Chapter 429 Sit back and wait for the rabbit (2/5)

With the toss of Jiang Xiaobai and Jiangnan University students, in just over half an hour, there were already hundreds of corpses of Xiaoyue Python around.

“……call out…!!”

The shooting star hurried down like a moon, and the last howling python wailed and fell to the ground.

He Weihua couldn’t help but said, “Xue Brother Jiang, although we are hunting fast, but making such a big movement, I’m afraid it will be easy to attract students from other schools!”

Jiang Xiaobai heard the words and said quietly: “It’s okay, what I want is… let those people notice the movement here, otherwise, how could they take the initiative to find the door?”

After listening to his words, everyone is still unclear, Jiang Xiaobai wants to wait for the rabbit.

In other words, wait for work with ease! “Xuedi Jiang, do you really have to be so sure?”

He Weihua can’t help but feel a little worried.

You should know that although the schools participating in this competition have different strengths, the people who can be sent to participate are all outstanding.

If Jiangnan University arouses the fear of all schools, it will definitely become a target of public criticism.

The so-called wood show in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

“Yeah, it’s said that the gun shot out.

If we are the leader here, we will be surrounded by those guys.”

Some people have the same thoughts as He Weihua, and they can’t help but feel a little uneasy.

However, Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly and ignored them.

He touched Daha’s head, and then repeated his plan, letting Daha continue to lead Xiaoyue Python over.

Soon, dozens of Xiaoyue Pythons suddenly arrived.

Everyone hurriedly concentrated and tried their best to deal with it.

After they cooperated several times, they are already very familiar, and the results are naturally maddening.

At the same time, in the canyon outside the dimensional space, the leaders of each school have different expressions, and their eyes are fixed on each screen projection.

The top of the screen shows the points of each school.

As the school’s students kill a dimensional creature, the following points will change accordingly.

And now, Jiangnan University has become the most eye-catching school in the standings.

“His-their points have actually reached more than two thousand eight hundred, now!”

“It’s only half an hour, what methods did those guys at Jiangnan University use!”

“The younger generation is terrible, their kill speed, I am afraid it has broken the record.”

Seeing Jiangnan University catching up from behind, the points have quickly risen to nearly three thousand points, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help but nod and smile.

The current points alone are enough to make Jiangnan University rank in the top three.

On the other side, seeing only a few hundred points behind his Saint Neya Academy, Drake’s expression can be described as gloomy to the extreme.

Especially after seeing the smile on Zhang Xunkun’s face, Drake felt even more upset.

The praise of Jiangnan University from those around him flooded Drake’s ears from time to time.

This irritated him even more.

A little jealousy gradually appeared in his eyes, and his face became tinged.

Fortunately, everyone’s thoughts are on the projection, and no one has noticed his jealous look.

Just as Drake was burning with jealousy, an exclamation suddenly came.

“Look at Bardosse College!”

Hearing this, everyone looked up.

However, on the projection screen, there was already a school’s name, and it was gradually becoming dimmed.

According to the rules of this competition, this will only happen after all the participating students of a certain school have died.

“It’s only been half an hour, so how come a school has been wiped out”

“Badose College, this school seems to be pretty good!”

“Yes-even their students are all out, then we…”

As the discussion began to rise, some people couldn’t help becoming: worried.

They are leaders of weaker schools.

Among the schools participating in this competition, the level of Batoss College is actually not too bad, and it belongs to the middle ranks of strength.

However, even they didn’t last for less than an hour, showing how ferocious the monsters in the different dimension space are.

“Hey, this competition is too intense!”

The academic leaders who felt that their strength was not as good as Batox College sighed secretly, and their expressions were already full of worry.

…In the dimensional space.

He Weihua and his party were hurriedly dealing with the surging Xiaoyue Python in front of them.

After just a few times, Jiang Xiaobai’s Daha was very familiar with how to lure Xiaoyue Python.

The speed of Yinguai is getting faster and faster, and the number is increasing.

In the previous few times, Daha only attracted a few dozen Yueyue Pythons at most.

However, they soon discovered that this time Daha had attracted too many Xiaoyue Pythons.

At this point, at least a hundred have gathered in the four places! And in the distance, there are many howling pythons spitting out red letters, which are constantly rushing from the four places.

Seeing the Xiaoyue Python overwhelming the sky, He Weihua and the others changed their expressions.

“Xuedi Jiang, there are too many Xiaoyue Pythons brought by Daha this time…”

“Yeah, we seem to be a little overwhelmed.”


Before he let out a cry of exclamation, He Weihua had already surrounded a dozen Yueyue Pythons in front of him.

The other people are the same, there are more than a dozen Howling Moon Pythons in front of them, ready to go, waiting for opportunities.

For a time, except for… Jiang Xiaobai, all Jiangnan University students couldn’t help but feel a little flustered.

“I’m going, no wonder Daha stabbed the python’s nest”

Seeing the situation before him, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly surprised.

However, 873 on his face was calm.

“He Weihua, you take a few people to cope from the side.

Other people deal with these guys with me.”

With the battle going on to the present, people like Jiangnan University have unconsciously regarded Jiang Xiaobai as the backbone.

Hearing what he said, everyone acted spontaneously.

Either stand beside Jiang Xiaobai, or come to He Weihua’s side.

“Nine Stars Lianzhu!”

Shoo, Jiang Xiaobai was the first to do it, and with the sound of breaking through the air from the alloy longbow, nine arrows condensed by star power whizzed out.

The nine arrows were not allowed to be sent, and they attacked the Xiaoyue Python that was enclosing.

Puff puff puff-an arrow continuously shot out from the mouth of the Xiaoyue python at the front, and exploded the heads of those behind… Xiaoyue python’s head! In an instant, everyone’s eyes rose There was a curtain of blood.

Each arrow that Jiang Xiaobai shoots can kill at least ten Xiaoyue Pythons.

He Weihua and the others stared at each other as they watched this wonderful scene in front of them.

This didn’t even need them to cope.However, despite being shocked, He Weihua led the others to use their own methods against the Xiaoyue Python who had not been shot by Jiang Xiaobai.

I can’t let Jiang Xiaobai wrap up the points, right?Just as they were in a hurry, a group of people quietly appeared in the bushes tens of meters away, staring at the people in front of Jiang Xiaobai who were fighting fiercely.


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