Chapter 439 Fan the flames

He Weihua knows the smile on Jiang Xiaobai’s face at this time.

When he was cleaned up by Jiang Xiaobai, he did not miss this look.

Not only him, but Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, Yuan Xiaoning and others who are familiar with Jiang Xiaobai also deeply reflected this.

For a time, the students of Jiangnan University couldn’t help shaking their bodies, and there was a chill in their hearts.

This kid must have a bad idea again! “You can just wait for a good show here.”

Jiang Xiaobai gave a whisper, and then he made a mistake and moved quietly on the branch.

He quickly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

It was not until it was determined that Yuan Yang and the others would not be exposed, Jiang Xiaobai jumped down from the tree and hid as far away as the Holy Academy of Vatican and St. Louis.



Behind the students of these two schools.

He sneaked close to the two groups of students, Wilson and Macbeth. After thinking for a while, he whispered to Wilson and said: “Your wife and I raise the “seven or six zero”

, You have no worries!”

The voice fell, and a secret golden light flashed through the air, galloping towards Wilson.

At this time, the attention of Wilson, Macbeth and others were concentrated on the King Xiaoyue Python and the teams that besieged it, and they did not notice the movement behind them.

Until Jin Guangfei, the captain of the Vatican Holy Academy suddenly felt a trance.

But it was too late! Jiang Xiaobai noticed his strangeness, but only chuckled.

His skills are different from the talent skills of other awakened ones.

Before other people use the skills, and when the skills they cast, there will be violent star power fluctuations.

But Jiang Xiaobai’s skills are almost silent.

The whole process will not reveal the slightest fluctuation of star power.

It was simply…the best way to kill people and sap! After the golden light submerged in his body, Wilson’s body trembled slightly, and his eyes suddenly became a little loose.

Other students and St. Louis at the Holy Academy in the Vatican.



In the surprised eyes of the college students, Wilson turned his head and said, “Brother, my wife will leave it to you!”

This thoughtless remark made Jackson and Macbeth bewildered.

At a loss, they subconsciously followed Wilson’s line of sight.

Only then did the students at these two schools realize that there was another person behind them.

Suddenly a series of shocking changes occurred, and everyone couldn’t react to it for a while.

But before they had time to think about it, Jiang Xiaobai had already walked a few steps carelessly, and even greeted them a few times casually.

And Wilson followed behind him, as if he was very close to him.

Everyone was startled.

From Jiang Xiaobai’s school uniform, they already knew that Jiang Xiaobai was a student of Jiangnan University.

After all, Jiangnan University is the third runner-up in the challenge, and it will not become a passerby in their eyes.

But no one had heard of it before.The captain of the Gangsheng Academy and the students of Jiangnan University knew ah, even people like Jackson did not hear about Wilson himself.

Moreover, looking at the situation before him, Captain Wei seems to be an old acquaintance with that… Jiangnan University student.

This makes the people of the Holy Academy of Vatican can not help but be curious.

St. Louis.



The faces of the people in the college are stunned.

They thought that the Holy Academy of Vatican seemed to be a helper.

“Captain, what should I do”

Someone secretly pointed to Jiang Xiaobai and asked Captain Macbeth.

When Jiang Xiaobai first appeared, Macbeth was also a little worried.

But this meeting is not serious.

“Even if he is from Jiangnan University, there is only one person now.”

In front of the players, Macbeth looked as steady as a mountain.

If he knew that the other nineteen people from Jiangnan University were hiding on top of his head, I guess he wouldn’t be able to pretend to be so calm.

However, at this time, he also had some doubts in his heart.

“What is that guy talking to from Jiangnan University?”

Because of the distance, Macbeth couldn’t hear the conversation between Jiang Xiaobai and Wilson.

Seeing that Wilson, who is clearly unfamiliar at this moment, trusts him deeply under his own skills, Jiang Xiaobai has entered the topic after a few conversations.

“Wilson, what are you waiting for? Do you want St. Louis.



Did the guys from the college grab the first opportunity?”

Jiang Xiaobai followed the path of benevolence.

“You want to watch those guys win the championship and then watch them marry Bai Fumi, and then take your wife after you reach the pinnacle of your life, be your baby’s father, sleep with your daughter-in-law and beat your baby every day.”

If it were in the past, I’m afraid that Wilson would look dumbfounded after hearing this.

But now, facing Jiang Xiaobai’s statement, with the effect of the skill, Wilson stared at St. Louis.



When I was in college, my eyes were already reddened….The face was also full of anger.

After a few swear words, he walked directly to St. Louis.



The university is here.

Looking at Wilson, who was suddenly angry, St. Louis.



The people on the academic side were immediately full of question marks.

Haven’t everyone already returned the water from the well and did not offend the river? Why suddenly, the Wilson guy became angry.

Could it be that that guy was thinking of this, Macbeth couldn’t help but take a deep look at Jiang Xiaobai.

But he is St. Louis.



The captain of the college is naturally not a good crop, and immediately began to greet the bodies of the relatives of the Wilson women.

After going back and forth, the two schools became confused and began to fight.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai, who was the initiator, had quietly retreated.

He quickly touched the tree and watched the excitement enthusiastically with the students of Jiangnan University.

Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiaobai have the best relationship. At this time, he couldn’t help but jokingly said: “Xiaobai, you are still insidious enough and cheap enough!”

Jiang Xiaoxin and others are all watching the battle below.

Watching the students from the two colleges fight, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help nodding secretly.

Worthy of being the champion and runner-up of the challenge.

St. Louis.



As soon as the students of the Academy and the Holy Academy of the Vatican took their hands, the battle situation instantly reached white-hot.

The two schools have a long heritage, and the talents and skills of the students sent are even more dizzying.

For a time, the fluctuation of the star power here even alarmed the King Xiaoyue Python and those few 2 in the distance.

7 teams.

Soon, dozens of Xiaoyue Pythons spit out red letters and flew over.

However, St. Louis.



The students of the Academy and the Holy Academy of the Vatican seem to be unaffected at all.

Their offensive is extremely fast and powerful.

The scattered-strength Xiaoyue Python couldn’t withstand a single blow in front of them! Especially Wilson and Macbeth.

As their respective captains, the two of them are truly outstanding.

Wilson held a huge sword in his hand, swiping the star power to condense a holy silver light, and slammed the surrounding rocks into dust.

And Macbeth is not too much.

A giant knight’s spear was danced by him.

The long guns flashed with red electricity, and they fought head-to-head with Wilson’s great sword.

At the same time, the King Xiaoyue Python on the other side, with the help of many Xiaoyue Pythons, killed more than a dozen students who besieged him.

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