Chapter 446 Fate, Richard Tyson

Just as everyone set their posture and was about to start, Drake suddenly rushed into the arena in a hurry.

When it was discovered that Richard and the others had signed the duel book, Drake couldn’t help but yelled: “Pause first, pause first!”

Afterwards, Drake stared at Jiang Xiaobai with extreme irritation: “It’s you again! Do you have to have trouble with my Saint Neya Academy?”

In fact, Drake came fast enough.

I just didn’t expect Jiang Xiaobai to be faster.

When the news reached Drake, the students like Richard had just left the hotel lobby.

This was just a few minutes, and Richard and the others were fooled by Jiang Xiaobai to sign the duel…”It is your students who are in a hurry to reincarnate. Ya Academy can be regarded as an old acquaintance.”

Jiang Xiaobai faintly replied, and tapped a few fingers on the duel book.

The meaning is obvious.

Put black and white paper here to see how shameless you can be.

Seeing this, Drake couldn’t help but froze for a while, and became irritated from embarrassment.

“I don’t care, they are my students.

Without my signature, this duel book cannot be counted…!”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xunkun also walked in from outside the arena.

“Principal Drake, it is said that you Westerners value the spirit of contract most.”

With just this sentence, Drake was speechless and his face was blue and white.

With a sullen face and fierce light in his eyes, he stared at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely for a few seconds, then suddenly turned and left.

Seeing this, the students of Saint Nea College couldn’t understand what the principal Drake meant.

Just when these guys were all confused, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly smiled.

“Don’t think about it, your principal is going back to help you prepare for the funeral.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows again and asked meaningfully: “Difficult Moral Lake didn’t tell you, do you want to stay away from our Jiangnan University?”

After Richard and the others listened, they couldn’t help looking at each other, and at the same time a thought emerged in their hearts: “It seems that I have really caused something that shouldn’t have been caused.


However, now it has become a boat.

If you retreat at this time, wouldn’t it be more embarrassing than surrendering without a fight…Bidou will begin.

When Richard Five was still there: discussing tactics, Jiang Xiaobai summoned Erha, then took a small bench and sat aside leisurely.

And Yuan Yang, Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin and Wang Ningxiang stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing that Jiangnan University seemed to be fighting against five people on his side with four people and four, the students of Sheng Neya College finally realized that something was wrong! “I think that if we want to retreat today, we must take that… Jiang Xiaobai is going to kill!”

“But didn’t the principal say that Jiang Xiaobai is the most difficult one in the Jiangnan University team!”

“That’s right, because of this, I’m even younger.

As long as Jiang Xiaobai is killed, the others at Jiangnan University will definitely not be our opponents!”

The students of Saint Nea College thought a little bit.

I feel that this is the only way to win at the moment.

But if you want to kill Jiang Xiaobai now, you must break through the four of Yuan Yang, Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin, and Wang Ningxiang who are in the front.

The five 55 students of Sheng Neya Academy cast a glance at each other, and they all focused on Wang Ningxiang.

This girl looks very weak, she should belong to the support type! After making up her mind, as Richard nodded slightly, Kleiman and Frankie both carried star power at the same time and displayed their talent skills.

Both of these are elemental.

Kleiman’s talent skill is an ability that can slow the target, and Frankie is a dungeon skill that can release.

The two have cooperated countless times.

At this time, when the fight was together, Kleiman first activated Zhou Jia, Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiaoxin’s abilities.

At the same time, Frankie’s dungeon technique has followed one after another.

“It’s a confinement skill!”

Yuan Yang hurriedly shouted,,, in exchange for Zhou Jia’s meal: roll his eyes.

Jiang Xiaoxin’s attention was focused on the other person.

Oliver! This girl is obviously agile. As soon as the three of them were trapped, Oliver quickly rushed in front of Wang Ningxiang.

She raised a cross sword high in her hand, trying to kill Wang Ningxiang in seconds.

However, what Oliver didn’t expect was that Wang Ningxiang looked soft and weak, but he was actually a shield-type awakener.

When she was still in the air, Wang Ningxiang had already summoned her weapon – a huge and heavy shield like a door! Looking at the huge shield in Wang Ningxiang’s hand, Oliver suddenly became petrified.

Don’t bring people like that! This little girl is actually a special shield and Oliver is agile, and the most important thing is speed, not strength.

Moreover, the… slender cross sword in Oliver’s hand also used quick tricks as a killer move.

At this moment, Oliver’s cross sword was compared with Wang Ningxiang’s huge shield, and it looked like an embroidery needle…How could it be possible to break Wang Ningxiang’s huge shield. —- Seaman and Richard have also rushed to Jiang Xiaobai.

These two talents don’t care if Oliver can successfully attack and kill Wang Ningxiang.

For Seaman and Richard, the biggest role of Oliver and others is… to hold back the others at Jiangnan University.

In this way, Seaman and Richard can join forces to take down Jiang Xiaobai with two to two against one! Therefore, seeing that other Jiangnan University people did not help Jiang Xiaobai, both Richard and Seaman felt that their plan was successful.

The two of them stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai one after the other, with a dark feeling in their hearts, they were ready to do it.

However, before even raising their hands, Seaman and Richard suddenly felt their knees soft.

Immediately afterwards, Richard and Seaman knelt before Jiang Xiaobai.

Coincidentally, the Mitsubishi thorn in Seaman’s hand happened to be inserted into Richard’s part.

Richard had only time to scream, and immediately fainted on the spot.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but let out a laugh.


Having said this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered that he seemed to disrespect his opponent too much.

“He Weihua, faint what’s the name of this guy”

He Jiahua outside the court heard it, opened the duel book and looked at it, and the expression on his face suddenly became strange.

“Uh, his name is… Richard Tyson.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai only felt speechless for a while.

This unlucky boy, you said that your name is not good, but you want to get in…Could it be that this is the fate of the legend and Seaman did not expect that he accidentally injured his companion.

Seeing that Richard was already unconscious, Seaman was angry and angry, and immediately prepared to shoot again.

Killing Jiang Xiaobai in front of him is… the best gift of apologize to Richard! However, before waiting: Seaman got up, Jiang Xiaobai had already spoken.

“Your classmates just knelt in front of me. I have to avenge him for his hatred!”

As soon as the voice fell, He Weihua and the others who were watching the battle looked away, as if they couldn’t bear to see the next scene.


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