Chapter 459 You are so lucky to take your life back

Jiang Xiaobai helped Camille, who was unconscious, to the bed, and Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask strangely: “Xiaobai, you really didn’t do it.”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and glared at Yuan Yang angrily.

“Kill Camille, you can do my high school homework”

While talking, Wei Xuehai suddenly appeared at the door of Jiang Xiaobai’s room. Before he could speak, he also found Camille who was unconscious.

“Wei Xuehai, who you did, couldn’t help but ask in surprise, and after a pause, he turned to Yuan Yang.

“You did it”

Yuan Yang heard the corners of his eyes beating, and his heart screamed secretly.

It seems that I was questioning Jiang Xiaobai in this tone just now…but I saw Jiang Xiaobai shook his head slowly and thoughtfully: “It’s not us, and we don’t know who did it.

Camille also had “Seven Two Two Seven” before

I was making papers for me, and I didn’t know why I was in a coma.”

Wei Xuehai was full of black lines: “…”

“The identity and information of this Camille have been checked.”

After a moment of silence, Wei Xuehai, who had finished complaining in his heart, spoke up.

“Three years ago, Camille’s father was seriously injured in the dimension space, and he urgently needed a large amount of funds to maintain his father’s life, so Camille joined the dark web.

But she probably hasn’t been exposed to the core secrets of the dark web.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said: “Then Camille is… the temporary work and killer organization of the dark web, too?”

Wei Xuehai was covered with black lines again: “…”

But when I heard Jiang Xiaobai dragged his chin, he was very seriously puzzled: “Is the dark web afraid that someone will not be held accountable?”

Hearing this, Wei Xuehai couldn’t help but interrupt Jiang Xiaobai.

“The dark web, a black organization, has always been evil.

China has always wanted to clear the dark web’s personnel and secret gathering spots in the country.”

Speaking of these, Wei Xuehai had a headache.

As the principal of the China Academy, Wei Xuehai and others have also participated in the campaign to encircle and suppress dark web organizations.

But the people on the dark web are too cunning, and there are many Nebula level masters among them.

The several encirclement and suppression operations that Wei Xuehai participated in only caught or killed some small fish and shrimps.

Moreover, Wei Xuehai has suffered a lot from the dark web.

Even Wei Xuehai’s students have sacrificed in similar actions.

Therefore, apart from the headache, Wei Xuehai couldn’t help gritting his teeth.

“It’s a pity that the secretiveness of the dark web organization is too high. I have never caught senior members of this organization.”

It can be seen that Wei Xuehai really hates the dark web organization, but he is a little helpless! Jiang Xiaobai was moved after hearing this.

This killer organization made itself a target twice, and Liang Zi had already forged it a long time ago.

There is only a thousand days as a thief, and there is no way to prevent a thousand days from being a thief. Sooner or later, I will settle the old accounts with the dark web organization! Thinking of this in my heart…, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes gradually appeared A hint of cold light.

At this moment, Yuan Yang finally understood Er’s true identity and couldn’t help but tentatively asked: “Xiao Bai, what do you want to do with her”

Jiang Xiaobai returned to his senses and looked at Camille for a moment.

When he was about to answer, Camille, who was unconscious, snorted and gradually woke up.

“Who hurt you”

Yuan Yang couldn’t restrain his curiosity and asked eagerly.

Camille didn’t answer, instead she looked at Jiang Xiaobai very disappointed.

“Did you recognize me early”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, glanced down, and said lightly.

“Your legs are too long, and the recognition is too high.”


Camille followed Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze and looked at her two long legs: she was speechless for a while.

Under this situation, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little embarrassing.


As the oldest person in the room, Wei Xuehai had to pretend to cough twice to break the silence.

Camille’s expression was constricted, and he asked Jiang Xiaobai as if provocatively and suspiciously: “You are not afraid that I will kill you again”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and smiled: “If I can cure your father, you will naturally not kill me.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai changed his words again: “Who actually hurt you?”

It seemed that Camille had never left her room at all.

In other words, someone injured Camille here.

Following this line of thought, it is deduced that the person who injured Camille was probably originally trying to attack him! Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai had to pay attention to this issue. He hesitated, and replied with a serious face: “I really didn’t see the person who hurt me.

The level of that sneak attacker should be far above me, and I didn’t feel the slightest fluctuation in star power before the shot!”

While speaking, Camille glanced at Wei Xuehai involuntarily.

“I didn’t even have time to use the space ability to dodge, and I was knocked out by the sneak attacker.”

Camille had already recognized Wei Xuehai and knew that Wei Xuehai was… the person who used dungeon technique to control himself when he first attacked Jiang Xiaobai.

“Xiao Bai, it seems that the target of the sneak attacker is probably…you, otherwise, Camille will be unable to resist, how could it be still alive now”

At this time, after hearing Camille’s words, Wei Xuehai also realized that things were not as simple as they seemed.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded after listening.

With the skill of that sneak attacker, if you really wanted to kill Camille, it was just another trick.

Now Camille was only injured, which means that after the sneak attacker succeeded, he realized that he had attacked the wrong target, so he stopped.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but sighed to Camille: “You are so lucky that you actually got your life back.”

Find out the whole story: Camille couldn’t help being speechless again when she heard it.

If it weren’t for Jiang Xiaobai, how could I be 0.

3 It’s possible to take someone else’s palm for nothing, it’s not luck at all, good or not, it’s not the time to investigate these things right now.

“You just said to heal my father”

Camille paid more attention to this question and asked Jiang Xiaobai solemnly.

“You know, my father was in a diamond-level dimensional space, and his soul was burned by the hell flame demon.

Unless there are top-level recovery skills, there is no cure!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and replied: “I know how to restore the skills.”

When Camille heard this, her expression was a little weird. She raised her eyebrows and asked, “You are a support.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively.


Camille was speechless for a moment.

Is there such a cruel support from you?

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