Chapter 447 The name of a strange flower has to be used strangely

As Jiang Xiaobai’s voice fell, Seaman suddenly burst.

A bloody arrow gushed out, instantly dyeing Seaman’s crotch.

Feeling the wetness in the crotch and the unbearable local pain, Seaman couldn’t help but scream.

At the same time, Seaman couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

I don’t have hemorrhoids at all. Why did the local burst suddenly look like Seaman was shocked and painful, Jiang Xiaobai said lightly: “Drake didn’t tell you that you must go to the hospital when you meet me?”

Seaman listened and looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously.

But when I heard Jiang Xiaobai chuckled softly: “Cut hemorrhoids to prove innocence!”

…At this time, Jiang Xiaoxin and the three had already broken away from the imprisonment of Kleiman and Frankie.

For a time, the five-players and 5 were out of touch.

Saint Neya Academy is a prestigious institution in Europe, except for…the ones like Jiang Xiaobai, Kleiman and Frankie still have some fighting capacity.

In addition to… the two previous imprisonment skills, Kleiman and Frankie’s attack skills, as well as fighting skills, are also emerging in an endless stream.

However, when facing Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia, two guys who like to go straight, Kleiman and Frankie quickly felt tied.

Zhou Jia is a keen battle route and has teleport skills, which is absolutely magical.

The same goes for the thick-backed knife in his hand.

Moreover, Zhou Jia used the electric field first to trap the two of Klein 697man, and then used the meteor to cut the stars, forcing Kleiman, Frankie, himself, and Yuan Yang to fight hard! And Yuan Yang left this guy. It was a shield battle route, and the one-meter-long big slasher in his hand was both offensive and defensive.

Slashing out is extremely domineering, and when the shield is indestructible! After going back and forth, Kleiman and Frankie were tired to death, and their bodies were also scarred, and they couldn’t help but feel cowardly.

It is a pity that there is another Jiang Xiaoxin who has been standing with arms folded and watching coldly.

Even if the two of Kleiman wanted to exit, they would be powerless…On the other side, Wang Ningxiang and Oliver were fighting fiercely.

However, Oliver became more depressed as he fought.

Wang Ningxiang’s shield warfare skills restrained Oliver’s cross sword everywhere.

No matter how Oliver jumped up and down, rushing from left to right, Wang Ningxiang just waited for work with ease and attacked with defense.

After a while, Oliver screamed with anger…wow.

It’s so bullying! People who don’t understand the inside story look at it and think they have the upper hand.

But in fact, it was Oliver himself who couldn’t help Wang Ningxiang.

…Seeing Jiang Xiaoxin standing aside calmly, Jiang Xiaobai knew that the battle was settled, and joked at Ximan, “Your name is Ximan… Good.”

When Seaman was struggling to hear it, a trace of ominousness flashed in his heart for no reason.

Looking up, he saw that Jiang Xiaobai had a few more throwing knives in his hand.

Seeing this, Seaman couldn’t help being horrified, and immediately resisted the severe pain.

However, the flying knife in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand was thrown at his back.

At the same time, a golden light burst out and plunged into Seaman’s body.

Seeing Seaman suddenly involuntarily stretched out his hands to take the flying knife that was flying by.

Seaman’s part of the blood spurted, and at this time, such violent luck, the local blood pillar suddenly became more “spectacular”

He Weihua and the others, who provoked bystanders, couldn’t help shaking their heads again and again.

Too cruel! Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai is our classmate, not an enemy.

“Fortunately, when I was abused by Jiang Xuedi before, I was not treated like this…”

While He Weihua sighed, he couldn’t help but rejoice for himself.

At this time, the other students of Saint Neya Academy who were watching the battle finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

However, just as these people made a move, He Weihua and others all got up and stared at them vigilantly.

“Oh ho, you can’t afford to lose so much”

Yuan Yang, who had just killed Kleiman, swung his knife at the Saint Neiya Academy.

The students of Saint Neya College were shocked when they saw this, and they were ashamed and embarrassed to sit back in their seats.

If you lose, you don’t lose! At this time, going up and disrupting the game will damage the reputation of Saint Neya Academy too much.

Because the students of Saint Neya College were really not sure, they killed all the students of Jiangnan University present.

Having said that, if you have this strength, how can the riots of Richard and Lakeman fall outside the downwind field only lasted for less than a minute, and then subsided.

During this period, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even look there.

Seaman has always wanted to escape, Jiang Xiaobai has been focusing on throwing the flying knife.

Not only that, every time Jiang Xiaobai throws a throwing knife, Jiang Xiaobai will use the growth pain skill again.

Soon, Seaman had no energy to escape.

After a lot of local blood loss, Seaman gradually collapsed, and his body fell to the ground.

To his death, Seaman remained empty-handed.

Seeing that there was no movement in Seaman, Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and said: “It seems that even if you are given so many flying knives, you are not given power. It is a waste of my pains.”

At this time, Jiang Xiaoxin had already dealt with Frankie.

The guy Yuan Yang couldn’t keep his mouth idle, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai was teasing an old cartoon, so he played it together.

“Give me strength! I am Seaman!”

After yelling, Yuan Yang raised the 1.8-meter-high knife to the top of his head, and at the same time, he said that when the cartoon Richman turned into his mouth.

“Childish ghost!”

Zhou Jia kicked Yuan Yang down.

Then, she learned what Yuan Yang was just now, and shouted: “Give me strength! I am Xi Rui!”

…Yuan Yang, lying on the ground, couldn’t help being covered with black lines.

Only the state officials were allowed to set fires, and the people were not allowed to light the lights. Soon after, Yuan Yang rushed to Zhou Jiale and said, “So, you should call me brother!”

…At this time, Oliver was the only one left in the duel: attacking Wang Ningxiang perseveringly.

After Zhou Jia finished dressing up Xi Rui, she couldn’t stand it any longer.

Oliver heard the wind and hurriedly raised the cross sword to block it.


After a sound of metal and iron strikes, Oliver was directly knocked out more than ten meters away by a huge force.

And that…cross sword has also been cut into two pieces.

At this time, He Weihua, who was in the external battle, really couldn’t stand it, so he spoke to persuade him to surrender: “Oliver, kneel and beg for mercy, otherwise you will definitely die.”

Jiang Xiaobai heard it and couldn’t help sighing.

“These…Drake students, how come their names are so weird”

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai looked at He Weihua again: “Since you are trying to survive for her, I can’t help but save face.

Well, you got twenty barrels of canned spinach. As long as this Oliver can finish the canned food, I will let her make a living.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone present was dumbfounded.

They just named Oliver, it doesn’t mean they are… Popeye! Twenty barrels of canned spinach, do you think Oliver is a rice bucket? Especially, Oliver is still a girl…

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