Chapter 431 Who else is not convinced? (4/5)

The movement behind the bushes shocked He Weihua and others, and they bounced up.

“What the hell”

Yuan Yang blocked the one-meter-eight big knife in front of him, watching the bushes making strange noises vigilantly.

But I saw guys coming out from there one after another with their hands covering parts of their expressions in pain.

“Hey seems to be from Aylesbury College! I know their school uniforms!”

He Weihua shouted confidently.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Yuan Yang whispering next to him: “Looking at their expressions and postures, why do I feel so familiar with them”

As they were talking, everyone saw Jiang Xiaobai slowly appearing behind the people in Aylesbury College.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a wicked look on his face, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but grinned and said, “Haha, I said it’s very familiar!”

Hearing what he said, everyone else also reacted.

For a time, Yuan Xiaoning, He Weihua and others looked solemn.

Naturally, they all understand the play in front of them and which one they are singing.

Wang Ningxiang slammed the shield like the door in the middle of his hand and screamed in anger, “It’s despicable–they want to kill us, so we can take our points as his own!”

It is a pity that those guys at Aylesbury College are full of confusion, reluctantly enjoying “pain and happiness”

The feeling of 5, no one cares about her at all.

But… Yacos first spotted Jiang Xiaobai behind his party.

“It’s your ghost”

He was bent like a shrimp, but his eyes were full of horror, and he stared at Jiang Xiaobai with a smirk.

Jiang Xiaobai innocently showed a harmless smile, waved his hand and replied: “Don’t talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander.”

As he said, he spread his hands at Yacos and the others.

“It is said that ten men and nine hemorrhoids-hey, you have an attack of this disease at an untimely time.”

Hearing this, several girls from Aylesbury College turned black.

They were all partially ill at this time, blood stained their crotch… and Yuan Yang on the other side winked at Jiang Xiaobai, while still babbling, “Yes, you have to be treated if you are sick, why? Taboo doctors”

Rao was embarrassed and solemn on the court, and He Weihua and others couldn’t help laughing.

Even the girls like Wang Ningxiang couldn’t help but laugh.

Seeing that all the people at Jiangnan University were relieved, Yacos and others looked at each other in unison, and suddenly they all turned to Jiang Xiaobai.

They knew very well in their hearts that whether it was not Jiang Xiaobai secretly doing tricks, this guy is the most powerful person at Jiangnan University.

Judging from the situation we have just observed, Yacos and others who think they are in Jiangnan University have almost no chance of winning.

The only way to win is to…catch the thief first.

At the moment, Jiang or the most difficult one can only be captured alive.

Otherwise, I’m afraid that they will steal the chicken this time without losing the rice! However, when Yacos and the others started to think badly, and before they had time to do it, their knees suddenly became weak and “plopped.”

Kneeled to the ground with a bang.

“This…what’s going on”

Yacos resisted the local discomfort and looked at his companion in astonishment.

However, they found that they were also looking at the people next to them in a daze.

If only one or two companions suddenly kneel down, it may also be explained as loss of strength due to excessive blood loss.

But now that so many people are experiencing this strange situation at the same time, it really shocked Yacos.

Just as he looked dumbfounded, someone asked tremblingly: “Yakos, what do we…what do we do?”

Anyone can hear it, this person has been scared to have no ideas.

The other students at Aylesbury College weren’t much better, each of them was more frightened than when they first saw the brutal Xiaoyue Python.

However, Yacos shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to come back to his senses.

“Don’t mess up everyone, kill this guy first!”

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai who was smiling.

The guy who asked the question earlier may be extremely scared.When he heard Yacos say this, he immediately got up and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai regardless.

He wore slightly reddish gloves on his hands, and one fist was alive, and he had already hit Jiang Xiaobai.

However, without waiting: someone from Jiangnan University reminded him and saw Jiang Xiaobai clasping the man’s arm, then he swiped in the air and hit the ground fiercely! “Crack!

Several trembling bone cracks sounded.

Look at the guy who attacked Jiang Xiaobai, but he has lost his mind.


Rao is that the students of Aylesbury College are in severe pain and consternation, and they still can’t help taking a breath.

Jiang Xiaobai’s hand just now seemed to be an understatement, and his movement was like a thunderbolt.

In the blink of an eye, not only did he resolve the offensive that hit him, but he also destroyed the attacker! Yacos was so shocked that he couldn’t even speak, and there was no trace of fighting spirit in his heart. Even the students of Jiangnan University didn’t expect it. It was so sharp to Jiang Xiaobai.

He Weihua shook his head and said, “Xue Brother Jiang is still so sharp when he starts his hand!”

He patted He Weihua on the shoulder, half comforting and half teasing: “Hey, he still has more vigorous means. When you see more in the future, you won’t be as boring as you are now.”

Seeing the reactions of these people around, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “Why is there still someone who is not convinced, right?”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the students of Aylesbury College looked at each other, but no one dared to rush forward.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but curled his lips, and then slowly walked towards Yuan Yang.

Originally in front of Jiang Xiaobai, he was blocked by the students of Aylesbury College.

It can be seen that after knowing the strength that Jiang Xiaobai showed at that moment, he watched Jiang Xiaobai walking towards them without any haste, although his movements were sloppy, but those…people from Aylesbury College They couldn’t help backing up and gave him a way.

It seems that I am afraid that I will block Jiang Xiaobai’s way, and then let him do such a trick for himself…After walking to Jiangnan University, Jiang Xiaobai said calmly: “I will go to lead those now. ……..Dimensional creatures.

Before I come back, you guys will get rid of these guys.”

With that said, he glanced lightly at the people in Yacos, and quickly disappeared into everyone’s sight with Daha.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t worry about Yuan Yang’s ability to deal with the people at Aylesbury College.

When those guys were ready to do something in the bushes, he had already noticed the level of those guys.


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