this, someone finally understood.

There are a total of six Chinese schools participating in the top 16 teams, which means that in this global competition, the Chinese school has the highest probability of winning.

And the result of the global competition is directly related to the distribution rights of the dimensional space! Seeing a sudden look gradually appeared on the faces of his students, Zhang Xunkun knew that everyone had figured out the mystery. “The foreigners in the original competition committee thought Directly manipulate the groups and distribute all of our six teams in China into different groups! Fortunately, there are also Chinese people in the competition committee. This is the reason why we will strive to change it to a lottery system.”

As soon as Zhang Xunkun’s voice fell, He Weihua and others all scolded again.

“Too shameless, does this guy dare to be more shameless”

“Say good fair competition, say good competitive spirit”

“Hehe-there has never been any fairness, otherwise why would everyone want to be the rule makers”

The cruel reality made Jiangnan University students quickly learn the most important lesson.

It’s just in front of everyone, it’s still an unknown situation.

Draw lots are tantamount to resignation.

In the unlikely event that the guy who draws the lottery is unlucky, and directly draws a group with three other foreign teams, wouldn’t Jiangnan University still be criticized quickly?Everyone thought of the worst possibility.

Immediately afterwards, everyone thought of the same name.

“Jiang Xiaobai! Let Xiaobai Jiang go to draw lots-this guy has always had good luck!”

He Weihua suddenly shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone else immediately agreed.

It’s just–“Everyone discovered that from the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai had not come to participate in this pre-match mobilization meeting.

Zhang Xunkun also turned black, and his eyes subconsciously glanced at Yuan Xiaoning.

Seeing Principal Zhang’s meaningful questioning eyes, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help blushing, and said weakly: “My brother said, Jiang Xiaobai has too many homework to write, and he is making up his homework in the room…”

Zhang Xunkun’s face became darker when he was making up his homework.

Homework to make up a fart! Wei Xuehai had told himself a long time ago that Jiang Xiaobai had really accepted Camille from Bourne College as a maid.

In addition, Camille was asked to do all the homework for Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang, Zhou Jia and others… “Sister-Sister, when did I say that Xiaobai was doing homework?”

At this time, Yuan Yang looked at Yuan Xiaoning strangely and asked in a low voice.

Yuan Xiaoning stared fiercely and motioned to Yuan Yang to shut up.

“Ahem-classmate Yuan Xiaoning, in this case, let you tell Jiang Xiaobai on my behalf that he will leave the lottery to him.

It’s good to tell Jiang Xiaobai, if I can’t get the lottery, I can just…”

Zhang Xunkun did not say the following words.

But Yuan Xiaoning knew that this black-bellied Principal Zhang was “threatening”

Myself and Jiang Xiaobai.

…At this time, Jiang Xiaobai is forcing Camille! “Don’t do this, I really can’t do it…”

Camille pleaded with Jiang Xiaobai.

And Jiang Xiaobai was holding Camille tightly with both hands, with a strange greedy look on his face.

“No-try again, I don’t believe that I really can’t get in!”

Camille struggled hard, but couldn’t push Jiang Xiaobai away, so she prayed again: “Don’t push me anymore. My injury is just right. I have been trying so long and I really got hit.”

Seeing Camille seemed to be about to cry, Jiang Xiaobai had to let go of his hand unhappily, took out the room card from his pocket, and opened the door.

“It doesn’t make sense, why can’t your spatial supernatural power bring me into the room too?”

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