Chapter 448 Principal Drake is not enthusiastic at all

Facts have proved that at the moment of life and death, human potential is really infinite.

Oliver knew that he was hard to escape, and he actually ate all twenty barrels of spinach into his stomach! Other students of Saint Nea College hurriedly stepped forward to support Oliver who had a big belly.

“Excuse me, can we leave here”

A classmate of Oliver asked Jiang Xiaobai respectfully.

The other companions are all trembling, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai will suddenly become beastly, and then they will be thrown into the game…Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai has already dealt with other students of the Saint Neiya Academy. Lost interest.

“This time I am still in the mood to teach you how to be human. If I meet you next time, I will directly make you unable to be human!”

As he said, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand impatiently.

Oliver and his party hurriedly fled from the battlefield in a panic, as if they were amnesty.

Supporting Oliver, who was so long that he couldn’t speak, the students of Saint Nea College were all lost and speechless.

At this time, these…The students of Saint Neya Academy have only one idea in their minds-this Jiangnan University student is really cruel.

Especially that guy named Jiang Xiaobai! Looking at Oliver, who is pregnant, everyone made up their minds. Once they meet Jiang Xiaobai on the field in the future, they must surrender at the first time.

It is best to see Jiang Xiaobai’s figure at the moment! Even if it is 800 meters away…After finally returning to the hotel, Oliver and his party saw Drake with a sullen face.

All of Oliver, who knew he was embarrassed, were all silent.

To be honest, people like Oliver don’t even know what to say to the principal Drake now.

The complaint, but Drake had already warned them.

Isn’t it embarrassing to cry and complain?Just when Oliver and his party were in a dilemma, Drake gave a sullen face and coldly snorted, then turned and left.

In fact, Drake wanted to vent his anger.

However, there are only Oliver who are the students sent by Saint Nea Academy.

If these students are passively sabotaged, should Drake send Oakley, who has no eggs, to play? You know, the competition has a clear stipulation that if a team has only one student left, it will lose the qualification for the team competition.

No, the University of Tokyo has missed the team competition because only Oda Yamashita survived.

Thinking of these messy things, Drake went back to his room.

After logging in to the dark web, Drake, who was in a violent mood, instantly calmed down.

But the killer on the dark net has already taken over the task of killing Jiang Xiaobai! “Huh! Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Xunkun! Jiangnan University-when can I be proud?”

Drake smiled repeatedly, and when he was overjoyed, the doorbell suddenly rang.

When he opened the door, Drake suddenly looked down again.

“What are you doing?”

The person standing outside the door is what Drake was thinking of! But Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly and said playfully: “It’s rude to Principal Drake that I’m not enthusiastic at all when he sees me.

Don’t you Westerners all pay attention to gentleman’s demeanor?”

Drake listened and couldn’t help but gritted his teeth again.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for this hotel to install surveillance everywhere, Drake would really want to kill Jiang Xiaobai on the spot! Unfortunately, global competitions have long established regulations, but during the competition, if there is a fight between non-students, then Will be disqualified directly.

In this way, if Drake really loses his mind and kills Jiang Xiaobai here, he will definitely become a domestic sinner.

After all, this global competition is directly related to the distribution of dimensional space! Thinking of this, Drake quickly took a few deep breaths and pressed down the anger in his heart.

“Jiang Xiaobai, you are just a student of Jiangnan University. You are on the first floor of the Galaxy Realm. You are not qualified to talk to me at all.”

When he said this, Drake’s expression had returned to normal.

Anyway… the dark web has accepted its own assassination mission, and the stinky boy in front of him has not been jumping for long.

The most important thing at the moment is the next game.Drake does not want to affect the overall situation because of Jiang Xiaobai.

However, Jiang Xiaobai’s next words shocked Drake.

“Drake, stop pretending to be a big tail wolf.

I have mastered the evidence that you bought murder on the dark web!”

Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly, and at the same time a pair of eyes that looked like an abyss stared closely at Drake’s eyes.

A trace of panic flashed through Drake’s eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice: “I also know that you have placed an order again on the dark web.

After the team competition is over tomorrow, I will go to the competition committee to shake out all of your… all the scandals!”

Hearing this, Drake felt even more shocked.

Suddenly, all doubts passed through Drake’s heart.

Having done it so secretly, Drake was thinking about where exactly was the wind, but he couldn’t think of an answer.

But now Jiang Xiaobai is right in front of him, Drake can only pretend not to change his face, and coldly snorted and said: “It’s just a fool, I don’t have time to listen to you nonsense!”

After finishing talking, Drake was afraid that Jiang Xiaobai would say anything to make him panic, and hurriedly shut the door.


…. At the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth outside the door, a meaningful smile suddenly appeared, and his mouth issued a “tsk tsk”

Two times, then left Drake’s room.

And Drake behind the door was pressing his ear tightly to the door.

After repeated confirmations, Drake finally let out a long breath.

That…the disaster star Jiang Xiaobai finally left! “No, I have to contact the killer of the dark web quickly and see if I can get rid of Jiang Xiaobai before the game.”

Thinking of this, Drake logged on to the dark web again, and muttered: “It’s better to kill Jiang Xiaobai tonight, lest nights have long dreams…”

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai had just left the hotel where Drake was staying.

After not getting far, Wei Xuehai, the principal of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, suddenly walked out of the darkness and nodded slightly towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Looking at Wei Xuehai with a weird look, Jiang Xiaobai nodded without notice.

The two passed by, and from beginning to end, no one said a word.

In the hotel where Jiangnan University is located, Liu Hanshan is still in Zhang Xunkun’s room.

There are also the presidents of several other universities in China.

At this time, Zhang Xunkun and the others looked like they were closing their eyes and resting.

If someone observes closely, they will find that Liu Hanshan and the others are stuffed with a slightly invisible miniature earphone in their eyes! Suddenly, Wei Xuehai, who was walking around, also appeared in Zhang Xunkun’s room.

“how is it going”

As soon as he walked in, Wei Xuehai asked anxiously.


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