Chapter 440 The wind is too big, I didn’t hear clearly (2/4)

Wilson ignored Macbeth’s words at all.

Even, he suddenly speeded up the offensive again, with a sword in his hand surpassing a sword, forcing Macbeth to no longer care about reasoning.

“What kind of ecstasy did that guy pour into Wilson to make him hold me so hard!”

Macbeth was full of doubts, but didn’t have the time to think about it.

He didn’t want to die tragically at the hands of the furious Wilson.

Not long after, the Holy Academy of Vatican and St. Louis.



People on both sides of the school began to suffer serious injuries.

At this moment, King Xiaoyue Python suddenly screamed: “King Xiaoyue Python has gone violently!”

This movement made Jiang Xiaobai and the others, as well as Macbeth and others fiercely fighting under the tree, surprised at the same time.

“This is a skill that only appears when King Xiaoyue Python is in a state of fury. It can instantly double his attack power!”

He Weihua explained with a pale face.

In fact, there is no need for him to say, everyone is seeing with their own eyes that in just ten seconds, a dozen students have died tragically under the violent attack of King Xiaoyue Python.

In its sound 05 roar, countless howling pythons were summoned again and swam from all directions.

Suddenly, the “hissing” in the grass

The sound made everyone shudder.

“Let’s withdraw first!”

Macbeth under the tree gritted his teeth and roared, after he finished speaking, he immediately fought and left.

Wilson in front of him was crazy.

Even at this time, the guy is still entangled with him as if he is desperate.

He didn’t even care about the countless Xiaoyue Pythons who were about to surround him.

St. Louis.



The students of the university also learned the same way, and quit after fighting.

They also don’t want to be dragged into the quagmire by the guys from the Holy Academy of Vatican.

There are already hundreds of Xiaoyue Pythons appearing in everyone’s field of vision.

“it’s time.”

Jiang Xiaobai, who had been watching the excitement in the tree for a long time, said lightly.

Seeing the duck that is about to reach the mouth, how could he let go of the two schools below which were the champions and runners-up of the previous challenge.Before entering the dimension space, one had 500 points and the other had 460 points.

Moreover, with the strength of these two families, they must have killed many dimensional creatures. I am afraid that the points on their bodies will be eight thousand if they are not ten thousand! Yuan Yang raised his sword and shouted without scruples: “I like harvesting the most. This kind of endgame, I’ll take the lead!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai’s expression suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand to stop him.

When He Weihua and others saw this, they all had some doubts.

However, they all immediately changed their expressions, looking at a certain sky.

There was a strange wave of star power faintly heard.

Seeing Wilson and the others chasing Macbeth more and more, the star power fluctuations there are more and more fierce.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes condensed, and he jumped out of the tree first, trying to chase the Vatican Academy and St. Louis.



People from the university.

At this moment, the star power fluctuations suddenly became brighter, and a figure slowly appeared.

Everyone glanced intently, but it was the staff member who had met them before! “Couldn’t that fellow Macbeth can’t bear Wilson’s attack and directly surrendered”

Zhou Jia guessed without a word.

When Yuan Yang heard this, he was anxious: “Then their points fall under the name of the Holy Academy of Vatican City?”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at him like an idiot, then said domineeringly: “It’s okay, even if Macbeth admits defeat, their points will still be ours in the end.”

Everyone heard it, too.

As long as the Wilson group is dealt with, it will be fine. Just as they were preparing to pursue the pursuit, the staff member already gave a cold snort.

Just after the voice fell, a green light was already attacking Jiangnan University with a huge power.

Before he could think about it, Wang Ningxiang and a few other students hurriedly stepped forward to resist.

But I didn’t want to.The power of that offensive was so powerful that everyone like Wang Ningxiang retreated several steps in succession and their faces turned pale.

Seeing this scene, the students of Jiangnan University all looked down.

After a hit, the staff member slowly said, “Your Jiangnan University has already scored more than 30,000 points. I advise you not to be too greedy.”

He stared at Jiang Xiaobai and others coldly, with warnings in his tone.

In other words, it is a threat.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Jia was already angry and cursed: “You are really shameless. As a staff member of this competition, you actually intervened in the competition!”

Yuan Yang and others also glared at the staff member, making no secret of the anger in their expressions.

Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhou Jia lightly, motioning her to calm down.

Then, he looked at the staff member thoughtfully, raised his eyebrows, and said, “Today I am still… I have seen the points of those two companies. Do you think you can stop me?”

Hearing that, the staff member couldn’t help but sneered, and then sneered: “A little guy in the Stardust Realm dares to be so presumptuous in front of me. Is this how your school teaches you not to be respectable?”

As he said, there was a cold light in the person’s eyes, and his figure jumped up and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

However, while the staff member was still in the air, he suddenly felt an inexplicable soreness in his legs.

At the same time, a strong pressure came straight from top to bottom, causing the staff member to fall directly from the air, and then kneel in front of Jiang Xiaobai. The staff member is already kneeling down on Jiang Xiaobai. before.

Kneeling on the ground, feeling the pain from the knees, this staff member 677 is already stupid.

However, the people at Jiangnan University have long been taken offense, and they looked at this staff member with mockery and teasing.

Looking down at the staff member who was kneeling in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai gave a chuckle, then turned his head slightly, put his hand to his ear and said: “What are you talking about, the wind was too strong just now, I didn’t hear clearly.”

This guy is so nasty and funny. The atmosphere here is so solemn. Except for the roar of King Xiaoyue Python in the distance, there is no trace of wind. At this moment, Yuan Yang echoed a sentence next to him. : “Xiao Bai, it’s not that the wind is too strong, but you are standing on your knees, not on the horizon, so you can’t hear you when you speak”

The ridicule of the two caused Wang Ningxiang and others, who had just been injured, to relieve their anger and laugh.

The staff member turned dark, and after calming down, he stood up cautiously.

“You were the one who was doing the ghost just now”

He hesitated and shouted angrily, his eyes full of panic.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai said frivolously and disdainfully: “It is a miracle that you are so stupid that you can live to this day.”

The words full of sarcasm were uttered, and the staff member opposite suddenly looked furious.

“court death”

After the staff member just gave a low roar, the star power in his body suddenly burst out like a rocket launched and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.


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