Chapter 430 It’s cool to scoring for a while, keep scoring a cool (3/5)

The group of people hiding behind the bushes were dressed in luxurious purple school uniforms.

If Zhang Xunkun is here, he will immediately recognize it.This is a unique badge of Aylesbury College in Eastern Europe.

At this moment, the eyes of these more than a dozen people are staring at Jiangnan University, which is struggling to fight Xiaoyue Python.

After watching for a while, a student whispered in a slightly trembling voice: “Yakos, or let’s change the target first!”

As soon as the voice fell, a burly guy turned his head and glanced at him.

“Now we change the target and now we have only hunted down ten Screaming Moon Pythons. If this continues, it will be difficult for us at Aylesbury College to stand out in this dimensional space competition.”

Yacos could actually hear his fear in the voice of the questioner.

The ranking of Aylesbury College in this global competition is probably more than forty.

The group of Chinese people in front of them are obviously powerful, but at this moment Yacos has his own plan and lowered his voice to speak.

“In contrast, it is faster to hunt and kill people from other schools. This Jiangnan University has long been the thorn in the eyes of the European United States family. Killing them will have the least trouble!”

According to the rules of this competition, if a school participant kills another school’s competition, the opponent’s points will go to the winner.

This is what Yacos intended! After listening to his words, the companions around him couldn’t help thinking.

But soon, another student whispered analysis: “Yakos, Jiangnan University seems to be very strong, we may not be able to beat them…”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard Yacos snorted again.

“I know.

But because of this, they are more in line with our criteria for selecting prey.”

When the people around him heard this, they were suddenly puzzled.

Someone couldn’t restrain their curiosity, so they asked: “Since they are so powerful, why do you have to take them?”

I saw Yacos pointing forward, and at the same time said in a deep voice, “Look at the corpses of Xiaoyue Python on the ground, there are hundreds of them.

Everyone nodded upon hearing this.

It is precisely because of this that they are reluctant to list Jiang Xiaobai and others as “prey.”

How can a school with average strength have the ability to kill so many Xiaoyue Pythons in less than an hour. “Anyway…We people must not be able to deal with so many Xiaoyue Pythons!”

Someone whispered, with a slight dissatisfaction in their tone, as if they were complaining that Yacos had been selling off.

Yacos said arrogantly: “Looking at this situation, Jiangnan University must be in the forefront of points.

As long as we eat Jiangnan University, are we at Aylesbury College still afraid that we won’t win?”

Having said that, he looked at his companions arrogantly.

“Look carefully at the people at Jiangnan University. In fact, they are already at the end of the battle.

When they are exhausted, we will suddenly launch an attack…”

He didn’t finish his words, but Al’s students already understood what he meant.

Then, they all turned their attention to the people from Jiangnan University.

However, I saw a young man among them, Yu Kuai, continuously pulling the bowstring in his hand, and arrows condensed by the star power kept killing those screaming moon pythons, except for the young man who pulled the bow. , The rest of the people are in a hurry, obviously they are dealing with so many Xiaoyue Pythons at once, and they are a little tired of coping.

“Remember, when there is a surprise attack, you have to wait for the… archery guy to leave before you do it!”

With some fear in his voice, Yacos whispered to his students in Elsberg.

“This guy must be the leader of Jiangnan University. As long as you subdue them, the rest shouldn’t worry about it.”

Ellsberg’s students nodded after hearing this.

They had also noticed Jiang Xiaobai, who was a tough man.

In fact, even if there is no reminder from Yacos, there is such a number of Killing God present, they dare not do it easily.

Just as Aylesbo’s group was discussing tactics quietly, Jiang Xiaobai in the fierce battle was suddenly startled.

But Daha on his shoulder suddenly became a little irritable, and barked a few times in a low voice.

It seems to be alert to something.

Looking in the direction of howling, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth was gently raised.

The bushes over there shook slightly.

Jiang Xiaobai moved his mind, his eyes rolled imperceptibly.

Seeing that there are only a few of the more than a hundred Xiaoyue Pythons left, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly retreats, pretending to breathe and say loudly: “It’s just three melons and two dates, you can solve it slowly, and I will bring some more noises. Moon Python is here.”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai took Daha and ran directly into the distance.

When He Weihua and the others reacted, Jiang Xiaobai had already disappeared.

No one noticed that after Jiang Xiaobai went around the blind spot of everyone’s vision, he quietly hid behind the bush.

At this time, the guys at Aylesbury College didn’t notice it at all.

Some of them even couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

As expected, Jiang Xiaobai was going to attract Xiaoyue Python again just as Yacos had just said.

For them, this is a good opportunity to launch a surprise attack! Looking at the students from Aylesbury College who are pouting behind the bushes, Jiang Xiaobai’s smile is more intense.

Want to play with me “sit back and reap the benefits,”

Very good, then I will play “The Oriole Behind” with you

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai touched his chin, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

…Not long after Jiang Xiaobai left, He Weihua and others finally killed all the remaining… Xiaoyue Python.

“Ah, I’m exhausted, I was so risky just now…”

“Yeah, why don’t we have to rest for a while, why don’t we have to take Xiaoyue python to come here?”

“Don’t mention him-it’s cool for a moment… it’s cool, it’s cool to keep it!”

Several people were so tired that they collapsed to the ground.Although they couldn’t help but want to complain about Jiang Xiaobai, there was an unconcealable smile on their faces.

What’s the joke, this kind of open-and-hang-style credits, He Jiahua and others can think of Jiangnan University’s credits with their eyes closed, they will definitely be far ahead.

After hearing the movement here, Yacos, who was hiding behind the bushes, suddenly let out a low growl: “Hands!”

Hearing that, the rest of Aylesbury College rioted one after another.

Several of them have already mobilized star power and gathered talent skills.

However, just when Zhao, who was in the forefront of Yacos, just stood up, a strange expression appeared on the faces of these students of Aylesbury College. This group of students forgot the goal in front of them, and started howling in pain.

In a panic, everyone looked back subconsciously, only to see blood arrows shooting spears from their own parts! Standing in the front, Yacos was tall, and his local position was higher than other students.

In addition, in order to show his majesty, this guy is pouting slightly and making a gesture of gathering momentum.

As a result, his partial blood arrow could be shot in the face of the person behind.

And the few guys around Yacos were also learning the same way just now.

This is good, the several students behind them, almost at the same time, were sprayed with blood arrows that partially bloomed.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai slowly stepped out of the bushes on the other side.

“Chrysanthemum! Can, hurt all over the floor, your smile has turned yellow”

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