Chapter 438 Observation in the dark (5/5)

It’s a coincidence, those…the guys from the Holy Academy of Vatican came here and hid before Jiang Xiaobai and their hiding place.

“It really is Xiaoyue Python King!”

A guy who appeared to be the leader of the team whispered softly, with infinite joy in his tone.

The students of other Vatican holy institutions were also overjoyed.

It seemed that they had been looking for the trace of King Xiaoyue Python.

After watching for a while, someone couldn’t help but eagerly said to the captain-like person: “Captain Wilson, do we want to do it now?”

Wilson shook his head and said, “Jackson, don’t worry.

Wait until they fight for a while.

There are so many Xiaoyue Pythons at the moment, even if we were to deal with them, I’m afraid it would be a bit difficult, it would be better to wait for them to lose and hurt both.”

Having said this, he paused briefly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

“At that time, we will not only be able to kill Xiaoyue Python and get those 20,000 points, but we will also be able to solve the exhausted teams.

I want to come to their points and there are not a few.”

After listening to his words, the impatient Jackson couldn’t help but praise “Captain Wise”

It is a pity that the wise Wilson and the other students of the Vatican Holy Academy did not expect that at this moment there are still a group of Jiangnan University students who are secretly observing on their heads.

The conversation of the group has been passed into the ears of Jiang Xiaobai and others without fail.

The people at Jiangnan University have Xu Feng’s concealment skills to help, and Wilson and the others didn’t even think about exploring above them, so they didn’t find the existence of Jiang Xiaobai and others at all.

Not long after, several more students in the field were already killed by Xiaoyue Python.

And the Xiaoyue Python summoned by Xiaoyue Python King has also been killed and injured most of the time.

Jackson started to move around again.

However, without waiting for him to urge Captain Wilson again, suddenly a group of people came quietly next to them.

After discovering this movement, Jiang Xiaobai and others on the tree and Wilson under the tree looked at them at the same time.

It was St. Louis who ranked second in the challenge.



Academy! These guys from the United States were obviously shocked.

They didn’t expect that they would actually run into someone who was pregnant with the Holy Academy of the Vatican here.

For a time, the challenger champions and runners-up were relatively speechless, but they all gritted their teeth.

If they find that they are hiding the third place in the challenge, they really don’t know how they will feel.

It is also interesting to say, the Holy Academy of the Vatican and St. Louis.



The students of the academy obviously have the same thoughts, but at this time they have a sense of tit-for-tat.

Fortunately, they were all too afraid to be alarmed: the teams that fought with King Xiaoyue Python.

Therefore, after the two groups of guys struggled for a long time, they finally agreed tacitly and decided to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight first.

As for whether a mountain will not tolerate two in the future, not only the two of them know it well, even Jiang Xiaobai and others on the tree can think of the answer with their toes.

Later St. Louis.



The college students quietly chose an adjacent place, and they also hibernated and came down.

Seeing this, Yuan Yang, who had been watching the tree for a long time, sent two gangs of guys who seemed to have no intention of starting a fight, and couldn’t help but roll his eyes in disappointment.

He even vomited two slobbers down there boldly! He Weihua was taken aback.

Fortunately, Jackson, who was vomiting, just raised his hand and touched it, and then glared at St. Louis angrily.



The students of the academy didn’t use their brains on the tree at all.

“Fight, fight…”

Seeing that he had successfully planted the plant, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but move his lips lightly, silently meditating.

He Weihua settled down, and finally wanted to understand his intentions, and couldn’t help but give him a thumbs-up, and then began to hope that the two below would be able to fight.

However, Wilson, the captain of the Holy Academy of Vatican, quickly noticed Jackson’s anomaly.

With just one look, he calmed the angry Jackson.

Yuan Yang was so angry that he almost spit at him again.

However, this time, He Weihua was quick-eyed and handicapped, and he stopped Yuan Yang’s mouth.

It was a fluke that it was not discovered by the people below.

If Yuan Yang were to come again, I’m afraid that… the captain of the savvy Vatican Academy will not be as foolish as Jackson.

To be honest, He Weihua wants to make the Vatican Saint Academy and Saint Louis more than Yuan Yang.



The university started to fight.

The two under the tree can win the championship and the runner-up in the challenge, naturally, they are not waiting.

If they can kill each other first, then Jiangnan University will be much easier in a while.

0 After He Weihua stopped Yuan Yang, he signaled him not to act rashly, so as not to be noticed by others.

Then, he turned to Jiang Xiaobai on the other side, and asked in a low voice, “Xue Brother Jiang, what shall we do next?”

The Holy Academy of Vatican and St. Louis.



Zhang Xunkun has talked to him many times before.

Even before entering the dimension space, he specially reminded He Weihua to be careful of the participating teams of these two schools.

These two schools are indeed extraordinary, occupying a place in the top ten almost every year.

The strength is evident! Especially the two captains sent by these two schools to participate in the global competition this year are even more famous and thriving.

…Moreover, these two people have been fighting openly and secretly, just for a title.

That is the honor of the strongest under the Star Sea Realm.

There are so many powerful people under the Star Sea Realm in all countries in the world, but they have always been the only two competing for this title.

Not only because Wilson and Macbeth like to show up, but also because in previous years they both overpowered the others with absolute strength! The strength of these two people is almost the same, and they have tried many times in public, and they have not distinguished the winner.

Some people have even said that unless it is a fight between life and death, Wilson and Macbeth have no results at all.

However, St. Louis.



How can the school leaders of the Academy and the Holy Academy of Vatican be willing to fight such an outstanding young man in a life-and-death duel? Therefore, Macbeth and Wilson can only stop every time they compete…

But every time after, the two of them were not convinced of the result of the competition.

As a result, the fight has been up until now, and the two have won each other’s victory and defeat, but they still can’t tell the difference.

…In He Weihua’s view, there are such two influential figures. If Jiangnan University wants to face the two schools at the same time, it will be difficult and dangerous! Therefore, he can’t help it again. Ask Jiang Xiaobai about the plan.

Jiang Xiaobai was standing on the branch next to He Weihua.

From time to time, his attention was focused on the more and more violent King Xiaoyue Python, and sometimes he glanced lightly at the two gangs below.

Listening to He Weihua’s question at this time, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes rolled, and the corners of his mouth fluttered with arc force.


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